Stop playing no limits

Please stop playing no limits if you don’t want to play it with an op load out. If all you want to do is play widow or Hanzo or Ana or the hacker lady then do that in deathmatch. You are quickly making me hate this game.

Sorry mate but those heroes can be played in other modes too, it’s not exclusive to no limits

That being said if there is even one other widowmaker on my team, I will most certainly also become widowmaker. tough nuts


No limits should be for people to play whatever… what triggers me personally tho is when people go in there and all just pick different heroes.


No M8. If one guy picks bastion on defense we are all going bastion and you ain’t stopping us


Well, you can’t escape from those. If you don’t want to encounter them, just stop playing No Limits. No Limits’ purpose is to let people play exactly what they want without being in risk of the hero being taken already.


You do you. I’ll do me. Thanks.

I play no limits so I am guaranteed to be able to play a hero I want to practise. You can’t just stop people playing a mode because it’s not the way you like it.

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That’s what you’re supposed to do.

I feel that frustration sometimes. Me as Lulu with 5 x is my fave comp but folk rarely take my queue to pick her :flushed:

Six Torbjörn, six Moira’s, six Symmetra’s, six Bastion’s, six Reinhardt’s, six D.Va’s … playing “whatever you want” should be left to comp.

What’s with all the selfish entitlement these days?

I once went a match where everyone was Lucio. Everyone. It was glorious. Just constantly booping people off the map.

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If we have 3 Winstons, we better have 6 Winstons. I hate it when there is always that one Hanzo…

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