From gold to GM, Symmetra one trick

Dude, you are taking out your backside. It’s not that ez as play “I’ll play Mercy and be good cause I’m GM 4head”. These are the things plat players say, how can you even support this idea?

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I’m currently 4300 - not a plat player, lul.

It absolutely is that easy for a top45 player to play Mercy and rank at LEAST diamond. There’s no way on this earth he tried his best on mercy and placed 2000 SR. You telling me a top 45 player is a below average mercy? That’s laughable.

EDIT: I’m not arguing this point anymore. Leaving this stupid thread. See ya


Very little.

Isn’t that just a Sym GM climbing back to the rank they have held for months?

Why would that be surprising?

Sym’s got an above average winrate at most ranks I would not be surprised if a Gold player that doesn’t play Sym could climb by swapping to exclusively Sym after practicing an hour or two in QP first.

It proves nothing of Symmetra.
He did good with Sym 2.0 too.

Its nothing new that stevoo does not care about the game when it comes to other players. Also his community is pretty toxic and demands such streams … btw buff simeteria ofc.

Before OWL we had Korean teams embarrassing NA teams by using low tier characters like Mei (before she was buffed), not because of the potential of the character but because they were at such a high skill they not only surpassed the other team but they could also overcome the weaknesses that were inherent in the character at the time.

It didn’t mean Mei one tricks in gold are going to start carrying teams. Very few people have the skill to carry with a sub-optimal character in every situation.

Its a shame we dont have any successful large, wholesome streamers. Guess its just a byproduct of the games community being so toxic.

You haven’t placed this season and ended 4147 last season. Also didn’t call you plat, said it’s something plat players say. Makes you think.

How did I do either?

Oh wait, you must be one of those people who think anyone who expresses an opinion you don’t like is “crying.”

I didn’t encourage Battle Mercy, I said he COULD easily carry games using her pistol only.

This is the biggest deflection I’ve ever seen, just to try to justify a peak TOP 50(!!) player being able to place in gold “legitimately.”


It’s almost like that’s the rank he should be playing in.

This is so not true. If you play very well in your placements you will get high Plat, like one game from Diamond.
Kabaji recently placed at some 2495 when he did the same.

Fitzy is pretty wholesome, and incredibly tilt-proof considering the flack I’ve seen him catch for character choices.

Plus it’s hilarious seeing a top500 who’s aim is relatively trash.

[edit] I’ll fully admit I’m biased as a Sombra main, and he’s one of the few big names who regularly play her and has since her release.

I’ve got a question. Why doesn’t he one trick mercy to top 500? Or rein/Winston? Would love to see that.

Btw op, you’re the same kind of person who’ll complain about me smurfing in your rank.

But it’s different! Because it’s Steevo…and he played Mercy…or something?

Dude, placing an account isn’t hard. Played on this account. 9-1 and 3317 because i lost 1 due to 2 people leaving.

When did you do that?
I have seen several masters and GM place no higher than on the border to Diamond.

It’s been 4 days I think. Most often than not,streamers don’t really care about their placements. Initial placements are really easy to win as you get matched against at least 3 level 25-30 who aren’t familiar with the game. If it was 10-0, it’d be around 3550 or somewhere around that.

manipulating SR is against the CoC/ToS and is a bannable offense.

Yeah Fitzy rocks - his balanced attitude is actually one of the things that keeps me coming back.

It kind of is that easy. I can get someone struggling to place Mercy past something like Diamond, but Gold? You could place better than that running Battle Mercy if you’re a GM.