Steve-O Says He's Tired of Symmetra Mains Complaining About Her Primary Fire. It's Better Than Ever!

I saw a pro call Reaper a good Brigitte counter. I’m not gonna call him out, because it was pretty early in her release. But I knew he wasn’t thinking about her armor generation enough and he could probably beat me in a match with his eyes closed.

Just because someone can perform better than most, that doesn’t mean that they are always right.

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If a rein is dumb enough to get close with his shield to sym he gets deleted as soon as he looses it. The thing is, you practically have to be in meelee range of Rein to farm his shield, most of the time Sym is going down before the shield if the enemy team know what theyre doing. Either her range needs to be increased or she needs a way to get more HP. Maybe while giving the SUCC to a shield she gets 75 shields?

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Steve O is streaming on twitch and playing Overwatch? What?

Yeah the dude is not a prime example of a cool player but … he is being honest here.

I love how people throw BS about Sym primary while CONVINIENTLY forgetting the AMAZING improvement to her secondary. Yes people, the orbs are BRUTALLY GOOD. They charge fast, the do GOOD damage AND Area of Effect.
I mean … what else do you want? A beam that is UNBLOCKABLE by DM, cant be deflected, has the SAME OR MORE range than Zaryas and charges faster?

Farm a shield for god sakes and if theres no shield, whats the problem? Destroy them with orbs. At medium range they are almost undodgable. Just change their prim fire with the sec if you are having a mental breakdown.

I think those complaining Sym mains need to chill out , step back and reasess her features and strenghts.

3. He changed his opinion after using it for a month.

What are you trying to say here? His teammates pocketed him in every game? or he relied on m1 against GM/top500 players?

I mean yes, Zarya is a tank with 400 hp, a self protection, more range and her beam is better why Sym’s beam has a bad tickrate compared to her while she takes way more risks than Zarya ?

Ok we have turrets but that doesn’t stop them fixing the beam.

Tbh the only thing I want as a Sym main is a fix to the tickrate or a buff decreasing the ramp up time from level 1 to level 2 that’s all.

Other than that Sym is perfect.

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I’m doing this in my games. It takes some time for the turret to start firing. But it’s actually very effective.

Just because shes overall better doesnt mean her primary isnt garbage.


The only issue I have with Symmetra’s new beam is that she can no longer counter Genji as hard as she could with her old beam. She was also able to deal with Heroes with high mobility, like Tracer, somewhat with her old beam.

But we also need to include her explosive orb to this discussion, its changes matter a lot to Symmetra. The splash damage and its projectile speed makes you able to deal with these Heroes a bit, making up for the changes of the beam. Only sad part is that you can no longer shoot through shields which I found to be super effective towards pirate ships.

But, that being said, these changes haven’t made her useless. The only sad thing is that by reworking Symmetra the way they did, they removed counters to Heroes that I believe should have more counters.

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That 20mps secondary fire that you can easily dodge from a distance? Cool.

Her old turrets did 180dps in total with 6. New ones do 150dps with 3. They were sold as double the damage and they are not.

aiming itself is not a problem for me, but i feel that it is clunky to use.
Damage ramp up was a necessity to balance an unavoidable lock on beam, but it doesn’t work as well on a beam that requires aim. Especially if the ramp up time is made even longer.

One thing on sym 3.0: unlike her 1.0 and 2.0 incarnation, this kit has potential. If looked at and tweaked it can work. Old symmetra was doomed to either be a 0% pickrate troll pick or such a pubstompet that would chase away lower ranks from the game
I think a huge benefit would be to just make the ramp up take one second. Or if that sounds too good, make it so the first ramp up is 1 sec and the second 2, so that she can easily reach that respectable 120, but still making 180 a reward.

While I personally have no issue with Symmetra in her current state, I’m 100% aware of why at least 85% of the Symmetra playerbase have issues with it.
HOW TO FIX SYMMETRA - from a Symmetra main
(This isn’t exactly primo change suggestions but yknow, its alright)

Symmetra, a hero that has always resulted in most of the people who play her been abused and harassed and mass reported, deserves to be made more viable. Her teleporter is garbage. Her level 1 primary fire is garbage. Her alternate fire is useless if there’s shields around (god forbid you’re out of range to use your primary on them lmao).

I could care less about “Steve-O” whoever tf that is, and his 4400 SR and his time on Symmetra.
Not everyone is at a 4400 level. MOST PEOPLE won’t even get near that level.
The game should NOT be changed based around what the top of the top feel about it. The majority of people aren’t even up there.
Also if he’s going to sit there and tell people to “shut the f up” about Sym’s primary fire, thats his rude attitude coming out.
And I’ve literally made a thread about how Symmetra’s primary fire is fine lmao
Symmetra’s Primary Fire is Great
The thing is, I made that when I was in the mind set of, I do really really great things with Sym and her primary fire (my average accuracy with her primary is over 50% so naturally that means I can do a lot with it)
But that’s not taking into account the majority of her playerbase.

Also you uh, literally don’t play Symmetra, so I don’t think you really get to tell us about

because uh, the only hugely positive part of the rework IMO was the turret changes. :slight_smile: A lot of my Sym main friends feel the same way. A lot of the people I’ve talked to agree that Sym 2.0 was much better. Some people think 3.0 is better. Some people (myself included) think we would benefit greatly from a hybrid of 2.0 and 3.0 instead. :woman_shrugging:


So the new Symmetra play style suits one gifted player, while for other 99.999 it doesn’t. Go figure.

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Steve-O gives himself concussions for money. I’d take his opinion with a gain of salt.

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Is the left click pretty lousy right now yes it is. But let’s also be really honest with ourselves. A good portion of people that played sym heavily played her due to the fact that you could just press left click and melt people up to gold blindfolded. I am glad that garbage is gone.

the rotten truth is junkrat isnt any better right now and one could argue in certain situations sym is actually better. Her turrets hurt a LOT and coupled with her ultimate can really be a nuissance.

Yes the left click could be looked at but please with the torb rework coming do we really want sub 2500 to be a sym/torb defensive cheese strat on EVERY 2 cp defense team?

I am cool with the new kit tbh especially play in 6 stack with a Bas but literally,

I mean literally, ask any Sym main to pick b/w the old M1 and the new M1 with the new kit, they gonna tell you the old M1.

Thats what you call better.

No idea who that guy is, but base on what I’ve read in this thread, it honestly sound more like he just got fed up with people trying to force him into the mob mentality that the current symetra primary not being ok.

Opinions are like, well, you know… they all stink…

That being said, I think that when we see a rework like Torbs and even Sym’s turrets which makes for smoother play, it’s a bit weird that her primary is so cumbersome. I would think a lower top damage and quicker ramp up, or frankly none at all is in order.

I’d still prefer a Moira style “soft lock” and a return to the old graphic, but that will never happen.

I’m tired of people taking streamers opinions then changing their own opinions just to match them.

It also is possible to be good at doing something and have a useless opinion, Top gear put a helmet on their racing driver originally because finding a racing driver who has a good opinion was rather difficult.

Skill =/= good opinions.

People should think for themselves and only use others opinions to help guide them but ultimately everyone should form their own opinions or they have nothing of value to add to any discussion.

If you love Symmetras primary fire and think it is the best thing in the game, Good for you discuss why.
If you hate it, Good for you discuss why.

People should always think for themselves and not blindly follow.

Hell you should disagree with what I have written here if your brain tells you that I am wrong, Just don’t disagree or agree with me because someone told you to