Stylosa - ow2 comp has no viability

So the ccs are finally changing the tune now that views are dropping and being blizzard fanboi isn’t getting them anywhere.

But he atleast finally talks about everything wrong with the game and how cold and sterile it is.


When was Stylosa being a blizzard fanboi lol


Well, this seems familiar.


I was livid after they revealed how comp was going to work for ow2. It took until now for people to start talking about it like this? i’m %100 sure a lot of damage was done during season 1 though as well.

Especially when people were getting the bronze 5 bug. Where the game put new players in literal elo hell. My god the forum posts were funny since the “git good” group argued until they were blue in the face that they were just bad at the game.

I usually segway into having the matchmaker checked by a third party and blah blah blah. I’m honestly tired of repeating myself on the topic tbh. It’s a really bad match maker. I swear that decades old games have better matchmakers than ow1 had and ow2 MM is a major downgrade from the first ow somehow. I have no idea how they do it.

Edit: Found it


I like how stylosa prioritizes the matchmaking mmr based on roles too, like match the tanks mmr first then dps mmr then if you can support mmr.

Right now the game thinks having a master tank on one team and a master mercy on the other team is the same.

Even if they are going to throw together different mmrs together they need to balance it better according to roles.

At this point though this going to be a tough climb back up for the devs if at all they plan to do it.

Im personally starting to loose hope, all i can see is bobby now ordering them to rush the pve for a release to start selling them half yearly.

So between new heroes, bp, pve content i think overwatch is going to slowly start shifting into a non competitive game.

I dont know if its good or bad.

The only thing i would say though is currently overwatch is the only arcade shooter that’s not br with even a decent comp system, quake the next best thing is nowhere near it.

Im kinda starting to feel sad, as someone who doesnt like tactical shooters or br 's much overwatch was one of the best experiences.

Its sad to see it take this kind of turn. Like quake even the champions is such a fun game but you cant play it when you dont have people or proper matchmaking due to it.

I feel like overwatch pvp is going towards destiny like pvp state slowly, were its there decent for some fun but dont expect anything beyond that there.


I guess, I feel like almost everybody in Content Creators and R/CompetitiveOverwatch are almost deliberately ignoring how the lack of Support players is the root cause of all of this.

Like yeah, it’s nice and all to reiterate the “every Role having identically bad matchmaking” is a big improvement, which will probably go into effect this Thursday.

And there are aspects of where the matchmaker is not as accurate as it should be.

But that’s all really secondary and tertiary level importance.


THIS. I never understood this concept. The whole competitive MMR and Hidden MMR, ruleset etc. is just so bugged to me.


You have a substantially bigger DPS playerpool. You still get new player bots on that role, even when flexing support. So lack of supports is not the problem. Its the system.

Blizz knew there will be a huge wave of new players entering matchmaking with ow2 release. They failed to prepare for that. And in my opinion, the entire system is beyond repair at this point. Too much damage done.

Game needs full rank reset with everyone starting at lowest ranks, like csgo. Rolled out at the same time with a new system.

Until then, comp is dead. Simple as.


It really is the lack of Support players.

It’s literally the exact same concept as OW1 with it’s lack of Tanks, just instead of compensating with bad Matchmaker Speeds (i.e. Queue Times), they are compensating with bad Matchmaker Quality.

It’s why Season 1 wasn’t so bad, because of all the hype around Kiriko.
Then the devs decided to do next to nothing to get more Support players while adding a new Tank hero, buffing some Tanks, and making a seasonal game mode that’s almost exclusively Tanks.


Season 1 was extremely bad. Many people just didn’t see it yet. I didn’t mind the bad games during S1 personally. Game was new and I had Hope the ranks would settle after a while.

I mained support in season 1. Not because I wanted to really. But because I got tank/dps to diamond within a week. Wanted to park my support in diamond too before continuing to play DPS/tank. It was impossible. Even on the most populated role, you get people that are way lower skill in your lobbies.


The matchmaker quality wasn’t as bad though.

Here’s the type of math I’m looking at. Since at the center of this, Matchmaking is a math problem.

For perfectly ideal matchmaking quality and matchmaking speed. You’d want:

  • 20% Tanks, 40% DPS, 40% Supports.
  • i.e. 1/5, 2/5, 2/5
  • i.e. 1-2-2

The further it gets away from that ideal, the worse either matchmaking quality or matchmaking speed gets. And it would appear that the devs are focusing on matchmaking speed, instead of matchmaking quality. To compensate for a lack of Support players.

Let’s say the season 1 ratio of Tank-DPS-Support was

  • 30%, 50% 20%
  • i.e. 1.5x, 1.5x, 0.5x compared to the ideal

Then what happens if you make it

  • 40%, 45%, 15%
  • i.e. 2.0x, 1.125x, 0.375x compared to the ideal

So moving from a Tank:Support ratio of: 1.5x vs 0.5x, which makes a 3x gap for matchmaking

And then this patch: 2.0x vs 0.375x, which makes a 5.33x gap for matchmaking.

Almost twice as bad.

Which means the matchmaker got to be almost twice as bad.


If the ratio of DPS players goes through the roof. Matchmaker should have no problems finding DPS players with balanced skillevels. Especially if you play the role that has least % of players.

But you still got new players on that role in diamond playing with/against higher skill. So the problem is the system itself. Not support playerpool.

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Blizzard said they are not changing anything in ranked…

They said it before the launch of the game. Why are you surprised?

That’s the thing, they are not prioritizing matchmaker quality.
Which incidentally also has the effect of “the further you get away from the middle of the ELO curve, the worse your matchmaking gets”.

Diamond is at least in the top 15%

I’ve traded OW for D2 and D2’s PVP is utterly trash. Folks think OW has bad projectile RNG, well it doesn’t hold a candle to D2.

The only benefit to playing D2’s PVP is you can legit solo carry in 6v6 matches, AND there’s “Freelance” modes where players are unable to stack, thus creating a solo-queue. OW desperately needs a like mode.

IDGAF if duos have to then wait 15mins for a QP match, the vast majority of the playerbase is solo-queueing, and duoing or stacking is just such an advantage it’s not even funny.

I literally went 5-0 tonight while duoed with a friend, after going 2-2 solo in QP. It’s always been this way too. Reliable coms and coordination > a single enemy’s mechanics & game-sense.

Overwatch needs a solo-queue for players and that will drastically help with the MMR sucking so hard and match imbalances.


Stylosa has been pretty harsh on Blizz since the start of OW2. This isn’t a turn for him.


Nah, Stylosa has been very critical since release showed they were continuing Blizzard’s more recent trend of anti-consumerism.

It is definitely a change since last I watched a video years ago when he’d just nod his head at everything; a welcome change, at that.

Originally, during the early years of OW, that’s all he was. Idk when he changed to be more balanced in his arguments, though.


Some are and some aren’t. But as far as I can tell Stylosa still maintained his integrity and approched OW2 with an open mind.

But I guarantee alot of steamers (Flats, Deku, etc) would get right in line if Blizzard wanted to promote them again for something. I think what’s bothering some of the streamers is that Blizzard isn’t making them feel special enough.


Sty has been an overwatch fanboy but he has been very clear about how bad OW2 has been since release. Be might love overwatch as a game but he’s on the same side as every other player.


He didn’t go to the cc meeting and that is why he isn’t shilling.