Stuck in Bronze 5!

Hi, I had played support comp and had gone 5-0, 5-1, 5,-2… many times my rank never changed and I stuck in bronze 5.
No matter how many wins I have, I will always receive “Bronze 5” in the end.

I feel very angry after all this effort. I won 78 matches in support only, and I still bronze 5. I hurt myself because of my anger. Can I understand why I can’t progress?


cuz the devs dont’t care and u are not alone in facing this bug


I’m facing this issue as well as support. Consistently win with few losses, and yet I am continually placed at bronze 5. Was Gold 1 last season.


I’ve won all 5 games in row. I am above 96% players and still my rank is bronze 5 :slight_smile:


You are not stuck you just suck because you can’t do 15/20 wins without losing in bronze my dude. You are so deep down in a wood tier you can’t even imagine.

stuck in plat 2 no matter how many wins i get. broken AF

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Same here. Healer role stuck in B5, even though I am consistently winning, always out healing all other healers, sometimes by 2x. I feel that I am impacted by the same bug, on my healing role.


so how do you explain that I am ranked silver 3 after 14 defeats for 5 victories in DPS (I am worse than in Heal) and 0 defeats for 5 victory in support I also remain blocked B5 telling me that my ranking is higher than 94% of players (it’s the same percentage since 15 wins)

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just ignore him, he is just a JaxAshe


Hi, same here. The entire season 4, I am stuck in bronze 5 on my support, despite winning three streaks (like literally no losses!). Not to mention that I was Silver 2 at the end of the season 3, and after my placements I got bronze 5, despite winning every placement. Can this be fixed? Like, it makes me not want to play the game anymore.


The only wood in here, is inside your head, replacing your brain. It is frustrating enough we are dealing with this the entire season, get out of the thread if you are not contributing constructively.

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I’m not sure what the purpose of your comment is. The function of a bug forum is for players to be vocal about issues that affect them and that they want fixed. Your comment neither describes an issue you are facing nor meaningfully contributes to any of the conversations above.

You are not alone in experiencing this bug. A link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Bronze 5 Bugs. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.

I have been playing OW2 for over a year now and I believe I have a similar glitch/bug in my game. As I play ranked games for the support class, my rank never changes, and neither does my percentage ranking in the division. From my understanding, the division % ranking should change at least a little bit every single time i complete a set of ranked games, but it dosnt ever change. If the division % dosnt change, theoretically that would mean I have preformed the EXACT same in every set of ranked games which is not possible. Ive been winning most of my ranked sets of games usually going 5-2 and nothing has changed. I’ve read online that this is a bug/glitch for some people, and I have not been able to fix it yet. This bug is only for the support role for me

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I’ve also been having the exact same problem sine last season. I don’t have much hope ever getting out of Bronze V for DPS at this point (other rolls seem to work). I especially don’t like the lack of transparency (if I could just see my MMR like in the OG days to determine if it changes at all it would be much less frustrating).
I don’t play this game for the now canceled singleplayer/PvE mode, but the complete lack of any sense in playing Ranked is the main issue that prevents me from ever considering to spend money on Overwatch 2.


To elaborate, I am currently Silver III as Support, and after today’s placements Silver V as Tank.
Today I also went 5/0 as DPS, again it told me ‘You’re placed higher than 86% of players in this division’ but of course didn’t bother to actually rank me up.

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Same here! I can’t play with my team cause they are leveling up!

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Quite amazing how terrible Blizzard has become. An issue being faced by many, and not even a single mod post on the thread.

There were days during WoW where my post would be addressed within a few minutes by a mod.

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I have had a theory for a while and now seems like a good time to say it.

There is an ongoing theory among players of a thing called “rank inflation”. For example, players in ow1 that were diamond are now masters or gm with no noticeable skill increase. However i believe that this actually goes both way.

The way i understand MMR is that it is a range between -5.0 and 5.0, with 0 being average. The ranks are then distributed among the mmr. For example, gold/plat being around 0. In overwatch 1 , -5.0 was 0SR and 5.0 was tippytop grandmaster/rank 1 players (anywhere from 4600-5000SR)

Now with rank inflation, player’s MMR did not change. However, it seems that in overwatch 2, instead of -5.0 being 0 sr and 5.0 being 5000, its actually more like -5.0 is -1000SR and 5.0 is 6000 SR. Since overwatch 2 technically uses the old SR system and places your rank and division based off of your SR. In this case, bronze 5 is anywhere below 300SR. Means in this case you might be so low in the negative SR that winning 5 games of about 25-30Sr each wont allow for any division increase.

This is also the reason why there are a massive amount more players in grandmaster than ever before. Ask people like codcode and he’ll tell you its scary that almost every game you dont recognize a single gm1 player between games.

Now its not to say that you are at your true MMR, because definitely MMR has not been calculating correctly compared to ow1.

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That certainly makes a lot of sense. Overwatch 2 had a massive influx of new, inexperienced players which would overcrowded Bronze, and in attempting to maintain playerbase distribution, the rerank system inflated the ranks of all players above Bronze. I believe a similar phenomenon occurred in other games with very quickly expanding playerbases as well, such as League of Legends, which solved rank inflation by introducing a new tier below Bronze, the Iron tier. It may very well be the case that Bronze 5 has a much larger skill range compared to all other subdivisions, which would explain why so many players find it difficult to progress through it.

However, that is just one theory, and it is also just as likely that it is just another manifestation of the Bronze 5 bug from Season 1. If anything, that would be more likely given the fact that Season 1 bug has manifested in different ways multiple times already. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put this and similar threads under: Bronze 5 Bugs. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.