Stop asking for a Fortify nerf

Gaining extra health on a shield that becomes useless the second the enemy walks through it, in exchange for the damage reduction that coincidently is super helpful when enemies walk right through it is a horrible trade.


every time I see these “balance changes I want” post I vomit in my mouth with what they suggest for shield tanks.


The problem is that her shield right now just gets basically deleted by itself.

The goal of those power shift posts are to make her a better single barrier tank, but not as good in double shield.


I do not think you can really fix that issue. Orisa + Reinhardt was never really that good since there was little synergy. They sort of just wanted to operate on their own.

Sigma + Orisa is great synergy due to the doubling up of ranged damage.


Ikr every post asking about Orisa buffs are like:
Shield increased from 600hp to 8393934803hp
Fortify: damage reduced from 40% to -60%
Why though?


The worst part is how it always comes hand in hand with massive shield buffs. It’s like they think that the “ideal” version of Orisa is some sort of shield bot who falls like paper into a wastebasket once her shield goes down.


The problem is right now her shield comes down too fast either way. You could maybe try 800hp barrier with 30% fortify instead OR 800hp barrier with 400hp, but really she needs more shield because she sucks as a single barrier tank.


Orisa without her movement penalty while firing was great with Rein, never made it to live though

I am curious how would you help Orisa be more viable on her own, unless you believe she is fine the way she is currently. Sigma need to be looked at in regards to double shield.


At what cost though? Maybe you’ve made her more viable as a single barrier tank, but as far as I’m concerned you’ve made her less fun both to play and to play against.

you see thats the issue right there. orisa is supposed to be weak to whoever manages to get so close to her.
building in an ability that negates this very weakness is just not good design in any way, shape, or form.

buff her strength and selling point, which is the barrier and ranged weapon, and leave her weakness as an actual weakness, is what id say.

I feel like you would make her much more fun to play. I have a fair amount of time on orisa and it’s infuriating how fast my barrier goes down. It’s not like it wouldn’t be hard to take down orisa barrier either, I mean, mcree by himself, a hitscan, can literally just fth + roll + fth and bang her 600hp shield is gone. A hitscan did that in like a second and her shield has a 10s cooldown. An extra 200hp would not hurt much for the enemy team especially when you have 6 people firing at it.


Orisa is suppose to have a good shield tho.

Her whole play style EVOLVES around her shield.

That’s why people like me are:

  • Nerfing Fortify

  • Buffing shield health.

Fortify is probably the 1st thing that comes into mind that’s “broken.”


Make her faster, do something about the ridiculous reload time, and get rid of the spread on her projectile weapon cause its weird it even has it

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Exactly, especially when you have 40% dmg reduction + armor + pocket healing it makes orisa super hard to kill specifically in a double barrier scenario when you’ve got baptiste and possibly brigitte protecting her.


It’s a 40% damage reduction, CC now longer exist, and you basically can get out of all the ultimates in the game.

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I am not sure how making her faster will help when her shields pop is seconds. Unless you plan to give her Hammond’s speed so that mobility becomes part of her survivability.

Eventually she would need to step into the open to capture points

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As opposed to the powerhouse she is at range? Her barrier is arguably the least valuable part of her kit so why try to force play around it

Right? Even if the shield was 900hp there’s no point in shifting any power in Orisa’s kit since she’s that weak

Orisa Polo to replace Lucio Ball

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