Stop putting EU players on ME servers with 150+ping!

Which is the entire problem. It shouldn’t be on the European region as the servers are unplayable for a huge chunk of the European playerbase.

It’s often not viable to play Pharah or one particular hero. That isnt a solution. Especially when you cant communicate your strategy or why you’re not swapping to your team.

The situation is unacceptable and we shouldn’t be punishing European players with almost guaranteed losses just to shorten queue times for ME players.

Communication has nothing to do with the server. Even on CDG or AMS you aren’t going to communicate with everyone. Or even anyone most of the time.

The situation was unacceptable, they shouldn’t of been punishing ME players with guaranteed losses just to shorten the queue times to EU players.

Here my report on the tech forum:

ADDERALL - If you believe there’s a potential issue with the matchmaker that may be causing you to play on MSE1 servers after leaving party please report that in the #bug-report section. We don’t have the ability to investigate or fix bugs here on the Tech Support forums.

i don’t really care that much and i know how long it takes until someone really looks into it, so i didn’t report it to the bug-forum

Sorry but that’s nonsense. The vast majority of European players can speak English to some level. Especially for basic callouts. European communication barrier isn’t really a thing. The same can’t be said for ME players and European players.

Then let ME players have their own servers. If there aren’t enough players to support that then it means you’re punishing an enormous number of a European players to protect a tiny number of ME players. In that case, they should either deal with queue times or the lag. It shouldn’t be European players getting punished when it simply isn’t their problem to begin with.

Can speak. The vast majority of ME players can speak English too (even being from the UK I find this instant that English is the language people must speak to be a bit cringey, not even in the top 3 most spoken languages in Europe…)

They do have their own servers. And sometimes the numbers are propped up.

If you don’t want it, stack with more people nearer the 2 main EU servers and you’ll never be on them.

FWIW I’m in the US and I get thrown to the wrong server on the literal other side of the continent every now and then during off peak.

In my experience this isn’t the case.

Why do you think the majority should be punished? If there aren’t enough ME players, put the ME players on European servers.

This isnt a solution. You shouldn’t be required to stack in order to avoid unplayable lag. You also can’t play in stacks in high ranks.


How is it the majority. You are not all EU players. I have played on the ME servers probably twice since they were added while solo queuing. (I do play on them occasionally when I group with a few friends that live in Dubai and it is perfectly playable)

I get your point about high ranks… but I doubt you are 4k.

And stop putting US players on EU servers

Right? Playing aim based heroes is literal aids at 150 ping

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150-250 ping isn’t playable if you’re playing competitive. Sorry, it’s just not. It’s unreasonable and unfair to expect people to deal with the other team teleporting around, abilities taking forever to do anything, constant no regs, etc.

European servers aren’t the ones that need propping up by a different area of the world. European players vastly outnumber ME players.

Servers that can’t support themselves have typically been closed for this very reason. It’s not European players problem if ME servers have so few players that they can’t support themselves. Blizzard need to stop punishing European players and address the issue.

It doesn’t matter. The point was that requiring people to stack to avoid unplayable lag is completely unreasonable and not a solution.

Or support - like I mostly play.

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Same thing happens on NA. Occasionally players need to prop up games on the SA server.

Stop punishing EU players, just punish the ME ones. Get it. You value yourself higher than the ME players. Fair enough.

When the EU servers were a little fudged the other week, games were 220ms on AMS and CDG… I just played Echo and games were fine.

They weren’t European servers. Everyone was put onto ME servers and it was unplayable. I couldn’t play until the issue was fixed.

That says more about the level of play in your matches than anything else.

What a gross accusation.

How dare I not want to be forced to throw a game by being useless to my team due to being able to barely move. Clearly that means I’m a terrible person.

Get out of here.

My stance is that they can have their own servers. It’s not European players problem if they have longer queue times and it shouldn’t be European players being punished for it.

No. They were the EU servers. We were all on CDG and AMS (Paris and Amsterdam). .

Ah you have gone to rank shaming. Nice.

You are saying that it is ruining “your games” no thoughts about the bigger picture. But ok.

They have always had “their own servers” just that they were the same 2 as all the EU players. Now they have the chance to occasionally play on lower ping after years of constant high ping without really complaining, it was just what it was.

You get high ping for the equivalent of 5 minutes and you’re losing your s***. You realise how pathetic that sounds don’t you…

One game every now and again where the conditions are not perfect for you is just something that happens. Bit like getting an Junk one trick on your team, not ideal but you have to figure a way to make the most of it.

Nope. Ctrl, Shift + N lets you view the server. They were ME in competitive queue every single match. There were a lot of posts on EU tech support forums about it with acknowledgement from Blizzard, if you dont believe me.

It wasn’t anything more than an observation that you dont see a change in play when playing in what is unplayable lag for almost everyone else. Notice how you’re the only person claiming that it’s fine?

Servers that cant support themselves get closed. If the ME servers can support themselves, why are Blizzard putting European players on them? Servers are meant to be matched to players based on ping because Blizzard recognise that the game becomes unplayable due to lag.

I dont like being forced to essentially throw a game due to barely being able to move and enemies teleporting around. That’s not helping anyone and I daresay the ME players on my team would rather have waited an extra 5 minutes to get a different player.

You severely underestimate how common this is.

Why is this the hill you’ve chosen to die on? Why are you so intent on making the game unplayable for others?

Explains why mine and everyone I encountered in the 20ish matches I played had AMS or CDG…

Ok I am done… Classic forum reply “Notice how you’re the only person claiming that it’s fine?”,… because this is an echo chamber, and not the font of information.

People cry a lot, then gaslight someone when they are told they are wrong.

ggs ez. Proved my point from last night.

“Why is this the hill you’ve chosen to die on? Why are you so intent on making the game unplayable for others?” - why you so intent on making the game “unplayable” for ME players… other than you think your experience is some how more important.


European players being put onto ME servers every match was acknowledged by Blizzard on EU tech support forums. Sorry to disappoint you. You’re wrong.

How is ME players having their own servers and European players having their own servers making the game unplayable for ME players? Or are you accidentally admitting that ME servers dont actually have a big enough playerbase to justify their existence and Blizzard are forcing European players into unplayable games to prop these dead servers up? If that’s not the case, there isn’t a reason for European players to be put into those matches at all.

I have no doubt 1 or 2 might be in each match… But that isn’t really large numbers of players overall. So it is what it is.

The already have their own servers. They are part of the European region.