Stop placing me into matches of 3-5 stacks

I don’t hate playing with stacks of any size as much I hate playing with a stack that queued together with a huge SR differential. In a diamond game you will almost always lose when a high diamond brings along with low plat girlfriend. The lower player is playing up like 500 SR and their partner is in no way good enough to carry the additional weight. I wish the max SR differential was 500-250 like in master/GM.

Nah, it’s heaps fun six stacking against solo players lul

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Competitive isn’t toxic. The people that play are.
Telling someone they suck isn’t the most mature thing to do.
It doesn’t accomplish much. It does prove that adding toxic players to the avoid list will be a good thing. 2 avoided players might not be enough.

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I’ve played with 3-5 stacks whom at the end of the match (win or loss) have either gone full toxic or were still civil.

I’ve played with full teams of solo whom at the end of the match (win or loss) have gone either full toxic or were civil.

Saying that stacks of players are the reason why you’re having a bad game/time is just you looking for something to blame for your own shortcomings. Not the other way around. If it’s happening every single time you have a stack, there’s probably a trigger in your head that associates stacks = toxicity. In that regard, you’re probably an ingame dbag to your teammates without realizing it or you’re the one that’s playing outside of the team’s strategy.

You are talking about how we didn’t communicate, but Sombra is basically F-tier if you don’t call out hacks/EMP’s whatever. And when you switched to her you literally had like 5 mins played on her. You were clearly tilted from the 1st round and decided it was a better idea to troll the 2nd round. You can troll all you want, but it makes you part of a bigger problem and doesn’t give you the right to complain about something like stacks.

I was actually in the Horizon game yes; it’s kinda hard to win when you have someone try out a hero because he’s tilted after 1 round, essentially playing a 5v6. Time to look at your own (emotional) shortcomings, it might help you in the future.

The sad truth is that you will still be blamed. If people see that you are performing badly they are gonna speak up most of the time.
I rarely get blamed. 5 stacks have blamed me in the past. I don’t run into many 5 stack groups tho. Maybe 1 game every 30 has a 5 stack.
I use a mic, do call outs and not afraid to tell my team when I mess up, and it does happen. I know when I make a big mistake and possibly costed us the game I own up to it and apologize and remain very positive before people have a chance to just flame me

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Not if they changed it to not let groups form 5 stacks anymore. It shouldn’t be hard to find a 6th player if you already have 5.

I know you want to think that since you guys think a “solo que” would in some way improve things for you but they would never remove the ability to group as five if you can’t figure out why I don’t know what to tell you but I can say with 100% confidence this will never happen.

Yeah, about that communication thing: might have helped if there were more than 2 people besides me on the voice chat, no?

And 5 minutes on Sombra? Closer to 30 hours, really. Funny how I caught up in the stats with the other DPS in the game in such a short time of that match, no?

When you guys play as badly as you did, you didn’t deserve to win to begin with.
Sorry, but I stand behind what I said: you guys sucked and you will have to deal with it. Me playing Sombra isn’t “throwing” or “trolling”. It’s not giving a crap about what YOU think is ideal anymore, because I simply got tired of seeing the rest of you fail at the simplest of tasks.
That’s really all there is to it.