Stuck in bronze

Can you please check my account? I’m stuck in bronze, now bronze 5! even if I play well, I play comp. as healer.
I’ve been silver and gold in the past, even with worse stats.
I suspect there is a bug that is keeping me down in ranking.
Thank you


Same happening to me as dps. I should really be silver, I was silver in past and I keep doing more wins than lost


Same bug to me. And I assure it’s a bug, not related to match performances (xbox platform)


you are not alone in facing this issue, they have not even address this issue


It’s Blizzard, I’m pretty sure they will do it. I only experience this issue with support in competitive games.


I was stuck in Bronze 5 for about a week or 2… I was primarily playing Lifeweaver and was getting more L’s than W’s.

I tried switching back to my roots - mercy moira lucio, and I FINALLY made it to Bronze 4. It’s possible!

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Weird. I’ve had no trouble climbing slowly but surely. Started in gold, and am now plat in all ranks after a few weeks’ effort

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Estoy atrapado en bronce 5 a pesar de que ganó con más constancia y no pierdo ni 5 seguidas

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Ikr I had no trouble climbing (solo q) from gold to gm, I don’t see how it’s actually possible to be in bronze 5.


Yeah, I solo queue almost all the time as well. Congrats anyways!

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This is a known bug called the “minimum value” or “zero value” bug. It’s being reported all over the place and isn’t getting any attention from Blizzard. I have the same issue on my account (despite playing since original OW early days and never EVER getting stuck this low) but they aren’t responding.


I have been playing OW2 for over a year now and I believe I have a similar glitch/bug in my game. As I play ranked games for the support class, my rank never changes, and neither does my percentage ranking in the division. From my understanding, the division % ranking should change at least a little bit every single time i complete a set of ranked games, but it dosnt ever change. If the division % dosnt change, theoretically that would mean I have preformed the EXACT same in every set of ranked games which is not possible. Ive been winning most of my ranked sets of games usually going 5-2 and nothing has changed. I’ve read online that this is a bug/glitch for some people, and I have not been able to fix it yet.


You are not alone in experiencing this bug. A link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Bronze 5 Bugs. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.