Stop buffing Cassidy I'm dying

I get that it’s a small buff but got DAMN this is ridiculous; the man is fine as he is especially after the last buff that you pushed; please focus on other characters outside of Cassidy for once

I literally have nothing to add to this thread I just
why another cassidy buff babes


Projectile characters are significantly better than any hitscan in the game other than maybe soldier-76, and that’s if he has a mercy pocket. Hitscan heroes in general need some sort of buff to them to make them more viable compared to their projectile counterparts.




All I have to say is lies


the only Projectile hero that is good is hanzo


The only thing good about him is storm arrows


Don’t know what either of those mean but I’m talking from the perspective of someone who has played in 44+ lobbies for 15+ seasons. I am a tank player and project characters are significantly harder to deal with and have more impact (Hanzo for example) than many if not all hitscans.

i am laying on the floor. I am dead

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Ok, thanks for your valid and necessary input on the competitive state of the game. I would appreciate you would actually provide some sort of insight and your background in the game before just saying “LOL XD”.

Tank player in what rank now?

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nvm I just realised mang has like 5 posts; this is where valid thread discussion dies :alien:

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Have been 44+ for over 15+ seasons.

Again, you’re actually not adding much to the conversation yourself while I am at least trying to have a competitive-scene-based argument with you. You’re literally just resorting to “LOL XD” again.

I have played Rein for nearly the entire running time of this game.

What the heck are smoking to say that the hitscans, ESPECIALLY Cassidy, are not a frustrating pool of nonsense?


In what elo? Elo matters more than time. I don’t want to come off as toxic or anything, but playing in a casual elo does not necessarily provide any useful insight on the current state of the game as literally anything can work in a lower rank.

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And a few minutes ago, you said you’ve been in 44+ lobbies for 15+ seasons.
You don’t mean lobbies with your current 44+ statement, do you?

Who’s Cassidy

7 characters

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Patch is all over the place, ball and Dva are among the best heroes in the game and are also getting buffs. Same with zen.


Sorry, didn’t know that that would throw people off. But yes, I have been 44+ for 15+ seasons of my time playing this game. I would like to solidify that now.

D.Va has always been seen as a “necessary evil” for this game, but that argument doesn’t really make sense for the game anymore in it’s current state nor has it been necessary for the past 1-2 years. D.Va is insanely easy to find value on and extremely hard to counter with other tank picks that are not mirrors.