Struggling to re-climb

Last season I finally managed to climb into Diamond and peaked at like 3200. This season I got placed just below Diamond but I wasn’t upset, because I knew that in a few days I’d likely climb back into it because my skill peak was there. But for the season so far I’ve been dropping back and forth between mid and low Platinum and I feel it is actually mostly on me. I feel like my skill is that of a Platinum, not a Diamond, despite being Diamond convcingly last season.

Anyone else had this, what would you recommend?

Happens, keep trying, next time you will probably peak master and drop low diamond :slight_smile:

peaked 3260 this s. Went yesterday on a horrible lose streak with literally 2 dc’s, not a single teammember that uses voice other than me etc etc. ended up on 2.9

Happens, you will get back up, just keep playing.

Yes but in your case you’ve just had bad Overwatch matchmaking. I’ve had solid games, and just feel I’m no longer playing to my full potential.

I think I just need to watch some of my own VODs and get back into the smarter mindset, I’m likely relying too much off instincts.

Sure or just let some coach review ur gameplay. Just a tip, alot of top500 / pro’s started to stream recently, mostly with a tiny viewerbase. They are mostly into vod reviews since it helps their channel grow

Other than that you could try and find a coach in some discord channel, was thinking about letting some1 review my games aswell, just havent had time yet.

Also you are Ana / zen main i guess ? Ml7 has positioning guides to nearly every single map, just google ml7 guide and you will find a sh*tton of information aswell :slight_smile:

Depends on how much you play. I take frequent breaks from the game which is why I’ll be masters for most of one season, then drop to diamond the next, all while swapping mains across seasons. Tbh it’s more about just sticking to it and few core heroes. At the very least, you should be able to hit diamond again by the end of the season.