Stop starting new accounts in high gold

Most people are gold, therefore most people shall start in gold

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Most people are silver and low gold eventually, not so when they start fresh with no clue about the game…


I mean the game is simply at its core and if you don’t go out of your way to improve you will always be the same skill level at the game. This is why some people can play 1000 hours and still be the same rank they placed at. Placement system is fine enough for what it does.

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So where should they start new accounts in? Not all new accounts are Alts/smurfs, some are actual new players.

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Start them off in low bronze, increase initial placements to 20-25 games, if a player keeps outperforming expectations (focus more on stats, not win/loss), progressively raise how skilled their opponents are.

20-25 games will give a much larger sample size and eliminate flukes,
such as:

  • Leavers/throwers on your team or an enemy smurf causing an undeserved loss
  • Leavers/throwers on the other team or a smurf teammate causing an undeserved win.

Apart from that it will allow masters/gm level players to immediatly place there if they keep consistently performing well and the opposite for low bronze players.

Lastly, keep a closer eye on initial placement performance vs performance a season or two after to look for huge skill variances and punish accordingly(since they manipulated their SR in the first place)


Still heaven for smurfs.

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Most people are NOT gold. It’s around 20%. New account buyers in 2021 are certainly NOT mostly gold.


Read the entire post and you’d find that to be taken care off.

If they want to get to bronze they’d do it anyway, at least in this way they’d have to be blatantly throwing for 25 placement games(presumably most of these in bronze) after which excessive performances in following seasons can be easily spotted by comparing to the placement stats by B.

And they wouldn’t be throwing a ton of games from gold/plat to get down there.

Apart from players throwing down again after they rose too far, this would eliminate deranking new accounts for most of the playerbase, while also providing an easier control system to penalize players manipulating their SR.

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Yes they’ll do it anyway, while with your system it is much easier. Also a lot of smurfs don’t actually start trying after a few seasons, they just want to stay at that rank.

True, but actual smurfs just want to place bronze, by throwing the 5 placements. In your system they have to throw 25.

Your punishment system can only work if the smurfs are hard carrying and try harding.

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The reason there are misplaced accounts apart from malicious intent is too small a sample size for the placements.

In practice, wether you could win all 5 or lose all 5 is often impacted by one or more games having leavers.

If you belong in bronze, but the enemy team has one or more leavers for one or even two of your placements you will place much higher than you should be.

Similarly, if you belong in diamond+ but your team has one or more leavers for one or even two games, you will be placed significantly lower than you should be and stomp on your way up.

Apart from that it’s a significantly larger task to consistently play bad for 25 games than it is to do so for 5 games, as such however minor it would be a deterrent, as you risk being reported much more in those 25 games for blatant throwing vs just 5.

you dont hard throw. you play like a new player would play.

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Do it then, publish it, problem solved right?

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I’ll be honest with you any new players to this game right now are going to just get farmed. I played a 1300 game as support and lost and couldnt tell a difference between that and some of my high silver games. Skill creep in this game has gotten really bad and there really is a smurf problem.

Just got out of a 1700 game where the widow on the enemy team just wrecked us and all our resources were poured into dealing with her mercy pocketed self along with a sigma that was clearly playing below his skill level.

Any new fps player heading into overwatch now aint gonna break 800 SR. Its positively brutal right now. And nothing is going to fix it. the game is just too old.

Trust me when I say this 90 percent of “new players” are just console converts and pc smurfs

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Usually a plat / diamond player. Started again with a little break and got placed 2,2k as supp. Can easily win games with a proper team and carry as well.
Last 3 games however impossible to win, so hard smurfs that its laughable in comparison to your own team.
Last game was the best, enemy team had 1 leaver at start and it was 5v6 for us. We still got stomped with enemy team toxing us “delete the game”, “5v6 lose OMEGALUL”, etc. they combod everything, etc. clearly Master or GM players ruining gold games. Worst

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There are alot of good players in various ranks - I myself was as low as 1600 on my other account. I’m 2350 as of right now.
And if YOU are at 1600SR and playing well, the game matches you against me to balance the team. You know, “balance”, because i shoot your head off almost every duel and when no I use my 5 years of experience to outmanouver you. GG Blizzard.
There are alot of “Smurfs” that have just started another account to practice or whatever the reason is and just end up in gold with everyone else. Sure they climb, but the mm makes sure it takes longer because it “balances” teams…

Yesterday I had and enemy widow that just headshot everyone like crazy - not your typical gold widow. Played with him and his mercy after and turns out he’s Dia peaking at 3.4k on an alt. Didn’t even throw games to get there. We still lost and won games as usuall, both being mid gold, because we were matched against smurfs and get teammates that are below average to compensate for more skill…


The rememdy for this?

Make QP more competitive.

[insert how]

  • one such idea is perhaps it can estimate your MMR / SR based on your QP session. That way if you start doing good on a character you want to try, you can know if your ready for Comp.

Ranking is a mess because of the handicapping (MMR) system:


If you started any other new activity would you expect to be average at it? Would you walk into a gym for the first time, see one gym bro lifting 100kg and one lifting 180kg and think “I should lift 140kg”? Would you start yoga and immediately join the intermediate class? No, you would join the beginner’s class. Because you are a beginner.


Starting new players in an average rank might have worked in like Season 2 or 3 when the game was still new and new players were more prone to install it and play it. Thinking that most ppl are average at that point, thus placing them in Gold, was not that far off, in like 2016. Now it is basically some sort of throwing by the System, having every new account placed in Gold, no matter if it was a legit new player or a Smurf.

I started playing this game for the first time ever in Season 13, was in 2018. Even then the playerbase was mostly established since the game was out like for 2 year or so. I placed at 1985 for the first time ever. Ruined so many matches until I got to the rank my skill was actually at at the time, which was around 1.3k.

Climbed rly gradually and slowly once I started learning the game more. I actually never knew that I was throwing (never knew what the term throwing meant at that time tbh) my games in 2018 by being placed so high and playing how I did as a first time player. I honestly thought, when watching the trailer for this game that it was some sort of an anime or a cartoon, and thought to myself “I definitely need to start watching this” until I realized that it was actually a video game. A rl friend of mine recommended it to me.

With all that being said, the Devs should have definitely reworked their matchmaking for new accounts once the game got older and older and once smurf accounts became a thing.

Their placement System for new accounts works pretty well for a newly released game, or a game in its prime, but most definitely not for a 5 year old game.


Most people are gold , because they start on gold. And then play sporadically.