Suggestion: Make a top of workshop games weekly

I enjoy much making games at the Workshop. I think that making a top of workshop games and doing this in special section will make the workshop community more active. Arcade should be a good section. This idea came from Fortnite, were you make a island and if the island is featured, it appears on the map for the week (I don’t know if this still exists in C2).


There could also be an arcade mode that chooses a random Workshop gamemode that someone submitted and uses it for the match.

To avoid troll modes there would also have to be some extra steps to have your submitted gamemode accepted in the random Workshop mode rotation, and a ratings system so that bad modes would be rightfully removed and good modes promoted.


Yes, this! I like this. The rating system is a pretty good idea. The players decide if the game mode worth it or not.

Also, I’ve do a demolition game mode like CS:GO and people are really enjoying it, they gave me this idea. The problem of my game mode is that is really hard to make it active, since the people are in queue at the moment and since the game mode depends of the players, is pretty hard for both teams.


Yes! I really like some of the modes I’ve played/ made but its hard to keep them alive with the queue and with people simply leaving and joining too much. Blizzard should definitely make a rating system for custom games, then also put a card in the arcade for the top rated or top 3 on rotation or whatever. These would then work like normal arcade games with a queue and everything.

And some sort of system to avoid repeats for the same two weeks. Tiny Overwatch is fun but not so fun that it should take up a card for weeks on end haha


this! I think it would be cool to have some workshop modes added to the arcade!
imagine getting XP and arcade wins for playing Tiny OW LOL

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Today all developer’s efforts are directed to Overwatch 2. The system you proposed is too large for one person (one workshop developer left Blizzard).
We need to attract developers’ attention to this post. To do it we need a lot of comments and likes down this post. This is impossible because workshop community is small. Even if all our community will be collected here, developers will never read this forum section.

We could always still contribute to [WIKI-THREAD] Workshop suggestions 2!

Yeah that post has gotten some features through into the game like DUmmy bots, so its fair to say they have atleast Seen it