Suggestion for future skins

Let’s be honest with ourselves, in past 6 years, we didn’t get that many skins, and most of them werent that great, were let’s say average looking skins…sometimes i feel like you lacking inspirations… but i don’t think you do only average skins either!
I know you guys from blizzard want 100% full control of your game and don’t really listen to the peasants like us giving you suggestions and feedback, but why not creating a yearly skin contest with prize pool and the top 3 best skins will be implemented into the game for FREE and for EVERYONE! I know you guys would love to do that and prove everyone wrong you love your community and don’t only care about money!

I just googled some fan made skins and some of them looking great! Think about it.

Gonna leave this right here…


6th year of asking for Bikini Torb

Wet Baptiste in a speedo.

From the last survey they have sent to some players back in May 2022, they have these kind of skin themes in mind:

  • Space opera
  • super heroes
  • Middle Ages
  • Cyberpunk
  • Steampunk
  • Historical
  • urban
  • high fantasy
  • low fantasy
  • magical
  • horror / gothic
  • fairytale
  • Pop Culture / cooperation with musicians or famous people
  • World mythology (Greek, Nordic, east Asia history)
  • Anime
  • Comic
  • military / combat medic
  • Science

That’s interesting, but coming from blizzard giving so many survey ive never seen the use of it anywhere in their game.

It’s directly from Blizzard. Some players get them per email.

Pandaren Mei still needs to be a thing.

i think a majority of games if not all nowadays do let the community create skins which would awesome for ow2 since the fan concepts are amazing but the free thing lol good luck with that

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Only after G-string Hog.

We need donkey kong skin for monkey