Stuck in asian server

Since the cross-play update came live I have been stuck in the asian server. I only play in the Eu server and I logged in and chose EU as my server but when I get comp game I am in the Asian server. I cant seem to leave asian server no matter what server I choose

Hey this isn’t a bug this was was intended with the new BattleNet global play update. If you want to learn more about it there is a post that the Community Manager Josh Nash has put up regarding that to clear up any kind of confusion.

I have the problem too
while I lives in Asia, I prefer America servers
usually around 40 to 50 ping which is absolutely acceptable

and after the update, I was forced to queue in Asia servers… (only 30 to 40 ping)
and every comp match are filled with brain-dead hero choices, junk spam, rein sigma double shield etc, and teams don’t even have the concept of going together or peeling
which is exactly why I don’t like playing in Asia servers

oh, and in arcade people are much more toxic, insulting people after getting a skill-less kill/win, the only nice guy I met so far just greeted with ‘oh hi’ and the rest is korean, which I don’t even know how to read/type and resulted in a language barrier