Stop blaming healers for everything

People in Gold/Plat blame healers for everything. It’s not my fault you’re out of position, getting 1 shot or that you can’t get picks. It’s not my job to any of those things yet you decide to blame healers because you suck.

Place the blame where it belongs: The tanks! Especially those main tanks.

Tanks up until like mid diamond are just fat dps or shield bots. They are probably out of position too but they have the health pool to make it work. dps don’t

It was a joke. Everyone bots out in every role.

I didn’t catch that it was a joke but I think I could have made it clearer that I partially agree with what you were saying

It was a joke mostly because blaming your tanks won’t go over very well, and because actual main-tanks are rare.

It’s true though because the amount of tanks is so small that the ones that actually play the role rank up with ease. Unless, of course, theyre bots. I think the best thing to do is focus on your own play and not blame anyone else, mainly because you’ll get banned for abusive chat but that’s a different topic


I hit Diamond by tanking (after RQ), then stopped. It wasn’t hard except I’ve hated tanking since 2017.

Maybe there are some people that like it; but it’s a miserable, miserable role in random ladder.

I don’t mind tanking but I can’t see myself hitting gm without switching my play style to that witch most effective. I play them like the fat dps I mentioned in an earlier reply, I think I’m one of the few tank players in existence that doesn’t enjoy rein. It’s not the meta way to play but It’s more fun than being a shield bot when your inevitably forced into Orisa

Some people in these ranks think massive healing wins matches. It’s not like Zen discord’s are good or anything…

While I see what you’re trying to say. Zen is by far the worst healer in the current state of balance. Discoed is useless when there is a barrier in your way. Bad example choice.
Lucio would be the example of utility over healing I would personally use

He can deal good damage to barriers… he also can one on one a handful of tanks and dps…

I’m going to give you one counter argument.
Bap does it better.
I can give more if you’d like but I think the simpler I keep it, the better