Stop making the community so corrupted

I have been silenced, and yes I admitted that I said some kind of “Bad words” in the chat, reasons? Simple because the enemies are so disrespectful and tampered with the game, and I fought back.
It is my fault that the enemy spawn-camp me and only kill me for the entire match, it is my fault that the enemy t-bag me for no reasons, it is my fault that I tried to fight back with language, so the one getting treated unfairly is the one who should take punishments. Is it?
Ask yourself community managers, do you think that your “masterpiece” is civil enough? Do you think that those disgusting and disrespectful players really got what they deserved? No.
I can understand that managing all players and all Overwatch communities is a hard job so I won’t arguing on this point, but you punish those who stood up for justice and those who tried to make the place a better place?
Unacceptable, bad people can just report those who attempts to stop them from doing bad things, you said it once Jeff, “if you do bad things in overwatch, we don’t want you in overwatch”, but what brings out is “If you do stop people who so bad things in overwatch, we don’t want you in Overwatch”.
Imagine if the real world is using a system like this, a police stopped a robbery in a bank, thugs got upset because their dreams have been ruined by the cop, they are filled with anger and report the police, they said he “abuse violence to stop our jobs”, the police have now been executed because multiple thefts that he dealt with accused him.
You can have a chance to repair your beautiful world that people used to laugh around with friends and it was as peaceful as heaven, turns into a hell of torture, people suffered from those disgusting thugs who took everything from them, lawless is the word to describe Overwatch right now.
You have a chance and don’t waste it, bring the Overwatch we used to have back.


It has reason, its called psychological warfare. In some occasions it can help you win games if you tilt enemy team or even make them leave. I have seen it many times used with great success.

Reasons dont matter, you have to learn to control your emotions, dont let anyone to get under your skin. If you want to fight back, dont use bad words.


look at ur name, yeah do that


You broke the rules too, it’s only fair.

You can mute people, pretty simple no?

Going to go back at them by swearing or whatnot breaking the rules won’t do any good really.


Bad words doesn’t mean swearing, words like “pathetic” and “failure” can be negative words as well

Whats even the point of silencing people ? Intentionally handicapping a potencially game winning tools because someone offended someone over the internet and ruined their already small and fragile ego ? Blizz gimme a break - and while you are busy doing literally nothing but panicing that OW2 will be delayed because you are too busy slacking at least go and watch some community guidelines from TF2 days.

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So you got spawn camped and “tactical crouched” on by enemies, and your response do that is some kind of verbal abuse in text chat, and then you get upset because you got silenced?
The enemy players didn’t break any rules, you did.


First up don’t let it get to you. It only worsens your personal game. Second up your name begs for the attention. Has to be said.

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Blizzard does ZERO oversight on the game. They are purely reactionary. Their “manual” reviews are just looking at who already have reports at the time and expedites the process.

Those people who got you silenced? They reported you for abusive chat and you’ve done it in the past, they didn’t start the process - you did it.

It’s true that you can get away with a lot in this game and if you do it infrequently enough there will be no punishment what-so-ever and Blizzard even WARNS you.

“no tolerance” they will say but actually they are quite tolerant of a myriad of things… including hate speech, racism, and more. Why? you ask. Because they gutted customer service. customer service in this company is god awful.


Even so it isn’t really nice to do so pretty much… even if the other party insulted you, nothing good comes from going back and forth.

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Remember this. Blizzard is unfair in every regard, they’ll allow smurfs to run rampant in their game and forego their loyal playerbase.

This will boil down to when you lose your cool as well, they won’t get silenced, only you, it sucks but just opt out of chat and voice. If the devs don’t give a damn, neither should you.

Haven’t you heard the saying: Let us not become the evil you deplore

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In the scenario you describe you are not the police. You are some Vigilante wielding power he hsa no right to do. Your “violence” require authority you dont have.

you are the perfect example of why this community only has the worst of what it was

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Even if this guy is wrong to try to police these the games he’s in and wrong in the way he does it (mostly). Blizzard can sure as heck do more to mitigate the toxicity problem.

A game with alot of frustration caused by game systems or lack of game systems - A lack of understanding of these systems can intensify the frustration as well.
I’m not talking about absolving people of personal responsibility here. Read that again please.

I’m talking about realizing what a mass of people are like and then adapting the game to account for that.
I’ll use an analogy of crime and criminal systems: When desperation, corruption and poverty is not taken care of (among other things ofc) people lose respect for the system itself and the people in it. In such systems crime rises.
Then since the things that creates the enviroment of increased crime are expensive to fix and will require the corrupt to give up their corruption and therefore their hard earned money they make bad fixes instead like for example “Increasing punishment”, that don’t really do anything to fix the problem. It looks like it fixes the problem but studies show that the effect is not there. What is needed is reform of society and actual hard work. Nothing politicians will usually do. So things just remain bad.

Same with overwatch and the toxicity problem. You can punish people all day and the toxicity will remain. What is needed is a reform of the system done in such a way that the deeper causes of toxicity are lessened.
I, of course, am not expert at all on this so I don’t know how to actually fix it other than armchair philosophy. But here’s what I’d do:

  • Create a solo queue so we can escape the inn-group/out-group toxicity
  • Focus on match quality rather than queue time and “player retention”. Quality matches lead to player retention anyways.
  • Do not hide information about the game and the systems in it from players. People don’t trust a system that they have no insight into. This include MMR, stats on games and leaderboards. Maybe there would be less anger if people that was having a bad game could actually see how they did compare to others and their team. Atleast make player profiles and stats opt out rather than opt in.
  • Be more active in the community and answer question and debunk misconceptions about the game explicitly.
  • AND punish misbeahavers.
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Honeslty, no :stuck_out_tongue:

The very first thing you can do is not be so incredibly fun to spawn camp and kill. Its only fun if someone overreacts and starts typing obscene things in chat.

You play the part here of making it TOO enjoyable to kill and t-bag you over and over.


Yup! Now figure out a way to make it stop without being a toxic eboy in chat please :slight_smile: Maybe you can get better at the game? Idk just a suggestion. Just because the enemy is better than you and can take advantage of the fact that you’re clueless and playing without your monitor turned on, doesn’t mean you should be a toxic eboy in chat. Git gud, glad you’re muted.

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Mercy mains will understand how i feel…

To be be honest, they will silence/ban you for anything these days. I had my main account perma-banned for “Toxicity” now let me tell you, the most I do is tell people to “shut up and play” and I got reported for it, over and over again. First it was a Silence, then it was bans until I got Permanently Banned, I spent money on events for loot, had so much stuff from events as well and even really rare skins like the All Stars skins for Genji and Tracer and guess what banned. Banning people for stuff so negligible is pathetic and I am convinced that they ban you so you buy a new account. Trash talking in a competitive game is literally done everywhere and it isn’t an issue, I understand limiting it to serious stuff as racism ect. But saying small stuff like “Shut up and play” yeah, might as well just play muted all the time.