Stop flaming bronze players

Which yes is wrong. But you can’t blame them.

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Either way flaming is wrong no matter the situation, cause literally all it does is ruin the game. I can see why people get mad at seeing a silver in a gold game, but they seriously need to give them a chance. Alright, good convo, im out.

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People were blaming the bronze before the game started, and the reason we lost that one was because we never had a 6v6 as two people wouldn’t wait fo anyone else and it was from spawn to point. And another game was real close in which she did her job the whole time. If I really wanted to boost her, id just hop on her PC as she lives right next to me

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hanqz low iq its a shame

its one thing to be in a low gold game with a high silver I am not so worried about that.

I DO have a problem of high bronze and low plat being tossed into the same game especially the plat playing a carry hero like tracer, widow, genji, or pharah. They then boost the bronze into a gold game where they get carried but still continue to make bronze errors which believe it or not really start to become an issue even in quite still bad gold.

We have enough skill variance in lower elo let’s not make it worse. The SR gap needs to be 500 meanwhile diamond and bronzer friends need to just play in arcade or qp.

A diamond on any hero in silver is smurfing period regardless of what hero they are playing. Their game sense, positioning together are going to be much better than in silver.


It was 2100 when grouped together. My game sense is higher than most people in high gold for sure, however the two games we played we either had team mates feeding or our bronze (now silver, without me playing with them) did at least a satisfactory job. I wasn’t able to carry any of the games we played together

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Lmao everyone saying you are boosting when you clearly say your DPS skills are around platinum level. It’s not boosting if the skill level is similar. Not sure what these people mean

They just wanna blame me for them not being able to climb. I got told I suck on DPS yesterday on said account which I’ve been grinding more and more on lately, it’s at like 2600

So it’s not boosting technically. I am obviously not a good player (genuine gold), but if I had to play supports in bronze, that wouldn’t be boosting. That would be me playing at the rank my support skill is. Everyone here is complaining about a non-existent problem. Alt accounts are different from smurf accounts, but nah, they are all the same according to everyone on this post

Why complain about a bronze player in gold, the MMR is evened out anyway. I would prefer they weren’t on DPS if I cared about winning, I guess.

I have seen dumb or bad play in higher ranks from people who belong there so they’d be just another 1/5 chance of being dead weight.

But you know there will be worse people than usual on the other team if you have a bronze on your team?

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Wow. 2 months and Thread got necro-ed.

Kornmeal, you know that i am cool with you.
Thing is, objectively speaking, there really are 2 perspectives on this and neither are entirely incorrect.

From the opposite side of the argument, i think that this statement by Hanqz succinctly summarises it. He and the other players get that you are not as good on your DPS alternate (smurf) account as your Support account (does not help that you are Diamond at 2 high skill ceiling and aim intensive characters especially Ana).

I am certain that if you were Silver or Bronze at DPS characters and that is a real thing and not because of any throwing, there would be zero grief.
I have tried playing DPS (and i am a legit sub-500 DPS player) in QP against high Gold/Platinum DPS and i get totally destroyed. In fact, i even get destroyed by Gold-tiered Mercy as a DPS.

On the other hand, i totally understand and empathise with your stand and these two statements by yourself and airrodgers12 both summarise the other (less popular) opinions very well.

So my take is that people should also realise that you are not the best mechanically at DPS roles and for all we know, you could have been using Torbjorn or Symmetra or even (heaven forbid) Doomfist instead of Widowmaker, McCree or Soldier 76.
End of the day, your intentions were not to boost / smurf / ruin others’ games but simply to play with your friends.

However, the crux of the matter is that yes, People Do Ridicule Bronzers / Silvers and well, idk. Unless the Bronzer / Silver deserves it for being a jerk / impolite / arrogant then yeah, please don’t flame and certainly don’t treat the Bronze / Silver Elo as the weirdo freak show gallery to be visited and laughed at.


Thank you. And when this post was made I was still floating around in the low diamond high plat area, though more so diamond. Couldn’t have dreamed of peaking in masters back then… I’ve been giving said account more attention, and I got it up to 2600. People pretend that I’m trashing people, I’m not. Legit just got told I sucked and to not play DPS ever again. I’m apparently ruining games by not playing support, but then I’m also ruining games because I’m such a good DPS? I don’t know man. If people’s problem was the SR spread, and that’s what they brought to this post (which some people did), then sure, I would be a bit more understanding. But a lot of people are pretending here that I’m just there to mess around. The people who berrated this post the most, are those who had not a care about the SR spread. Also, wish there was a way to block necroing, I don’t feel like dealing with people on this post again.

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I mean to be honest. There is no reason anyone should be in bronze if they are running the game at atleast 60 fps with a decent mouse and keyboard.

They got to silver shortly after this post, without me.

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I think you missed OP’s main point which is to stop flaming Bronze players. He’s talking about an experience he had as a non-bronze player witnessing what people are posting on these forums everyday. I have no idea what OP’s rank is and how far away it is from the new friend doing placement matches. The new friend may be a better player than OP but just doesn’t have placement matches done already.

The objective of this thread was to counter the misconception that all bronze players are just bad and need to gitgud and stop complaining. This is a non-bronze player who is vouching that in bronze, flaming/trolling does occur.

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The problem with bronze players for me is that i have this inception of them from other people on the forums that they are all hard stuck people who cant take criticism from others to improve.

Why is this thread back? It’s dead.


Most people dont look at dates of posts. Including me.

You aren’t the one who Necroed it. Not your fault

The funniest part of this thread is people who think Gold is is any way substantially better than Bronze. I’ve played in Bronze to Gold, same problems, just slightly better mechanics

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