đź›° Stuff in another post you might have missed

Blame Greyfalcon for this to exist because I was just gonna update the original. (and I did)


“Hey, so you know how we nerfed every tank with armor, making Zarya a better pick almost instantly?”


“Lets buff her again!”


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Technically sounds like a nerf/buff aka a rework.

Well, I think they probably won’t change Zarya.

But I could see them changing Symmetra and Winston.


Also posted other ideas in that post too, like how they could change Shadestep and other stuff… some of was just for laughs as I waited 18 hours for this to exist.

They are buffing any ticking gun, so she will be buffed.

Because balancing the heroes that actually need it scares them. Goodman actively said basically fixing the f tier heroes is too scary for them

In Geoff’s interview with IDDQD Geoff said just because they can buff any channeled damage hero versus armor, doesn’t mean that they will.

If anything, in theory, they could use this change to nerf certain heroes versus armor, if they wanted to.

Guess we have to wait till next ??week?? to actually see.

Gonna go relax now… get some shopping done, melt that body in the tub, watch the latest episode of RWBY… Almost forgot KH is coming out soon, have to go buy that for Monty Oum. (RIP)


I really like this change, because it gives devs the ability to adjust tickrate and damage versus armor, independently from each other.

Or as LoL’s main balance guy describes it, Modularity.

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You know you should look at what else I said in post eariler that day/week