"stay as group" button is gone

It gave me a n x i e t y

“Oh no! Someone clicked the stay with group button! If I don’t click it too they are going to think I’m mean and hate them!”

Lol jk (sort of) it is pretty weird that it would just be removed since there weren’t complaints about it.

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Well, since I’ve also noticed increase in playing with groups like this in the last couple months … I presume those were needed because of 2-2-2, for faster matchmaking, arguably latency conditions were soften a bit as well.

Probably not used much(I can’t remember when someone actually activated it for more than half a second in my games), and therefore removed(to make place for some new feature?).

The last time I saw people use it was when I just got the game and only played vs AI. Kind of forgot it existed.

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This is how it went every time.

Team of randoms win a match and gets excited. Someone presses the Stay As Group button.
New team loses next match and everyone leaves.

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if all 6 people click ‘stay as group’ they are not 100% certain to go against 6 friends on their next game. 6 strangers can be in the queue. your group is in the queue after all, are they not?

Good morning!

I took a look at your idea. IM 50/50 on it. I really don’t want a playtime and stat tracker to be a bilboard to anyone’s gaming habits. I mean sure, I love being able to look at it, but I got news for you. I am one of the individuals that PUSHED strongly for PRIVATE PROFILES back when they did have this in and I am HAPPY that my decision to take a stand has made players feel LESS alienated while playing this game. I am pleased to hear that Blizzard knew how important this was and went with it.

No player should feel unwelcome here and I truly believe in “Fair gaming” , inclusion and “fair usage of a product”. It means that if a person commits any infraction OUTSIDE of cheating, they should still have access to the game’s ONLINE services. If they breach that contract. They should be suspended from various MODES, chat abilities or the usage of “online mode only”.

What private profiles does, is it makes a person feel like they have a video game infront of them, NOT a billboard figuratively that they have to carry around. Many players whom I visited with on these issues in forums and outside forums felt as though Public profiles is WHY they bought NEW accounts, to HIDE their stats from what is known as “stat bullying”.

I agree, Level constraints are no longer an “addressed issue” and need to be.
The whole issue of keeping players at least marginally satisfied falls on the same thing Blizzard did for World of Warcraft. They set level limits for certain areas and those whom were stronger and higher level could play in Player Vs Player zones within the same level range. It meant players understood a new level of mechanics to the game and the team mates they had, were in that same margin. Which is what we need here on Overwatch.

i highly doubt it. there has been no talk at all of either. not to mention, blizzard only create things that no one wants (at least not many) …

Button has been gone since like season 15. Season 3-7 was when that button made some rad groups. Pepople actually excited they won and wanted to team up. Nowayadays even if you win 70% of the time there is no joy. Mainly because no good comms/ callouts / shotcallimg teamwork.

Dion Sanders doesn’t get to tell the newspapers not to publish his rushing yards. Therefore, Deuslrae doesn’t get to hide his playtime, or lack thereof on Tracer. I understand what you’re saying. I just think that my right to view your stats precedes your right to hide them. (In competitive play, of course.)

search “Rust trolling” on youtube. I really like how people tease each other in that video game. It’s good fun and brings a sense of comradery. I wish we could “cut it up” a little bit more in Overwatch.

don’t want a billboard, don’t play Comp. That’s my opinion on the subject. Despite what the devs may think.

that’s because levels mean something in WoW. Reaper is Reaper, no matter what. And that’s why we have SR/MMR anyway.

The reason I think people should be allowed to shed SR with the click of a button is because “Laws catch flies, but let the hornets go.”

They have a new system coming out that’s suppose to catch smurfs/derankers. Jeff seemed confident in it, and I’m inclined to believe him. However, at what cost does this system come? I think having a transparent MMR system is paramount to Competitive. Any system put in place that hurts the chances of the MMR formula being published, I am against.

If the MMR formula goes public and then I don’t like Overwatch, maybe I’ll change my mind. But until that time…

thanks for reading btw

it was in about a month ago

The difference between “Dion Sanders” and me is. I am NOT a professional player and this is a video game. Not a professional sports league going on. If my stats are being published. I want my paycheck. Fair, very…

Harassing people over their stats is WHY people bought alt accounts. NOBODY should have to pay “protection money” for their sanctity of JUST playing a video game. Overwatch isn’t about anything more than a simple video game just like TF2. Login, play, frag, 15 minutes, game over… next plz.

This very reason is why profiles went private.

Because the enemy that is chosen, was chosen by Blizzard’s servers, NOT us. And we didn’t chose what teams we do or do NOT want to play.

Let us put this into a “perfect world” and go with the continued alternate reality of the game. …

"Public profiles" If this is the case.

A. I should receive a paycheck.
B. I should be able to LEAVE any match I want and forfeit without penalty. other than to the obligation of that group I was with.
C. My team should be able to eject me from the match or the group if my stats are not what they want in their group.

Anyway, I am leaving it at that. Since arguing back and fourth on Forums is against TOA.

starting fights is against TOA, arguing/discussing is not

we could talk over comms if you want

notice how in my post I put that we would need a robust LFG to make profiles public again.

“Eff these people”. LOL