From gold to GM, Symmetra one trick

As a gm? Inexcusable for them to end up in gold.

They also play on PS4 which is plagued with a lot of smurfs and alts.

They also flex to healing when need be. So they are already a better player then him.

He did suck, but it’s also really hard to place high with Mercy only as opposed to doing placements with a DPS or some other hero. Even the best Mercys will struggle to place higher than plat because there’s not much that the system can use to determine your skill as Mercy


No-one of that caliber plays Mercy “badly”. If they are then they are doing it deliberately to get low. Why was he playing placements on new accounts with Mercy to begin with? What did he do after the placements? Start stomping on his main heroes?

I really sad that people use the excuse of “Uh but he is playing Symmetra, that makes a bad experience for other players”, when that is absoluty no true. He was doing a great job as DPS, he is not making a bad experience for other players, you are the one who cant understand that Symmetra CAN be a good hero.

He did it because it is virtually impossible to carry a low rank game as Mercy unless you whip the pistol out and DPS yourself.

And yes, after placements he went Sym only and was in Masters in a few days. He had something like a 92% w/r until he hit Diamond.

I’m certain all those teammates that were encompassed in his ungodly w/r didn’t have their games ruined unless they avoided him and then lost to him.

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The question was targeted to the one talking about samito who also somehow ended up playing placements on new account with Mercy and doing badly.

And btw you can carry with any hero at lower tiers.

Yeah and I guess the ones the matchmaker decided to put against him deserved to get stomped by a top500 player?

Ah, my mistake. I apologize. I didn’t realize the thread had derailed that far.

I agree, but you have to DPS with them. That is the caveat. If you try to carry with Mercy at low ranks by playing her the way you’re supposed to, as someone mentioned earlier, you’re likely going to hit a brick wall at about plat.

I remember when I did Mercy placements once. I watched a Zen walk into a Junkrat trap/mine in the same room in the same place 3 times. That’s why. Mercy only has 50hps and is incapable of healing stupid. Only burst healing can heal stupid.

I’m not saying it’s right but go into the competitive discussion section of the forums and count how many threads people make about deserving a higher rank. At the very least smurfs shut that down.

This is incredibly toxic. I’m a gold level player and a GM player on any hero would delete my account and rail my wife with a glance. It doesn’t prove he’s good it proves that he’s a narcissistic douche.

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Wow, that escalated quickly. O_o (re: your wife)

But yeah, not a fan of this gold to GM thing. He’s done it before, it is NOT educational when he’s stomping on people to get to GM. He’s just…god, he’s selfish.

I must protect her from people better at games than me.

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Dude this isn’t even new. This even occurred before 3.0. It’s not world breaking…wow.

Thank you because many players don’t realize Symmetra requires good teamwork meaning every player has to be god and not have a meltdown on one death or slow push.

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lol in two days?!? He did not do this in solo queue at gold with a symm. SO, this whole gold to gm b.s. is dumb…ESPECIALLY when you’re not solo the whole time. Anybody that says he was…is lying to themselves.

Actually watch it. He’s playing Symmetra for gods sakes. It isn’t like he’s playing Widow and obliterating their team every time they peek. Sym is one of the few heroes in the game that has to respect even things that she counters. A GM Sym can still get 1v1’d and killed by a Gold Winston. That’s how she is.

If you think doing what he’s doing as Sym is the same as him doing it as Widow, Tracer, McCree etc idk what to tell you.

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Symmetra has never been a true support. The only support aspects old Sym really had were her ults. And quite frankly, she was always a DPS with support ults. Still is, in fact.

Symm is pretty op to begin with . But this guy couldn’t do this with any other dps looking at the way he plays. A lot of games he was carried anyway.

Also… Htf is he allowed to have that gamer tag?!? I guess blizzard let’s anything go these days.

This is low key Sym bashing. Sym can absolutely melt people with her beam, and if you are a GM going against gold-diamond her orbs are going to connect. Sym is squishy, but he knows how to position and avoid damage long enough to get health back and let his turrets put in work…because lower ranks will just ignore turrets far too often.

Let’s not forget that she has a top 1-3 WR all the way up to Masters and #2 in GM…it’s just her PR that sucks.

But this is all besides the point. A peak top 50 player shouldn’t be playing 2500 SR below their rank, because there is nothing “educational” about it. It’s just contributing to a problem for his own profit.

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This guy should be a shame to Symmetra mains, I feel bad for them.

Any other players who did unranked to top ranks in roles they usually don’t play were placed at high Platinum the least. You have to throw in order to reach gold these days.

Please update me when he does a Winston bronze to top 500. I’m really curious to see how good otps are since they say they could be amazing on any hero.

Btw, they made significant changes in initial placements. Unless someone deliberately plays bad/throws matches in placements, it’s close to impossible to get placed lower than mid silver. No matter what hero they play. And fans’ brains aren’t unbiased to see when a streamer is throwing.

So he intentionally threw his placements to get to a low SR, then stomped his way through the ranks til he got to GM. This behavior should be perma banned. You say he got there quickly, which he probably did, but how many games did he ruin to reach that rank?