Streamers need to get organized

It is just as selfish as asking for 222 to be forced when you just aren’t happy with the current structure.

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Role queue already gives you a balanced team. You aren’t stopping your team from completing any objective by playing DPS only. In fact, you are helping them do that because your team requires one and you volunteer as tribute.

In fact, under the new system it’s actually better for your team to specialize in one particular role. Because you’re gonna be better at it if you main the role than if you spread your time out on multiple roles.

This was true when that Hanzo looked at your three dps team and decided to lock in a fourth one. It’s not true any longer.

there was no structure dude, people played whatever they wanted without a care on the impact of other’s experiences! open your eyes geez


The issue was the previous system wasn’t fair. People willing to fill got sidelined by the people who refused to do so.

Now they are on the same footing.

The system is more fair. It is still a bad system, but now it is a fair bad system.

That is an improvement.


and I agree, I’m not saying that playing dps is selfish, playing ONLY dps queue after queue is, this game needs you to flex, for the good of everyone, everytime a dps only player queues, it makes the queue longer for everyone else, that’s the definition of selfish

Overwatch needs to go back to No Limits How to Perfectly Balance the Game

then we need a fully fleshed out LFG QoL for the LFG so people can play more “traditional” comps if they want

and please make new accounts start at the bottom of the ladder, it’s not fair to people in the middle of the ladder to bear the burden of playing against brand new accounts How matchmaker should work (imho)

and just for kick, maybe an “on the fly” individual hero SR could be awesome, I still have some kinks to work out though Individual Hero SR


Yup, old system took advantage of people who weren’t flexing because they wanted to flex, but because they felt obligated to in order for everyone to have a good time.

You can see in all the whining about QPC how much those players hate actually only playing with each other instead of having fillers to push around to ensure a good experience.

There is no perfect solution. Somebody is going to get burned either way.


Cool, don’t really care. Just as many of you as there are, there are also plenty like me. Only one of us is being on a high horse and its not me.

No, I didn’t. You might have, but I got sick of people crapping on those that don’t deserve it.

No one made me pick tank or support, I chose to do that myself. I’m not delusional enough to pretend anyone forced me to do anything.

222 being an improvement is very much so an opinion.

the core structure was to have multi roles and nothing forced. Being able to adapt WAS the structure. Just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.


it didn’t exist, I was one of the few who did adapt game after game, I cooperated in order for a match to be as close to 2/2/2 as possible, yet there was always people (like DPS only queue players) who didn’t care one bit, having those running around free was stupid, you couldn’t adapt for the whole team, if your tanks had no healers you were at a CLEAR disadvantage

you seriously need to stop with this nostalgia tinted glasses arguments, the system before was awful and the majority of the community agrees with this


go 7v7 2-3-2

framerates might tank though

Framerates were just fine when you could force 7v7s with a bug ages ago.

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I could also say you could stop with the crap colored ones but here we are. Just deal with the fact we have different opinions and move on, dude.

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Why are you trying to tell streamers what to do

oh believe me I don’t care if you agree or not, the game is the way it is now, you either adapt or leave, that was the whole point

They are complaining they can’t stream.

I’ve had the same experience. Queue times seem longer when I’m grouped with people lately lol. Last night we had one support(me) tank and dps and took 10 mins to find a game in diamond

You didn’t leave when you decided you didn’t like the way it was, so excuse me if I don’t take your advice to heart. Bye.

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Imo Blizz shot themselves in the foot by not leaving QP as it was, allowing people to queue for 2/2/2 while in QP with no “leaver punishments” for queueing individuals, and adding an intermediate mode with 2/2/2 but no CP/SR for non-competitive players seeking the balanced comp of 2/2/2.

Edit for idea clarity bc I’m bad at conveying my thoughts: Basically upgrade Skirmish with a bare-bones matchmaker only seeking 12 similarly skilled players and enabled objectives that’s offered to people with high estimated queue times.

cuz I never really cared that much, again, I love playing Overwatch and even if they revert it I’ll keep playing, the choice to force 2/2/2 was the best one still and for that I like it even more

Quickplay shouldn’t be ruined for the sake of comp.

They could add something to do while you’re queueing though so that isn’t so god awful boring.