Storm arrow needs work

the ones with the enemy team taking minor anti-push strats in the backline (torb turret near point/ where orisa is)

All a Torbjorn turret does is delay flankers since it’s so easily destroyed.

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no flankers have power to destroy a proper torbs turret. ( i have over 100 hours engineer on tf2 so i know about builders)

So the ones that go up against a very specific team comp? And what about every other time? In my experience it’s happening every game I play. If you’re not flanking as Hanzo now that you’ve got the dash, you’re making it a lot harder on yourself.

Ps. Junkrat, a good Tracer, Reaper… Hanzo… they can easily take out Torb’s turret.

I’ve got over 1,500 hours in TF2 I know how builders work as well. Torb’s turret is pretty easy to kill compared to an Engineer’s sentry gun.

emphasis on a PROPER torbjorn. his turret is not nearly as op as engineer, but he can sustain or try to attack the flanker, diverting attention for his turret to try to help take the usually lone flanker.