Steal a skin for your main

Torbjorn and Reinhardt: Pajamei.
They would have matching pajamas, It’d be so cute.
Also Reinhardt with lifeguard skin
Zenyatta: Sentai Genji

Don’t have a main but I’d give every hero Zenyatta’s Carbon Fiber skin. Cause black and green are my favorite colors.

My second choice would be the devs adding color sliders for skins into the game.


I would steal Krampus for Reaper. Obviously. Rat King is sick, but Reaper deserves Krampus too.

Good… but not as good as shirtless Rein.

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Doomfist already has the best skin in the game so it’d be a downgrade to take any other skin :sunglasses:

I wanna see Mei in a Suit and wearing Shades…

I guess that means stealing it off High Roller Wrecking Ball and Scion Hanzo?

Mercy: Default Pharah
Pharah: Default Mercy
^ (although they’re not legendary…)

Reaper: Krampus
Junkrat: Rat King

There’s a Yellow Dragon as the fifth symbol who sits in the middle of the Four Symbols, meanwhile the yellow dragon appears on Casual Hanzo’s pants.

Reaper: pink mercy skin (we’ve all been wanting a pink reaper skin… right… right???)

Mercy: demon hunter (hooded mercy with glowing eyes and a gun that’s actually more than just a recolour?? Yes please!)

WidowMaker: roadhogs base skin… because reasons

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Symmetra: Pink Mercy but blue
Brigitte: Sentai genji but yellow

Also, Rein is not my main, but I would love for him to have sentai genji but it’s red. And there you go, a full power ranger at your service!

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Sorry Hanzo (not)


I’d take Totally 80s Zarya and give it to Lucio

I would give Lucio a pirate skin that changed his songs to sound like sea shanties. Any legendary pirate skin would do because they all look great! I think Lucio would look good in a pirate bandanna too.

I would like to give Lionheardt Rein and Ultraviolet Tracer to any other hero.

One of my mains: I’d give D.Va’s Cruiser skin to Zarya.

Soldier - literally any widow skin. He’s basically a crappy version of widow

Genji: Hanzo’s cyberninja skin that should’ve been Genji’s in the first place. I’ll never forgive Hanzo mains for that one.

Of course…

some madman draw it please

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Winston, but with Mercy’s Pink skin. Hair included.

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I would give Graffiti Tracer to Sombra.

Sigma: Enchanted armor Pharah
Sigma has that 24/7 floating thing going on which would fit nicely with the whole ghostly theme.