Stop crying about ur rank, its not worth it

There are so many post of People Who complaind that they dropped rank, how the placements didnt give what they feel like they deserve and more of the same.

Rank isnt important. Nobody cares about ur rank in ow. It doesnt make you a better person of u have a high rank and equally its ok to be bronze or silver and be less good at a game. Cause its a game. Something u Load in to have fun, relax or spend time of ur life on.
Find whatever works for u and Block everyone Who gets toxic. They are there and Will always be there. Accept it. Find ways to have fun regardless of the skills or trolls. And once u achieved that u Will see that the game Will become more fun and u might even surprise urself with a higher sr cause of it.
And if it doesnt thats also fine. Have fun and dont let others ruin ur gaming experience.


Tells people to “stop crying” about their rank and then says to block everyone who gets toxic.

So, basically, you’re telling people to block yourself?



It really does though. It makes you part of an exclusive club.

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exclusive club lmaooooooo

Yeah bro exclusive club in a washed ded game, that most people don’t even google search in 2021. Where most people don’t even grind on their mains, they troll on their alts in a rigged 50/50 system. Where seasons and placements don’t even exist? Where streamers regularly get dumpstered by their viewers 1v1 live 2000sr below.

Stop pretending rank matters. SR doesn’t show skill, k/d does. Hours of aim train? Nothx.


Yeah but it’s the same reason people care about having nice lawns, nice car, nice shoes.

Like I drive a car with a bad paint job and it has absolutely no effect on my driving, it’s aesthetics and most people would be. Bothered by it and even spend a grand to fix something that technically has no real value.

Same goes for overwatch skins, technically useless, aesthetically appealing.


I think I have a solution that would make most people happy.

Blizzard should just hide the SR number and give everyone the shiny Grandmaster badge on their character portrait regardless of what rank they really are.

The game would still use the hidden MMR number for matchmaking so nothing would really change about the game, but people could finally stop complaining about not being able to climb out of X rank, because everyone would think they are GM.

1v1 me bro.


If u or someone else feels like my post was toxic. Yes they should Block me. Im glad u got the point :slight_smile:


You might as well leave the forums buddy, cus’ as I’m sure your well aware, (judging by your 5591 posts) his post was pretty damn nice.

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I want to play in a higher rank because I want to play the game the way it was intended. Not 6 people on stage playing their own song and calling themselves a “band.”

4 people spawning and you hear “EMP activated” is not a game.


That still happens in GM. Comp is a practise range for individual skill. If you want teamplay, you’ll have to find a scrim team, and you can do that at (almost) any rank : )

Playing as six stack is actually the real game, regardless of your rank. Simply because it takes 6 organized people who play a longer period of time and work on their performance as a team to fully unlock teamplay.

Edit: I’ve made a thread on this topic a while a go.

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Big fish in a little tiny pond lmfao

Then you would run into the QP problem where people wouldn’t bother to try

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A. It was a joke
B. There’s some truth to it or people would t be so bent out of shape over ranks.

People complain about this top down as it is.


My bad, I’ve seen people say that unironically

Also true but I think it would be even worse

I mean… Ironically/unironically…

People obviously believe it or they wouldn’t be so butt hurt about their place on the ladder.

Legitimately not everyone can be “the best” at the game.

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I mean, I can understand why people care about their ranks. Most of the time, it takes huge effort to climb up. It’s like school. Some people don’t care about their grades, while other’s really work hard to get whatever grade they want. At the end of the day, as long as you’re being a nice person and are putting in the effort, then there ya go!

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