Stuck in Bronze 5

maybe?, however, he has to upkeep himself in terms of skill level, otherwise, he will still de-rank back to bronze 5, and given how bad the matchmaking is.,

I am not surprised

queue with a gold player, get into gold matches, win those matches and you will rank up

they said it was fixed.
it wasn’t.
they said it was fixed, again.
proven it wasn’t, again.

is it fixed or not?
there are plenty of other bugs → like playing dps but placing as support.

i’d say their track record of fixing bugs is a valid excuse.

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i’ve been stuck in bronze 5 since February and before then i was ranking up just fine. i stopped playing comp because of it, i’m stuck at bronze 5 regardless of how well i perform. i made a bug report thread but it got moved to comp discussion months ago so i moved it back to bug reports.


Still stuck at Bronze 5 since February. No matter how great I play, it doesn’t go up. Blizzard please reset my Comp Role Rank!! This is a bug and we need a fix please!!!


Yes this bug is affecting so many players and it isnt their fault. I feel like every ranked game I play im smurfing the whole time. Even other people call me smurfs.

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There is no bronze 5 bug
Bronze 5 is so deep that it takes a of games to rank up* Even if you win, that doesn’t mean you will rank up

to rank up in bronze 5 you have to win games, like hard carry, your bad team

There is no Bronze 5 bug, I was hard stuck in Bronze 5 for months,

Play your best in every game, and turn off all coms

do damage if you are a support, keep your avoid list empty, and fill it up to avoid garbage teammates

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with all due respect, yes there is a bronze 5 bug lol. it’s been bad like this since ow2 launched


There is no bug, as i explained. BRONZE 5 is so deep. you have to carry games and win to rank up. this is bronze and you get horrible teammates

i used to be in Bronze 5 for months ( when OW2 released until July)

I managed to rank up out of bronze,

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haha no there is no bronze 5 bug

haha there is tho 20 chars

Nope it is a bug deal with it

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not a bug,

didn’t you say you created a new account? Is that new account stuck in bronze too?

def a skill issue

while, i won’t deny the matchmaker is trash and always puts you with garbage and terrible teammates

You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I’ve compiled a list of similar posts regarding similar bugs under: Bronze 5 Bugs. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.


I just recently started playing ow again after quitting when the bronze 5 glitch was active and now coming back, I’ve been playing for a few months and can’t get out of bronze 5 no matter how well I do… I ve playing for like 4 or 5 years and have gotten a lot better than I used to be. I play with friends who are high silver and low gold and feel that I perform well with them. Of course I could be wrong but I don’t feel that that is an appropriate placement for my ability and the SR change that I get is clearly so small that it seems like a bug. I’ve been wondering if it’s relalated to me having my account so long but I truly don’t know at this point

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I know like I wish I could just start fresh with my skill ranking without starting a new account yk… like blizzard, I’m not asking you to move me to a diff rank, just reset my comp rating/dectection or whatever

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OW literally says you rank up after 5 games. It has nothing to do with MMR or who you get matched with (this is explained on their page). It’s literally a bug

it’s not a BUG. you are either on an old account that takes ages to rank up.

or you are losing more than you win, that’s why you are not ranking up

believe what you will, I was bronze 5 before and ranked up. but it took a lot of games.

You get a rank update after 5 games. You dont necessarily rank up. If you always ranked up after 5 games, everyone would be top 500.

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yep. and you have to win more than you lose.

to rank up

this includes those losses that you had previously, that are not listed on your screen after you get a rank update