Still forcing losses

People still dont believe me

I get 2 plats on my team, im ranked almost 3300 tank. my other tank player is a 2800. one of my dps is a 2772.
Every player on my team is silver border

They get a silver border, a 4 star, 3 smurfs and a 1 star player
one smurf is level 41 and is 3900 open queue, 3500 tank and support player

their other smurf is level 56 and GM damage player

we get rolled. i wonder why. THE SKILL ACROSS BOTH TEAMS IS NOT EQUAL. so 2 plats on my team, they get 1 and they get a GM and masters smurf on their team with another smurf with me getting all silver borders. tell me how this is a winnable game and this isnt a forced loss


According to the numbers, the skills would have been balanced.

You can’t plan for people popping off, or having a bad game. Or even someone who is trying to manipulate their account.

The system is not working against you. It is just matching people based on a couple of numbers.

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Are you that stupid? In what way would a GM damage player with a 80%+ win rate on every tank be a balanced game? Three smurfs vs five silver borders who are stuck in diamond?’

“the system isnt working against you” yeah thats true. the system doesnt work at all and needs fixed. I shouldnt have 2700 players on my team one game then literally every person in the game be in masters.


Because their MMR number would have been similar to others.

You just sound like another tilted conspiracy theorist looking for anything to blame. I have a theory about players that make this kind of bizarre claim. I will check profile to see if I am right.


interesting, you are higher ranked the normal crazy loons that come up with such theories lol.

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Solo queue is the only legitimate way to climb in comp.

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Losses are not “forced,” but every match is handicapped with Match Making Rating. More information:


You think so??? Why is that?!

Because if you don’t solo queue the only other options are teaming up with smurfs and getting boosted or teaming up with non-smurfs and losing a majority of your games to other smurf stacks.

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Honestly even during soloQ you fight smurfs so it makes no difference in my experience :stuck_out_tongue:

True but it’s RNG which team they will show up on. So they say, at least. I personally feel like they show up in the winners queue more often though. 5 zero star accounts and 4 of them on the same team not sus at all.

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Oh yes definitely in the winners queue more often

yeah cause mmr has never been wrong. ever. its funny you post thinking you know what youre talking about


Yes. I doubt they will fix it. There is no reason to play comp til they add guilds.

It is funny that you post thinking you know it is wrong.

Explain how MMR works in detail and how it is wrong…

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cause mmr is a perfect system. if it was it would know the smurfs are a much much higher level than what they are at and they would be gm in a matter of a few games but it doesnt work like that does it. keep trusting the system

I do trust the system.

Based on what you’ve said there… You haven’t got a clue.

Firstly… Most people deranking to smurf in another rank are Diamond on their main at best.

You still haven’t explained how the MMR system works and how it is flawed.

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a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there was concept of stringing wins together for higher sr gains…it was extremely flawed


Oh yeah. I remember that. Was tragically bad.

PBSR isn’t perfect, but it is infinitely better for the game.

So I’m going to make a suggestion. I’m no GM player or anything, but I think it may help you. And then I’m going to get flamed to heck and back again, but here goes.

Try to stop thinking about individual matches as your unit of measure. I’m not saying act like they don’t matter. Obviously wins and losses affect your SR and you want to try and do your best each time out. But matches are a terrible standard if you want to improve at OW, or climb ranks.

OW doesn’t care all that much about match performance. It cares about consistency OVER TIME. Any one match could be you popping off, or you having a terrible day. But over the course of lots of matches (lots, like 50 or more, probably more) you get a sense of your consistent output and ability. Your average gameplay. That is your rank, if the system is working correctly. Not your highest highs or your lowest lows.

At the risk of using an actual sports analogy, let us look to baseball. Your rank is your batting average. And each match is only a single at bat. You don’t judge anybody, not the best hitters in the world or even the youngest little leaguer, by a single at bat. That’s madness. Too many variables, too small a sample size. It is consistent output over time that makes one good, or even great. And it also tracks improvement well over time.

Focus less on the small bites of single matches. Put mote emphasis on doing the right things and making the right plays match in and match out regardless of the outcome. Consistency over time, regardless of your teammates, smurfs, throwers or leavers and you WILL climb. Slowly, gradually maybe. But if you are improving it will happen. You may even swing wildly up and down, highs and lows. But focus on your own play and when things settle you will see gains over the long run.


I agree with this.

I happen to lose much more when I realized certain mistakes that I was making in my matches. And since it cannot happen overnight you correcting those mistakes, since it is way harder to get rid of bad mistakes than adopting new ones I ended up losing a lot more in the beginning until I have gotten used to “correct” play.

I think it transcends to all heroes and all roles.

I personally have a huge problem with jumping in this game. I tend to press space without even noticing it and end up getting killed by the enemy Widow since jumping in this game gives you a very predictable hitbox and very predictable movement since you do not have any control “once you are in the air” when jumping.

No aircontrol in this game.

I only noticed how much I was jumping once I started looking at my VODs in the replay section. In the midst of the game I honestly would press it without realizing it and then when I would get sniped I was like “whaaattt, how?” Nerf this hero asap.

I think that too many people simply rely on their other teammates. I get it to some extent. You playing a teambased game and expect something from your teammates as well. I get it, but honestly the less you expect of them the less you will tilt in general.

Do not expect anyone to tackle a problem. Do not expect anyone on your team to counter anything on the enemy team. I know it is sad and I know and I agree that it should not be like that, but the reality is different. You honestly have to do the majority of things on your own irregardless of what role or hero you play.

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