Suggestion: Game tweaks to make tanks and healers as fun and rewarding as DPS heroes

Delete all tanks and healers. Make a regular fps games. I don’t see the point in have those roles if I’m playing comp with 4 instalock dps.


I like the way you think :grin:

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What if ground Doomfist’s ground slam gave 37.5 shields per enemy hit by any of the three abilities instead of 35, and instead of max shields gain is increased from 150 to 210, Upper cut hits all enemies so it gives 37.5 shield per enemy hit but only still boops 2 people into the air and reduce the damage on rocket punch so no more one shotting and other abilties to balance out the hero and move him to tank slot, and really make him a dive tank, that relies on the build up of his shields to be effective, once he has built up enough shields, he starts to get a momentum going and only then he becomes a tank with 250 regular HP.

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What if Zarya’s ulti made allies immune to CC as well?

I think with the decreased overtime duration, the game becomes even less objective based, do ya’ll agree?

Even if you disagree with OP, the fact that that made you laugh really makes me laugh…

Is that hero release schedule a real thing? and orisa already have this mostly, if they’re firing your boop is all but useless, not to mention can fly and orisa can use harden.

According to Overbuff (https:// www. overbuff .com/ heroes) junk has a 2.38% pickrate (which translates to him being played in 14.28% of games). Seems pretty balanced to me.

Brig has a 56% winrate, with 4.2% pick rate (25% of games). Only other heroes that have over 53% win rate is Torb and Sym, which are both extremely niche picks. (0.37% and 0.86% pick rate). Seems pretty fair to call her OP. Besides OP’s point isn’t that she’s OP, it’s that Tanks and Supports don’t have counter-play to her.

I do agree that something needed to be done to weaken dive, and that CC did that job well. Perhaps some other things could be done tho. Such as stronger/more instant protection type of abilities like Zarya bubble, D.Va matrix and Brig heal.

I’d love a save stat aaaa

If I’m eating zarya’s ulti and mei’s ulti as a dva, I should be rewarded with fire and its easily trackable too, and it should also be taken into consideration and increase my calibration mmr.

Also, what if you could hook allies as Roadhog, and hook’s hitbox was reduced for higher accuracy so that you don’t accidentally hook an ally when you want to hook an enemy, this has the downside of making hooks harder to land of course.

Hog’s already trashtier at this moment, let’s not make him even worse…

Yes, killing the enemy is generally a key aspect of getting objective progress (or preventing it). That is not the same as killing the enemy being the objective of the game. There are lots of ways in which you can get kills that provide your team zero or even negative value in terms of winning the game (e.g. ulting as the last teammate standing while attacking point B). There are also lots of ways to get good objective value or even win the game without getting a single kill. For example, taking fights strategically ahead of a payload and keeping a single teammate on it to get payload progress. With good objective management, you can lose most of the teamfights and still win the match.

Kills are a means to an end in Overwatch. Teamfights are a means to an end. The objective of the game is… the objective.

If you want to play a mode where getting kills is the objective, go play death match. If you want to play a mode where winning teamfights is the objective, go play 6v6 elimination. In regular Overwatch, everything that you do ought to be in service of maximizing objective value.

Playing to win the objective is different from playing on the objective. Every objective is designed to be a very vulnerable place to stand, which is why teams don’t fight there in higher-level play. However, that does not mean that winning the objective is not the purpose of the fight. All it means is that standing on the objective prior to winning a teamfight generally means losing the objective, because it puts you in a vulnerable, disadvantaged position.

Playing to get kills won’t really work above plat. Getting the right kills at the right time is what is needed, because some kills help you get objective value and others don’t. Because Overwatch is an objective-based game.

You are word crunching and argumenting based on meaningless scenorios. 99% of the time you get the objective by killing the ennemy team or threaten them enough to C9 them.

Exemple: If you ult as a last man standing, it is because your team has failled at killing the ennemy. You stressed out and make a mistake.
The back cap is cool but is more the exeption than the rule.

So even though the objective is what you want to complete in the end. Even though some objective based outplays do exist. The objective is still merely a context to the confrontation aspect of the game. If the real deal was just to push the payload, then what is the use of an ennemy team??

The confrontation is what people are looking for. Hence the DPS is the star player, as said earlier.

threaten them enough to C9 them

You get that this is in support of my argument, right? “C9” wouldn’t be a verb if this game weren’t objective-based.

When I go to the store and buy something, I generally either bring my own bag or receive one from the cashier. Much of the time, the bag is required for me to be able to carry my purchases back home in one trip.

Does that mean the purpose of my trip was to fill a bag? Of course not! I went to the store to buy things that I needed, not to arbitrarily fill a bag or two. The bags are a means to an end—I bring them or get new ones so that I may complete my objective of coming back home with whatever items I needed.

Saying that getting kills is the “objective” of the game is like saying that having a full shopping bag is the objective of shopping. It’s a means to an end, not the end itself.

Also, your example of someone ulting as last man standing being a “mistake” undercuts your argument as well. If the objective of the game is to secure kills, then Genji blading 1v6 and securing 3 kills before dying would be a victory, not a mistake and waste of resources that gets you flamed by your team. Why? Because the objective of the game is not to get frags. If your Genji blades and trades 3 kills for his life in Team Deathmatch, you should be happy about that, because the objective of that mode is actually getting kills.

Personally I hate playing DPS and find it rather nerve wracking but simplistic. I like to play defensively and support the team so. I think the biggest issues are the fact they are half the roster and everyone says play dps to climb. What does the ladder wanna do? Climb.

I’m a support main 4 life because I love it.