Suggestion: Bastion Rework

New on the forum and couldn’t find the Suggestion Category, mods please move if there is a better place.

With the coming of the 2-2-2 bunker comp will be pratically the norm, specially in low elos at Silver and Bronze for sure wins Bastion will wreck havoc.

So in my opnion Bastion truly do need a rework on his turret mode, an overheating gauge would be a nice thing to add and would make him more interesting and less no-brainer to play, it would make you think when and how use it.
Adding a debuff would make it even better: too much overheat and you get some debuffs like turret can’t shoot or getting a DoT while forcing turret mode and a impossibility to self heal.

At high elos Bastion and bunker might not be a problem but just imagine being a new player and all your colocation matches get to be a bunker and/or against a bunker? This would me make uninstall the game and forget it.

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Because there is not one

Regardless…There have been plenty of rework ideas for bastion, but no one really knows exactly what to do

some people want to make turret mode last a limited time
Some want to put his ult on E (since he has a missing ability)

i personally stand against a mayor rework beeing necesary for the character, Here is my rework idea made on Workshop (theres a bunch of context lacking, but if you test it in game you´ll get what im going for)

Yes, i get that the character can be a bit oprresive in the lower ranks

but frankly, there will Always be a character thats oppresive in the low ranks, The game is designed for those who understand it, not for those who dont,

it reaches to a point where your going to have to choose one of them,

i understand that this may make lower ranks have a different meta, but thats unavoideable regarldess of what we do

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Honestly from studying how Bastion is RIGHT now, I think he’d be used more if his Mobility or Escape capabilities were brought on the same playing field as other heroes. Bastion simply does not have a reliable means of escape and relies heavily on his team to pocket him so he doesn’t die. If you’re a Bastion alone you’re pretty much toast. I’d like it if he had the ability to walk on walls at the same speed he already walks so he can stick to them, making his turret have more variety in location. Oooor we give him an “overclock” mode on “E” which allows him to run away really fast. I get tired of the same six locations per map he can set up as a turret and I’m frankly tired of having to sit in front of a tank shield. Bastion needs some form of independence.

I also thought maybe his turret should be his ultimate. That way you can’t bunker with it constantly and have to earn ult charge. As his Ultimate Turret he would basically get more health and a higher rate of fire for 6 or 7 seconds. Maybe get some of his tankiness back in the form of old ironclad he had. Outside of his ultimate he would have his recon gun and his tank on E.

We can speculate all we want about this but unless we get word that the Devs give a monkeys butt about the character we have to deal with Bunker Boy.

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Nice, a community this size and there isn’t a suggestion forum. Meh this probably will be buried and forgotten soon. ok on next Suggestion Thread: Suggestion Category.

I like this one too, but my suggestion was based on the bunker comp and how the next patch will make this a sad and only way for low elos. Adding an AoE DoT while repeatedly firing in turret mode would be a good way to stop this. The purpose of the game is having fun winning or losing, just think about this bunker comp being your only way from bronze to high gold

I thought the same, but it would make Bastion forgettable. Changing self-heal for a speed boost skill would be a nice thing too. Wall-walking is interesting but no turret on walls, this would make him a no-brainer for all ranks. He can wipe a team before they find him in the wall, change locations and wash, rinse, repeat.

Bastion is played less than a percent silver and above and under 2% in bronze. It used to be higher there but it has been going down during bunker. So yeah. Bunker may be meta but it doesn’t even involve Bastion anymore.

If my interesting you mean just a flat out nerf then you’re right. Adding random things to keep track of especially when it brings a flat disadvantage isn’t interesting.

This isn’t a rework btw you didn’t suggest anything to buff after you nerfed him with an overheat.

i’m always going to suggest and take inspiration from HK-206 from the now defunct Gigantic.
He’s basically bastion done right