Stop whining about smurfs

This is so relatable it’s sad. Not everyone can guess someone’s SR right but many still can. In fact some do better than the ranking system, find the problem.

The opposite is also true. Many games where you have a smurf you just assume oh that person is just good he can’t be a smurf he has a gold border.
Guess what many, no let me rephrase that every GM who smurfs uses someone else’s account some even share the account. Many have multiple accounts for every rank.

It really opens your eyes when you have 5 smurfs on your team. Last time played comp with certain friend he brought 4 of his buddies on diamond accounts so in total 5 GMs with me the only real diamond player. Can’t say I felt bad for my enemies because they weren’t the only victim.
Everybody gets f’d equally by this crappy system.

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Lol. Dumb post of the day.

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I have a gold smurf because my IRL friend is only 1700, which is way below my 3280. we play together on the weekends

You can play together in Quick Play or in Arcade or Workshop.

You don’t need to cheat (because smurfing is cheating according to Blizzard’s in game reporting system, specifically “unfair advantage”) to play with your friend.

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The “git gud” troll posts get really old. Ironic to read this post directly after reading a Tech Support post about how bad smurfing currently is.

A very bitter night of Overwatch last night

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Dudes, to be fair to Ares, he had gone from Bronze to his current Tier so he kind of knows the pain which people who are “hard stuck” have gone through.

Plus, he is typically not “toxic” and is a reasonable guy.

What he says is true though.
He acknowledges that there are smurfs and trolls in game but instead of constantly foucsing on these because they cannot be totally avoided, choosing to focus on oneself’s abilities is better. Simply because that is something within one’s control.

In other words, be better than the smurfs and win them.

PS. well, at least most of them…cannot do nuts against Diamond/ Master/ GM/ T500…

That is a really weird way of acknowledging trolls in the game, and comes across as kinda toxic.

He could just say, “Yes, there are smurfs in games. We all deal with it. Focus on your own improvement instead of focusing on the smurfs.”

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There are alot of smurfs at ow don’t fool yourself believing thats not possible.There are alot but with the way they balance the game it’s always winable. I play with friends at 1k lower sr than me and we always can lose if we do bad teamplay even if im obviously better than all of them.It’s season 20.Not a solo carry game anymore it’s 100% clean teamplay

Fabricated in the sense that there is an “abundance of smurfs” in OW.
I have tried playing as close to 100 games in Season 19 as possible and probably played like 60-70 games in Bronze where there are supposedly, the highest proliferation of smurfs. In many of my games, my daughter was sitting beside me watching.

I can safely count on less than my ten fingers the number of games which i as well as my daughter I.D. smurfs.
The bigger issue were Throwers actually but even then they were less than 10% of my games.

Yeah, well, probably Ares was just having a bad day, idk.

But you are a cool dude, for sure, coolwolf457!

I dont think so, its actualy a lot harder to make it to bronze than make it to diamond.

Telling people to stop “whining” is completely toxic and not at all reasonable.

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Its not cheating, how is skill cheating?

It’s not just a simple case of skill.

Skill on its own is not cheating.

The issue with smurfs is that they’re playing in a rank far below their usual rank.

They’re using their skills against opponents that cannot hope to match their skill level.

It’s like an NBA player going and playing in a high school basketball game. Of course their skills are going to be better.

Playing in a rank far below their own gives smurfs an unfair advantage over players actually at those lower ranks, and according to Blizzard anything that gives an unfair advantage is cheating.


So you said

And then said

unfair because they have more skill? Is that the only thing?

Because then that would mean its not cheating

https:/ /
Oh yeeeaaa smurfs arn’t a problem at alllll
[sarcasm intensifies]

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No, it’s not the only thing.

It was clearly explained in my previous post. You’re just conveniently omitting parts of it.

Do try and improve your reading comprehension in future.

Um, my friend, i read a 400 page book in under an hour

Then how is it you misread my post so terribly?

I didnt, I used youre words against you