(stop bumping this, it's already been resolved)

…I am not generic though… it’s just retired Doomfish here.

anyway was just saying (I mean we had an event over these comics anyway)

i shoulda used that excuse when i was working. tell my boss that “im a different kind of busy”



We are lucky to have you, man. Someone has to pick up the slack, and if it is not going to Blizzard… Might as well be dedicated community members and content creators. And leakers. And other companies who bought them out.


I mean it is usually posted by a blue account named “Blizzard” or some randomly generated name.


Technically I am on Vacation


Jodie responded a few days ago.


That is a Discourse bot and not an actual person. Whenever they make a new post on the official news feed at PlayOverwatch.com, a post here on the general discussion forum is generated. The news article links to the forum thread to encourage constructive discussion of the news in question.


Which again raises the question as to why an official post was not made on the main page regarding the release like the others….

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That is because unless they create a news article, the bot does not create the thread on the forums. The release of the fourth volume of the New Blood comic doesn’t have a dedicated news post associated with it.

What about twitter?

There was a tweet for the last comic.

Meanwhile currently still nothing.

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That’s on their social media manager. Unfortunately, I have no direct insight to their posting strategy. If I had to guess, they may have a post scheduled for a time that reaches a peak number of viewers.

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:sweat: Welp RIP

My respects.

I just hope one day , responsibles here in the Forums reply to one of my posts.
Most of my posts are long detailed feedback, I’m not waiting to get acknowledged to my post or agree with , I’m just sharing my opinions, I just want responsible at least once to comment a simple reply meaning
" hey , we’re here , and we read and get ur feedback" , that’s it .

The reason for this is to know that my feedback is reaching responsibles and not in vain .

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*wordle break you mean

The community management team does comb through the forums a lot. Most CM teams for video games avoid making direct confirmation of any given feedback thread unless they intend to give constructive arguments or insights to that game’s development philosophy. Responding to say “Hey, we read your post.” can imply your post is validating upcoming changes to the game when if fact they may not. So don’t feel bad that if you don’t get acknowledgement from Blizzard for posts.

Instead, make sure that your post is being well received by the community. Remember to keep your talking points clear and easy to understand. Avoid any inflammatory or hyperbole; don’t let your emotions take over your writing. Keep it relatively short and simple within a few paragraphs. If I have to spin my mouse wheel more than once to read a starting topic on a thread, its probably too long. If there has to be a “TL:DR,” its probably too long. Also make sure to receive constructive criticism from your peers and debate with them. This is how good ideas truly are forged. Posts that get a lot of likes by the community and generate constructive debate do have a better chance to be better received and responded to by Blizzard.

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First , thanks for ur reply .

I understand ur giving me general tips and how things work , and I appreciate it .

About emotions, I know people can say for example “I’m not biased and here are my suggestions for balance” but they can be in fact biased .

What I can assure : I suggested nerfs to heroes I play b4 , here in the forums , and I still do .
Like for example , after playing more games as / with and against Rein and Hanzo, I don’t like the last change (the extra Shatter dmg and the Storm Arrows ricochet) , even though I play both of them .

A lot of times , in my posts, to give the whole picture of an idea as feedback , I need to explain, I can’t just say for example “I don’t like this thing in the game” and that’s it without giving an explanation why I don’t like it , without a reason / an explanation that’s like half of a feedback , that’s why I wrote long detailed posts , to answer and explain multiple parts from different angles regarding my main points .

Y’all seriously Jodi and Andy don’t work for you and are not your friends you can’t just demand their time. I know it sucks to here but just because you use the forum doesn’t mean your important. Frankly direct constant feed back is not the norm so just chill out


Im not too fond of how the cm handle things on here all the time, but you shouldnt expect them to always be on the forums.

The pattern of here for a few days at a time, away for a few shouldve been made clear already.

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Here you go


You can be biased, I think it’s impossible not to. I am just saying don’t type things like.

“Dag nabbit! Why is Tracer just a freaking pain to deal with. I can’t turn my mouse that fast! Learn to actually make a game!”

Comments like that is what I mean by emotion.

The reason why I suggest keeping your thoughts simple is because when the Overwatch community and development teams collects feedback, they often do so with the intent to identify common issues and make their own adjustments as needed. Rarely will they act on the direct suggestions of “do this instead” or “what you should do.” When describing your problems, try to keep it summarized to the core abilities and issues that you think needs to be looked at.