Stop giving us loose threads and hand us something to grasp at

3 years to develop the lore of a game with such an astounding amount of potential wasted by loose plotlines being shoved all over the place. What the hell are the writers even doing?

  • What did Sombra find?
  • What is Junkrat’s Treasure?
  • What does Reaper look like under the mask?
  • What caused Overwatch to be destroyed the way it did?
  • What does Volskaya plan to do with Sombra?
  • How did the Doomfist come to be?
  • What is Echoe’s relationship with Overwatch?
  • What does Roadhog look like under his Mask?
  • What role does Hanzo play in any of this?
  • What is the concept of ‘The Iris’?
  • Who was the Omnic Doomfist was talking to?
  • What other God AIs exist?
  • How was Lucio’s father related to Vishkar?

We do know some of these, and some are left as mysteries.

These are in universe mysteries that are probably going to stay mysteries for a while.

We will probably never see Roadhog’s face, and that’s fine. Same with Reaper’s, but we can guess how bad it is based on his pale corpse-like flesh on his arms.

I don’t understand the question here. Sombra wanted to have Volskaya under her thumb just so she had someone under her thumb. Volskaya replied by having her own information - Sombra’s real name. It seems that her intention is more to just not be blackmailed by Sombra anymore, and that probably worked.

The first Doomfist, the Saviour, was a hero of the omnic crisis, and played a role in the beginnings of Numbani. The second Doomfist, the Scourge, terrorized Numbani for profit and gain. The third Doomfist, the Successor, is the one you know that is currently sitting on the council of leaders and seems to be directing their goals. Each of them came to power by killing the prior. Or at least that is what Akande did, but I’m pretty sure the Scourge did as well.

Echo was just introduced. They’ll answer that by Blizzcon. As for the Omnic, some think he’s Null Sector, but that’s speculation. He was introduced just to be a new temporary mystery. You’ll know who he is by next year’s archives event guaranteed. Whether that means with the event or before it, :woman_shrugging:.

Before Doomfist, profit. With Doomfist taking control, to start a new war between Omnics and Humans, each with their own reasons. Some like Max and Sanjay have money to make here (Vishkar makes money building post-war cities, Max is a businessman that plays his own side), while some want to see growth and development of humanity and research (Doomfist and Moira). Their more direct goal is to take care of Overwatch agents who will interfere, which is coincidentally Reaper’s main goal. Overall, start a war and see its conclusion.

This isn’t a loose thread. He doesn’t. He was offered jobs by both sides, and explicitly turned down Talon. Either he will join Genji or remain neutral. But that’s not really a loose thread.

Now here is something that gets speculated a lot. The surface answer is that its the subject of Shambali faith. The deeper one is riddled in speculation. Some thing its a sinister entity, some a conspiracy group, some that its a benevolent entity. I follow the speculation that it is merely a nigh omnipresent spectator that is collecting information about the world for no real sinister or evil reason, and that Sombra/the Shambali both misinterpreted its arrival. But this is all speculation, and this entire concept will probably remain a mystery for a while.

There’s also no confirmation that The Iris and what found Sombra are the same, but many speculate it, and there is some suggestion towards their similarities.

God Program was a colloquial term used to describe AIs like Anubis. As of Bastet however, it seems to sound like it might be just Anubis, or a group of Anubii. Ana talks about shutting down the Anubis Project in the days of Overwatch. This is one of those things they’ve been adding to consistently over time. But the question is not a mystery. It’s more of, when will we see the story of Overwatch shutting down Anubis.

He developed the core tech for the sonic amplifier. He worked for them. The question is more, is his dad still alive, but that isn’t a loose plot thread.


Overwatch lore is weird in the sense that it gives the impression there will be answers and progression in the story but I don’t think we’ll ever get a definite answer to “what’s the end, last chapter, true intentions of bad guys, this mysterious thing” as it puts the lore confined to a restrictive reach.

I can imagine they want to keep the story open as possible and for your imagination; for new heroes/maps/etc. They serve more as introductions to middle content but never to an end.

Not a lot of people (including me at first) can accept stories as open-ended because most of us traditionally are used to stories with progression/closure.


Yeah and it’s working fine for Overwatch considering that people are losing interest, oh wait. To be fair we know they’re working on spin-offs which might entail more story so hopefully that ends up not happening and we actually do get answers.


Honestly I prefer it to be this way. I believe one of the devs or the writer himself once said something along the lines of “We’d rather keep things open ended because whatever people come up with themselves will always be cooler than what we will ever do”. As much as I hate to admit it I like this approach.


Like I said in another thread this morning : they have to leave holes and gaps in the story so they can introduce new characters and plots.


Yeah, no. It’s not working out for them. People are losing interest in the game and it’s on a steep decline.

No one wants the story to be left unanswered so Tumblr girls can keep their headcanons intact. Newsflash: Tumblr is dying.

Um, no.

More story means more characters to introduce like Brigitte. That logic makes absolutely ZERO sense.

I can’t believe people are defending this. Well, you can find someone defending anything. But keep this i mind: Blizzard is not good at making decisions lately. Remember the announcement of Diablo Immortal?

3 years isn’t a lot of time in the lifespan of a Blizzard game.

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It’s a lot of time in general though. The fact that the new boss is already teasing that there’s a whole universe and we’ll be seeing more games is proof enough that they know the lore is something we want.

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They definitely should open the throttle up a bit more.

Maybe Overwatch 2 with it’s PVE elements will eventually tell us lore.

Because it seems like we’re not getting any otherwise


For what we got, I’d argue for a blizzard have it’s still no excuse.

In three years time, HotS got a complete make over in their content by year two, and constantly get new events and brawls for those events every 4-6 months.

In it’s first three years WoW already was on its second expansion with a whole new set of lore and content people could do.

I cannot speak much for Diablo and StarCraft since I never got into those franchises.

But my point is, that for the first three years of the games life, HotS and WoW got consistent content plus big updates. In the past two years the biggest new content overwatch got was the workshop and soon to be replays. Archives has been the only event to change, while the others got no new game modes.

It just feels like Overwatch has been more on maintenance mode than as a growing have to me.



The thing is, lore can be ever-expanding with character driven narrative, or even like in WoW! Yet they hold onto it as if they are going to run out. Like it’s limited. It can expand guys! Please give Emily lore we don’t even know her last name, and I just want to see more of my wife Fareeha

The friends he met along the way :slight_smile:

SC2’s story lifetime was ~5 years though ('11 -> '15?) so people are right to be concerned about pace.

You would have to assume a billion $ company that fired 800 people earlier this year would not be paying people for nothing.

I imagine it’s just how they get the story out.
all of their other games just go “lol play it out” but PvE story for this game comes around once a year so we cant reliably get story through their normal avenue.