Streaks are unreal

That only happens when a fair much just wasn’t possible. For example if they end up having to match a 6-stack vs 3-stack, a 2-stack and a solo. It’s not like the system is trying to create an unbalanced match but instead using the stats at hand it realizes that the matching isn’t perfect (in my example the 6-stack might have something like a 53% chance of winning).

However - and this is the important bit - what happens then is that the SR gains and losses are adjusted by that predicted win percentage and that is part of the whole foundation of an ELO system like this.

To put it in perspective. Even if the matches were consistently unbalanced so that one team had an 80% predicted win chance the system would still be able to place its players just as correctly as it does today. Under this system and using my example - if two teams with 80% and 20% win chance would face off in 100 games and the stronger team would win 80 of those games and the weaker team would win 20 games everyone would end up exactly at the SR they had before the games. However if the weaker team proved to be better than their MMR indicated and they would win 15 out of 100 games the players in that team would climb as a result - despite losing 85% of all their games.

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I’ve experienced similar matches playing in Platinum and Gold. I still find it very bizarre seeing these matches where everyone on my team has at least a silver portrait, meaning they’ve played a while, and then the other team has “fresh” bronze border, no star accounts who play like OWL pros. I feel like the system is designed to say “Hey, I think this guy is falling in rank, while this other guy is rising. Let’s match them together to see what happens.”

I know people aren’t going to like what I have to say, but yeah, smurfs are absolutely ruining comp and making every match feel like a gamble that’s been determined once you see the player roster from both teams. It seems to have only made forced losses more apparent, where like you mentioned, sometimes I feel like I don’t have to do anything to win, and others where I’m busting my booty to salvage a win but can’t due to the significant difference in mechanical aim between myself and the flanking smurf Genji/Reaper combo.

It’s not a FORCED win in the sense that it’s impossible to lose or vice versa, but the matchmaker tries to nudge your SR towards your MMR with games you’re more or less likely to win based on the direction your SR needs to go.

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You realize there are automated systems which handle this right?

you realize he made a tongue-in-cheek comment, right?

You’re 2990 and 1 game away from being diamond for the first time in 18 seasons. You queue DPS, wait 15 minutes and finally get a game on King’s Row.

Your team seems pretty chill, chatty and in a good mood to win. Best of all, everyone’s in voice chat. People are talking about strats and how best to take the point while waiting for the round to start. You lock Doomfist. You have a 53% win and have been practicing hours for this chance. Before queuing you even watched ChipSa highlight videos to get pumped to frag out.

Somehow no one on the team picks ball, genji, or zen and you have a meta all stars comp of: orisa, sigma, doom, reaper, moira and lucio. In your head you’re thinking: “damn, there’s no way we’re losing this game.”

Little did you know that Blizzard employees in a control room had identified you while you were in queue. They secretly matched you against GM players but configured the enemy’s visual rank symbols so they showed up to you as plat and low diamonds instead. Every enemy’s profile is automatically private so you can’t even tell their real stats. The names were even randomly created for the game you matched for so that you couldn’t go back and use Master Overwatch to search the real stats of the players.

Attack round starts and you see you’re against a ball, winston, zen, brig, mei and tracer. “I’m finally going to be diamond!” - you think in your head. Dead wrong, you get rolled over and over again and literally can’t kill anything - everyone’s feeding hard and tilted. You lose the round pathetically and then get steam rolled again on the defense round. You end up losing 40 SR (WTF) and feel like you’re so far away from the next rank. You’re tilted that you lost so badly. Angry, you close the game by slamming on ALT+F4 and get ready for bed.

In bed, you’re thinking about what just happened. “This happens every season and when I’m so close to getting to the next rank, I always go on a losing streak.” You doze off to sleep. Meanwhile at Blizzard, employees are busy fixing games, creating loss streaks and preventing thousands of other overwatch players who were in the same situation as you were.

Tomorrow, all those players, including yourself will queue again and the vicious cycle continues.

Do you have a blog or something, I like your style?

OP, just don’t play after u lost 2 in a row. Hard rule. And never stop when u win-streak until you lose. Myself and others have been abusing this streak algorithm like that, you’ll climb in no time.

P.S. Am i dumb or this forum system kinda meh?

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Yes my friend, let me tell you there is overwhelming evidence of this and as time go by there is even more. This is not ancient alien stories, this is the real deal.

I will tell you now even how to prove it to yourself. I am not telling you to do this, I am explaining how and you make your own decision:

  1. Log into account where you are at your correct rank
  2. Purposely throw matches for 7-8 game, play terrible get terrible stats. Miss shots, die so much, scream into voice chats that you are a crazy man, get reported. Getting terrible stat over many game will tell the matchmaker you deserve to be at lower rank, so will getting reported.
  3. By now you have lost so many match that you are at a rank that should be easy for you to win, yes? Now you will be shocked.
  4. Log off and now log back on 15 minute later
  5. Now try your best to win. The real matchmaker will be revealed to you at this time. You will lose over and over. Even if you win you will see the match is more difficult than it ever should be.
  6. After some time of playing well, even if you are losing over and over, matchmaker changes it mind and will give you easy matches.

Again, I have provided the instruction for proof. Copy this and save it to your notepad because it may be deleted.

Also, Pyah who is in this thread is Master/GM player and he is also knowing this is the truth. Ranking up or down is based on individual performance.

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Yes my friends this is what is correct. He is explaining it even better than I can. This stinky matchmaker is nudging you to where it is wanting you to be.

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I can’t express in words how slimy and crooked this match making is. At some point after your trash loss streak, you will be in a situation where you cannot lose. People aren’t stupid. They all see the same patterns and come on these forums to complain about it. It’s not all a coincidence.

It literally measures your performance the same weigh a scale weighs your body mass. Don’t like it? Play better! Land more abilities, hit more shots, make plays that win fights, land more crits if you’re DPS, etc. The same way you diet/exercise if you don’t like what the bathroom scale says.

It’s literally working as intended. You just don’t like it because it does something that rubs your ego the wrong way.

MHz is probably an [A]mazing person to hang out with in person.


No. Its only “forced” in a way that you are in wrong rank. Its like putting a silver elite on global elite account on CS:GO and calling it a “forced” loss. No its not a forced in that way, but yes its a forced in a way that silver elite is not gonna do anything useful in in global elite game. Ofc that really never happens unless buying acc / boosted / throwing or extremely lucky/unlucky first placements. And in any case the PBSR system is good (expect it doesent work for high ranks anymore so if a bronze buys t500 acc it will ruin more games than t500 buying a bronze acc).

The funniest thing is people actually think here on forums that it works like that.

Well first of all throwing 7-8 games is less than 200sr. 200sr is nothing really, there is really no difference. Also didnt you guys claim that if you win too many games then you get forced losses? And the same works for losses, so in your guys theory you should get automatic win?

Rofl. The tinfoil thickens.

I also know if Pyah isnt boosted hes not gonna be able to replicate that on lower ranks, because there is no forced losses. Throwing 7-8 games and there is a equal chance to get bad team mates just as after winning a game, losing a game, first game of the day, last game of the day, 3rd win, 2nd loss, 5th win, 8th loss, 9th draw etc etc. you should get the point. Or prolly not. You ate too much tinfoil for breakfast, again.

I normally play off tank at around 2.7/2.9 SR

I decided to play rein and rein only but still try my best to win. I ended up around 2.3 in Gold after a week. Then I didn’t play tank for a week or so, came back and went on a 10 game win streak that I’m about to see if i can continue

You guys are like flath earthers, you cant even agree on one thing o nyour tinfoil theories.

Like you guys have the same conclusion, just like in religion. No matter what and how you get to that conclusion, you need to get there. One gets another way, other another, complete opposite way. Nothing else matters. Its just the matter that the big truth is that blizz is fixing matches. All evidence is good, it doesent matter that the “evidence” contradicts its self, so does the bible. Its just what you choose to believe. Nothing else matters. Oh your theory didnt work like half of the time and it just seems to be random just as if it wasnt crooked? Nah must be because blizzard is monitoring us or some other good theory.

Why don’t you tell me what purpose you think MMR has other than moving peoples ranks in the direction it thinks they belong.

Secondly, why don’t you tell me how a match gets an EXACT expected outcome of 50.00% / 50.00% given everyone is on a 5,000 point scale and games are never exactly matched (3765 vs 3765 vs 3765 vs 3803).

MMR Match Making Ratings only and the only goal is to give a “score” for the Match Maker to make as even as possible, as close to 50-50 game each and every game.

From my knowledge how it works exact 50% / 50% expected outcome is insanely rare. Its like winning in a lottery, it happens, but extremely rare. If it only would start game on a 50% / 50% expected outcome we would have ques lasting hours in gold and prolly never finding a match in the lower and higher end of SR spectrum.

Throw match until you are 500 SR lower than true rank if you are liking, you will get same result. You will begin to lose matches even though 500SR lower than your real rankings.

I have not claim that. What I have claimed is the real way it is working. I know the truth, you are still seeking and I will pray that you will find it but I believe you will not. What I have said is not debatable and has been recreated in test environment over 50 time and even recorded on video and shown to forum where people fight and scream and spit because they are excuse makers. They will never accept the truth.

I have even given step in step instruction here yet you refuse to simply do this, I will tell you now why : it is because your subconscious mind is wanting to protect you from a truth that will shock you so bad and you cannot tolerate being so wrong. Still I have no hard feeling and I will add you to my list of people to pray for.

Also drink large glasses of water such as 4 liter within 2 hour and you will feel better and it will help to clear your clouded mind but I am not a dr and this is not medical advice.