Steam integration is buggy

Downloaded OW on Steam and I encountered quite a few problems.

  1. Friend/Social list is bugged. If you’re playing on Steam, you can view your buddies online on their Battle-net counterpart, however- if they’re already playing in a group, you can’t request to join the group, you can only Invite them.
    Trying to invite them will result in a “Player not found” error. And if the Battle-net friend is waiting in main menu, trying to invite them may also result in the “Player not found” error.
    There will also be a double entry when you see a friend playing on Steam. You will see their profile which is reflective of their Steam profile, and also their Battle-net counterpart. Their Battle-net counterpart entry however will show a default Overwatch icon but their current-active Steam account will reflect the actual icon they pick. Only their Steam counterpart can be invited into groups or join their game, their Battle-net counterpart will display “Player not found”.
  1. Overwatch League coins. You will not be able to earn Overwatch League coins if you’re playing from Steam. The time you put into watching OWL will still be recorded but the coins will not be awarded if you’re on Steam. Upon going back into Battle-net though, you will then be rewarded.

I’ll update the list if I found more. Do contribute to the list if there are any Steam integration related bugs.

Please don’t do that.