Stop Pretending 2 Ults Should Always Wipe

Alright, here’s a question.

If Genji does get his Dragonblade nerfed (which is literally the only thing keeping him from being mediocre), are you guys willing to have his kit buffed to where his damage output is actually respectable?

Because right now, Genji is literally a Blade-bot.

Take that away from him and something has to be given in return.

Yes, Nano Boost synergizes well with Dragonblade, but that’s if and only if, the person using the ultimate actually knows how to do anything with it.

I can’t tell you the number of times someone a Genji received Nano Boost only to completely whiff the ultimate.

It’s not as consistent as one might think. If anything, the way how this current meta is with everyone grouping together is probably why it seems more consistent.

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Simple Zen counters Genji no he litterly destroys him.

There are so many ways to screw up his dash reset chain. If one person gets away then he can’t continue the chain. Keep in mind he needs dash to outdamage zen ult. Everythings about his dash resets. Screw it up and he can’t do anything.


Yet you have the advantage of ranged damage and CC. He does not. He has to strictly melee for the duration of his ultimate, so in many senses the speed boost means little to nothing

Sure, as soon as you stop pretending that 2 ults should easily be countered by one.

I didn’t argue this. I said bastion has better kill potential. go back and read.

he has to get slash and dash off to kill through trans. even if he gets the slash off, you have to dash to kill. hence why I said bubble. you bubble the dash. he gets no reset. blade countered.

sorry your 2 dimensional thinking cant comprehend this.

its funny youre blaming blade which wasn’t relevant till ana got buffs.

LUL if you think this, you have never played genji.

you have to know where your targets out. what path you are going to take. what cooldowns are up that could cc you. who has ults that can counter you, who has cooldowns that they can use to run from you. what tank cooldowns are up that could stop you, and you have to have insane mechanics while doing it to get good blades. stop. just stop.

Genjis blade is an aoe sword swipe. stop.

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idk, lets ask brigitte.
Oh… thats right, her shield bash, which is a melee, doesn’t go through barriers anymore, while every other melee ability still does. Nevermind. uwu

Jokes aside Genji is always going to be a mess. Dev’s have one boy-o they favour and one girl-o they favour (hello tracer). Genji with Nano is impossible to beat if the Genji has like, I dunno, at least half the average person’s brain cells.
Nano blade is only countered by three things.

  1. the genji is mad friggin dumb
  1. lucky sleep or literally committing ultimates like Shatter in the hopes it’ll end in his demise
  2. Your team was already half dead and/or really spread out, and he only manages to get 1-2 kills

there is also the chance that for some dumb reason you are running two defensive ults (Lucio and Zenyatta), so sure, you could pop BOTH of your only support ults to counter their one damage ultimate and one support ult. :slight_smile: gonna be real fun when 1) you’re not getting enough heals throughout the game because you’re not running a main healer or a Brigitte and 2) a bomb gets thrown into your team and you’ve got no Sound barrier for it because you just used it to save yourselves from the nano-blade and your Reinhardt died to the nano blade.


also the argument of ““It’s a melee, so he needs to be close range, so he has a disadvantage >:((( just move away from him 4head””
where were y’all with that argument when you were sh*tting on Brigitte a while ago huh?

also no one nano barrages or high noons anymore bc those ultimates are suicide and pharah’s a throw pick with our new friend ashe in the game :^)))

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You must be a troll. Literally the whole point of the post is the fact that Nanoboost plus Dragonblade can cut through Transcendence, dummy.

Except Genji isn’t AOE or isolated, which is what I meant by “fundamentally functionally different”.

Your comparisons are wrong.


I read that title wrong…
I was like ,what the hell dude ,ofc you gotta wipe…

omg THIS!
Seriously, how often do you see a soldier76, mccree, reaper, or anyone else in the roster for that matter rush into a 1v6 with a nano ult and kill multiple people while making it out alive? Only Genji can do it and yet people fail to realize that he is so broken. This is just unreal.


Ever heared of D.VA?

literally go goats literally idc how good the genji is a good goats comp will chew through him

If range wasn’t an advantage in Brig’s case, it’s even less of an advantage here. Genji has huge mobility.
He can go 50 meters in slightly over two seconds. As a comparison, an ulting Brig needs 7 seconds. And unlike Brig, high ground is no safer.
Range is useless against an ulting Genji.
As for CC, the only really good ones are Sleep Dart, which is extremely hard to land on Genji, and Earthshatter, meaning you sacrifice a very good ult just to kill one guy.
In terms of ult kills / game, Genji is one of two outliers, being at 6.5 kills, when everyone else except Moira is between 2.8 and 5.3. Either everyone else need huge buffs to their ults or he needs to be toned down.


This is legit what I do whenever anything is nanoed.

plenty of things counter nano blade. stuns, trans, lucio beat, grav, all are pretty useful

Matrix was nerfed and it can barely take care of one barrage. Let alone any other ult.So it isnt a hard counter, more like a last resort. Though barriers are a good point.

this is the reason why i wanted brigs bash to be omni-directional so it can bash upwards but i guess whipshot will have to do.

Brigitte’s shield and longshot let her pick her engagements which is something Genji doesn’t have but ok.

Ok I’m curious how you’re going to explain this one. Let me guess. Dash, blade, dash? That very situational combo that is near useless for mobility most of the time?

Ok, let’s just ignore boop, hack, rocket punch, charge, graviton surge, freeze, hook, and any CC that can deny dash reset (most of them).

What is this? Per game? How about per ult? Because Genji can get blade up fast. And you definitely can’t get an average of 6.5 kills per ult lol.