and why is it funny?
I don’t see any reason to make any adjustments on current Symmetra kit when the major rework on the horizon. I mean, what the point to somehow improve her Photon barrier, for example, if this ability is more likely will be removed entirely from the game? Her rework was delayed because it will require more work time to implement. It means new animations/models/sounds.
Turrets make them whine.
Genji has to flee.
Teleport my friends.
Photon Beam that bends.
Orbs through Enemies.
There was a little change.
Shields, to say the least.
Sym mains didn’t care.
No Players were prepared.
Symmetra is a beast.
Add this to your list, all hero’s will still be affected by syms turrets regardless of movement abilities used, so you won’t be able to just zip through turrets to nulify it’s effect.
Yes, that’s what this game needs. Yet another ridiculously easy and rewarding hero, that is the most commonly one tricked hero in Top 500, to be “more viable”, because she isn’t “viable enough”.
Right. While we’re at it, the next hero we get should be a healer/tank/dps hybrid who only has about 1-2 general weaknesses out of their 10 general strengths, doesn’t have to aim and- OH WAIT.
tips fedora
Well here’s the thing Symmetra had a healing ability and it was removed. Symmetra can support with a healer but she would always be bottom tier and rarely picked because she doesn’t heal. You are correct that support doesn’t equal healing but when all the other suport players can heal their teammates that puts Symmetra in a bad spot. Cause while utilities do help support teammates, healing will ALWAYS beat out utility in terms of support.
This actually sounds pretty fun.
how did you get the link to work?
This is correct.
There is nothing but a meme comp, in which Sym actually fits. Any reactive or proactive team comp will be better, because currently Sym is a poor dps, and a non-tank, non-sustain, hero.
Without Sustain, you are not a ‘support’.
Without an ability to absorb damage, you are not a ‘tank’.
Sym, therefore, takes a DPS slot, however has.
- No mobility.
- No projection of power.
- No meaningful dps outside of melee range.
- No survivability within combat.
100%, in need of a redo.
the simple fact is that Symmetra isn’t a melee hero, shes a hero with a melee ability (strong as it is).
She isn’t a melee hero as she has no other aspects that make her reliable or survivable in melee.
Compare her to Brigitte. Brigitte has 2 defencive abilities (barrier & ult), more health (armour too), self-heal, 3 attacks that can be used in melee (flail, shield bash & rocket flail) and a short dash.
As Symmetra is now she has no defensive abilities (that can be used in melee), no movement/ escape options, low health, no crowd control (that’s effective in melee) and only 1 melee attack.
For Symmetra to have that kind of sustain in melee that Brigitte has to make sym’s beam attack a core part of her kit would require; changing her turrets, changing her barriers, probably changing her ults, removing energy balls, increasing her health (by 100) …all of which would make symmetra even less of a support simply to justify 1 ability that has no synergy with the rest of her kit!
It would make a lot more sense to remove that one ability to buff the rest of her kit than to change everything else for that one thing that’s contry to the rest.
Sym’ isn’t a melee hero, just a hero with a mismatched kit that needs streamlining!
put ` at the start and end of your link
When your Primary FIre is a Melee Ability, then you are a Melee hero.
Turrets, Barrier, Shield Gen/Teleporter
All of these make her reliable and survivable in Melee combat.
And if you wanted to make her more reliable and survivable, then all you need to do is reduce the cooldown on Turrets and Photon Barrier, and BAM! she can now always be slowing enemies, she can now always be blocking burst damage and prevent CC.
And the great thing about Turrets and Photon Barrier is that they are team-oriented skills, so they help your team as well, so not only are you increasing Symmetra’s power level, but you are alsoenabling Symmetra to buff her team.
Symmetra and Torbjorn always take the Support slot due to their Utility.
And also becuase Turrets in Overwatch are more of a Supportive skill at highest levels of play.
No mobility or projection because Primary Fire deals 120 damage per second!
If she had mobility she’d have Genji Ult every 3 seconds.
I like my 120 DPS heroes as they are, without mobility.
Melee Heroes do not have meaningful dps outside of Melee Range.
Shield Gen/Teleporter, Photon Barrier, Turrets.
you are clueless.
Thank you Valkyrie.
Torbjorn can’t heal either and he is a Support.
And Lucio is primarily picked for his Speed boost at highest levels.
Then buff the Utility.
Make Turrets always available for Symmetra so enemies are constantly getting Trapped in her Webs and constantly have to Tear them down.
Make Photon Barrier lower cooldown and come up more frequently so Symemtra can block more Burst damage and Cleanse targets of CC.
It’s not hard.
You sound like a salty Genji main…
Oh wait…
checks profile
You ARE a salty Genji main!
Git gud kid. Nothing personnel
What do you mean? If you escape their range using Mobility ability then what’s the issue?
I don’t think she needs a major rework. Her Photon Barrier has the potential to be a really OP ability. From a game designer perspective, is a unique ability as well, with its own identity. So since it can be OP and is a unique abiility, I don’t think removing it, is a good idea.
See my thread on Photon Barrier -
Your ideas break Symmetra’s Kit and completely change how she is played.
E.g. your first idea on Photon Projetor, going from Lv1 straight to LV3.
That is simply broken.
You are trying to make Symmetra into a close-ranged Reaper and it’s not a good plan.
Symmetra’s beam shouldn’t do 120 damage right off the bat, it should actually go from 30 → 60 → 120, exactly in that order.
The Devs have delicately balanced her kit in this way.
The reason for balancing it like this is so that her Lvl3 beam is not her regular form of damage.
Try to see Lv3 Beam as a Third Symmetra Ult.
But then if Lv3 beam is Supposed to be situational like an Ultimate is situational, then how is Symmetra supposed to deal damage.
For dealing Damage Symmetra has Lv1 and Lvl2 beam PLUS her Turrets.
Symmetra is like a Spider.
She is always building Spider Webs around herself, in which she traps enemies and damages them.
So the presence of her Turrets is a core part of her kit, as she should always be placing them around herself and should always be benefiting from their damage.
They are destroyed in 1 hit so they are supposed to be a disposable spider web, that enemies constantly have to tear down.
So by reducing the place time and cooldown time of her Turrets, we are actually not only buffing her Utility has a Spider, who creates webs to trap enemies and forces enemies to deal with and destroy her webs, but we also buff her DPS.
Since Turrets are a part of Symmetra’s DPS, her Photon Projector is balanced around having them.
Since Turrets are a part of Symmetra’s DPS, reducing their placetime and cooldown time, will greatly increase Symmetra’s DPS.
You see, it is hard for players to deal with a 200 HP hero dealing 120 dps.
If you can’t imagine what that is like, then think about when Genji Ults, he deals 120 damage with each swing.
So 120 dps should not be a norm for Symmetra, unless you are really good at her.
A 1Hp Turret, that enemies can tear down easily, should be buffed instead, to come up a lot more frequently, while maintaining their disposability as 1hp Turrets.
1HP Turret offer fair DPS. Whereas jumping from LV1 to Lv3 does not.
I mean I could go on about about the rest of your suggestions but I mean they are seriously broken and they change how Symmetra is played completely.
You might as well create a new Hero suggestion with those abilities you have suggested.
All those words, you call me clueless, yet you are the one playing the hero that doesnt fit into the game.
BTW, running single support (because no, Torb/Sym do not replace the healing) is a nice way to lose against anyone with competence.
I played a hero that doesn’t fit with your conception of Overwatch and got to high Masters.
Other people have played the same and gotten to Top 500 and even Top 10.
I am 99% sure I am/we are not the clueless ones here lol.
I’ll give you benefit of 1%.
We do it all the time here in Diamond/Masters and above and run it successfully.
Every hero has gotten a one trick to top 500 levels. Thats…not a meaningful data point unless you are arguing that all hero’s, are fine.
Sym remains the only non-OWL played her, as far as I am aware.
It’s more meaningful than all of the 0 data points you have provided.
She see’s zero OWL play, across how many matches, games, and maps?
Oh which Map SHOULD she see play?
What i do is change how its made, i just simply increase her minimum damage: it still take you 2s to charge up to 120dps, consider sym have no mobility and short range, its fine!
I have been playing against a lot of sym, its just simply stupid to stay in her range and got beam to death instead of keeping distance
Her turrets reduction of cast time and cd doesnt mean increasing dps if it keep being wiped out completely, also there are counters to that, if the enemy do go counter to her, it doesnt affect much
And no, i dont change how sym should be played, you just need to stay with your team more to give them your passive, other than that, having mostly the same kit with extra abilities is not that hard to learn new things.
I wonder if Winston every game has anything to do with this.
And this proves Symmetra doesn’t belong in this game? how?