Stop wanting Ana nerfed

I don’t think Ana is overpowered, but, I also wouldn’t be against being proven wrong by Blizz. She feels balanced to me.

if you played for fun you would be playing right now. i know people who play “for fun” they don’t use the forums they dont’ complain they play the damn game. They play the heroes they like and if they get bored they move on.

Which brings us back to the topic of utilizing a shield.

because it’s a skillful shot. You people on this joke of a forum complain all day long about the devs removing a heroes identity yet yall clearly want Ana nerfed. Why? So Mercy can be the only viable main support again? So Brig can keep dominating? So Moira can thrive? So the braindead entry level built-for-5-year-old supports can be better than the one NONE of you can play well? Ok dude.

you lot insist on replying to me acting like you’re all better than I am yet go off with this profanity removed get tf over yourselves keep attacking me though when a mod locks the thread for it going off topic I’ll gladly move on.

I don’t.

No, I actually choose not to play sometimes to not get burned out, this game isn’t my life

Good for them, however I play for fun and use the forums, not everyone is part of a hive mind

I love playing all of the heroes in this game, and I want them all balanced so I can play them equally, that is the main reason I am here


again, proving you don’t play for fun.

How so? Doing things other than playing overwatch means I don’t play for fun?

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He probably gets a kick out of being proven wrong.

I mean probably because you don’t actually address any points people make and just immediately go for the good old “You’re wrong I’m right” approach.


Fall back, spread out, be aggressive, play a comp that isn’t grouped up.

There are multiple ways to counter nade. You do know once nade is throw, their team no longer has an ability to burst heal them right? Which actually lasts longer than you not being able to heal for a few secounds.

Normally, if the enemy hits a FAT nade, then they won’t need burst healing, lol.

Nade is still devastating imo

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They will if you attack them…

Most metas actually have incredibly little healing. It’s only lower ranks that need healing constantly as their fights are longer and they do more power damage.

I still don’t think a 100% heal ban isn’t really balanced very well.

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with all the healing creep that’s in the game it’s balanced perfectly fine.

the forums became a place for people who don’t want to learn the matchups and the game

someone dies cuz of ana anti heal ? BROKEN
someone dies to a genji nanoblading and dodging all of thier CC and they use no ults ? BROKKEN

bro just learn the game

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power creep is the sole reason that healing creep exists though?

Genji dies because he took a 1v1 with a brig while at half hp? Broken
Two way streets are the best ones

she’s great only problem i have with her is nano and her busted hitbox.

give me a time that someone said that
don’t be delusional

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I’m not, and if it didn’t happen there would never have been a delete brig movement.

Two way street lol


what are u even talking about dude

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Idk how you never saw a post complaining about brig back in the day because she did too much damage and killed flankers.

I’m pointing out that literally everyone from every background complains lol

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Yeh all her abilities are game changing levels of impact and she can three bod-shot squishies :man_shrugging:t2: