Still getting error LC-208

it really is sad tho that we have to wait


At least on Friday maybe I’ll be able to login to my second account and play while I wait for my main account to finally get fixed.

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If it makes you feel better, I merged by PC and console account together, and I have no access to either PC or Console. in which the switch version i get the above error and the PC version it connects and then makes me re enter by account details in an infinite loop


Mine is similar. PC goes into an infinite loop / asks for username and password again, while PS4 and PS5 give the login error LC-208


yeah ik pc has problems as well which really does suck, it’s just sad blizzard aren’t really focusing on this problem

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AND GOD THE QUEUES :skull: 200000 players ahead of you

lmao waiting room simulator

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I’m able to play on an alt account because I didnt account merge in it, I did acount merge on my main and I havent been able to play too bruh


gosh it is nearly 2am here

Yeppers, thats what im dealin with

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oof, jeez there’s just so many bugs NOPPERS

has anyone actually got into some games, i did and there were soooo may bugs and glitches. then after that i thought i could login again but now i just get the LC error over and over again

I don’t understand why the ones that have either merged/confirmed to merge are struggling to get in and the new accounts are so easily getting in. I would think existing accounts should get more priority because they are more loyal than the new ones


I have EXACTLY the same problem. Also play on Xbox, merged my account with PC one when OW1 offered me to do so. And on launch day I was greeted with LC-208 error and being greeted ever since. It’s been 3 days and I haven’t seen main menu of the game yet. All because of this stupid LC-208 error.


Agree. I have 3 copies of OW1 on PC, PS and Xbox, and also bought a lot of lootboxes packs and even purchased Watchpoint Pack and all of this means nothing to Blizz – apparently I’ll be the last person ever to play this game after all of this years of fanboying overwatch.


that is so true like we confirmed our EVERYTHING and somehow it’s not letting us in like huh ???

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Ok I disconnected and instead of reconnecting through the website I waited for the OW2 queue to prompt me to reconnect. It still gave me LC-208 after confirming the connection using Enter Verification Code


Did the same to me. It seems like we are SOL and have to wait for them to actually fix the error. Big sad.

So if we didn’t confirm in OW1 would we be let in sooner? Well sorry if we wanted our progress to transfer over…

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Most of my friends who have gotten in without too many issues do not have their accounts merged properly even though they all did the merge.

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If you want in your gonna have to play on a new or alt account so u can play