Stuck in bronze 5 forever!

I have been stuck in bronze 5 for months at first I thought it because I wasnt doing great but today I went 5 wins to one loss and still stayed in b5 and I have been looking up ways to fix this bug because I cant play with some of my friends because of it if some one can fix this it would be much appreciated cause its very annoying


5 wins to 1 loss will give you a net gain of roughly 80 SR, which might not be enough to rank up a single skill tier division depending on where in that skill tier division you were after your last 5 wins.

The bigger issue is that while pretty much every other rank up in OW2 takes 100 SR (so going from Gold 3 to Gold 2 or Plat 5 to Plat 4 or whatever), the Bronze 5 rank goes all the way from 0SR to 1100SR. That is, Bronze 5 is 11 times as large (in terms of SR) as every other rank.

So, if you are near the bottom of the Bronze 5 rank, you will actually need to rank up more than 1000 SR instead of the 100 SR you need for any other rank up. That means that someone at the very bottom of Bronze 5 might need to go 5 wins and 1 loss something like 13 or 14 times in a row before they would rank out of Bronze 5. In reality, win streaks would probably accelerate that process. So just keep playing well and you will eventually get out of Bronze 5.


WOW… there’s no point in even playing comp anymore

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there is no bronze 5 bug

you need to get your % to 100% to rank up

unfort, it is very hard. cuz the matchmaker sucks
u get bad teammates
and even if you get 5 wins 0 losses, that doesn’t g’tee you will rankup

your previous losses are taken into consideration too ( even tho they are not listed)

you need to win more games, however, the matchmaker sucks… so don’t put too much hope in comp

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This is the reason why I kind of hope they’ll implement a setting that lets us choose whether to see the exact SR in our own profile, instead of- or in addition to the Rank-and-Division thing they have now. The “You are ranked higher than X% of players in your division” is an improvement, but still not great, imo. I guess it won’t happen, but one can hope, right? Greetings from someone who’s also trying to climb out of Bronze 5.


This is a great idea. If they give us the option, maybe they will also see people prefer to see the actual SR and not this percentage thing. I think they are getting more negative feedback about this ranking system than anything else and being more transparent will help this to decrease imo.

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Stuck in Bronze 5 as Tank, but when I played today as Damage and get 5 Wins / 8 Losses, it’s up me from Bronze 1 to Silver 5. How this works? I want Bronze, not a Silver again. (T_T)

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WHY WOULD u want bronze… anyway no worries. sliver 5 is basically bronze 5

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I have bad aim. Silver players is so hard for me, but it’s promoted me to Silver. Ok, I will try again! ಠ_ಠ

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just go torb. no aim needed

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. A link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Bronze 5 Bugs. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.