I mean there aren’t many Brig OTPs in GM. Unlike Brig, Ana can actually fit into any composition, even the tier ones. I think it would be easier to OTP her to GM than Brig just because of that.
from the support role
like is brig’s shield really going to cover someone for 4s given its size and how mobile most heroes are compared to her or even her catching up to an anti-ed ally (or god forbid if there’s more than 1 person anti’ed)? not to mention it’s size is small enough to let shatter through it even if you’re looking horizontally directly at the rein and its hp…
Ana does need nerfs, she either needs to be brought in line with the other supports (along with brig) or the other supports need bringing in line with her.
Her aim isn’t that difficult outside of sleep (which is usually close range), her nade radius is massive for what it does and has little that can be done after the fact and nano charges a little too fast for my liking.
Requiring aim doesn’t excuse dominating ladder a solid 80% of the time
MY Genji’s.
Mercy is worth the pick, so is Bap, so is Moira. I’ve watch ML7, THE Ana player, swap off Ana and go Moira or Bap.
same to you.
Landing sleep’s at the right time, knowing when to use nade, knowing which heroes are best for a nano (not always genji), knowing good positioning to maximize your usefulness while not being an insta-pick for the enemy literally everything about this hero?
Ana doesn’t fit into every team comp.
Immortality field. Suddenly no one can die. There’s your counterplay.
sorry no the braindead supports shouldn’t be as strong as the harder ones. Rework Moira and Brig so they’re not available to climb with for 5 year olds and sure, buff them.
Requiring skill does though.
Did I mention that if it hits her it instantly heals her for half her HP, and using it on her allies basically makes her healing per second upwards of 100 on top of the burst 100 healing.
Yeah sure, knowing how to aim the Nade is skill, but so is landing Brig’s whipshots with any consistency.
Also here’s the thing, sure, it’s possible to block the Nade, but if you do get hit, and you will, unless you tell me you never got hit with it once in your overwatch career, it is a death sentence if they’re slightly more competent than your average Bronze Player.
There's a second opinion for you
my bad, let me reword that: well if you keep seeing genjis with no nano get 4~5 kills then something is up with their team
So u have no respect for zen and arguably lucio, got it.
Saying Ana is the best designed support is like saying Mei is the best designed dps.
and gl living with 40hp when lamp dies/expires ._. the only real counterability from supports against anti is lucio ult. which again, is such a large reward really that fair for the amount of “skill” needed to land such a nade?
Name one that Ana; a hero with anti-heals, heal buffs, sleep, nano, and 24/7 burst heals with infinite range can’t fit into LOL
Matter of opinion, way I see it each support requires a different skill set/ positioning and people playing “easier” heroes are often better at shot calling.
Ana requires an extremely general skill set. Positioning (sit in backline/on high ground), aim (at overblown hit boxes) gamesense( know when the doom/rat/genji is coming for their meal / track ults)
She’s not that insanely skillful, she’s just perceived that way because of the aim requirement
So basically aim, and the other few are gamesense based not mechanical. Yikes
Moira is one of the worst supports in high tiers and Brig needs plenty of skill after her rework, to the point where originally the only people playing her were high ranking Brig mains ex. Violet.
Also gonna mention if she had good design, Ana probably wouldn’t have started two different metas back to back centered around her broken post-launch buffed kit.
did I mention the best use of her nade is to throw onto enemies?
Whipshot is not hard to land also on a 4 second cooldown so who cares if you miss just try again because this hero is meant to baby you as a player.
immortality field exists, a nade is not a death sentence.
yes every team is just bad wow how didn’t I think of that
zen is bad and isn’t played and what about lucio? he isn’t well designed.
Completely different classes keep grasping at straws.
have a D.Va use DM around it and it’ll last long enough to keep you all alive. Also if you have a shield you wont’ be reduced to 40HP.
she doesn’t have 24/7 burst heals, but she doesn’t work well in dive or against it.
They aren’t better at shot calling the only reason it may appear that way is because the heroes are so easy they have free time to look around and admire the map
So does Brig. One trick Ana to GM. Oh wait you clearly can’t because you’re a gold Ana.
yet you can’t get past 2500 with her.
Describe how every other support is skillful. go on I’ll gladly wait so I can tear that profanity removed apart.
I don’t care about the names of brig abusers.
what two meta’s are we talking about? only ONE I know of is triple tank V1.
genji without nano is literally a free kill, of course your/their team is bad if you cant stop it
No sir, you don’t go into a Mercy’s den and tell them Ana is more skillful than Mercy. That’s taboo sir.
Genji with nano still a free kill if you walk backwards.
She was literally the most picked main Support in that meta. Nano Winston was so strong for the longest time. But go off dude.
I just want her nade nerfed, its just so annoying sitting there, as a support, watching your tank dies and not a thing you can do about it
sooo basically need a tank to prevent the damage in the first place i.e. if tanks can cover that much damage coming in then lamp likely isn’t needed…
so again, lack of counterability from the support role… ._.
80% of the time I do my support placements and that’s it, I actually went from silver to plat a couple seasons ago playing Ana, bap, zen and brig
Sounds like you don’t really have anything to back up your claim so you use my choice to not dedicate my life to this game as an insult