⭐ 11 Changes that Will Make Symmetra a Beauty and a Beast

You “insulted” first, I responded mutually, if you don’t like it you can go bake yourself some cookies and milk and cry in your safespace, hypocrite.

These would just make her op on defense and still useless on offense.

No I said that mobility WONT allow them to escape the slow or the damage, I used to be a Sym main.

Lmao so you just want her kit to do all the work for you. You don’t even want to have to aim a shield, but have it block incoming damage? Like come on, do you just want a win for picking this hero cuz that’s what these suggestions are saying lul

I apologies for false number, im bad at math, my bad, now its fixed
with the gun now, after charging for 2s you deal 90 damage in 2s, then jump straight to 120 per sec. Total in 2s beaming from lv1: 90 damage
with my idea, it deal with 6 damage first hit, extra 3 damage after each hit and increase until 30 damage / 4 hits every sec. Total in 2s: 132 damage
Its just 42 damage increase before you reach 120dps
but the good thing is you wont get the risk of resetting the level if you accidentally switch target before level up

That’s still broken though. 30 > 60 > 120 is quite good and balanced IMO. See my previous comment.

As for Turrets being easily destructible -

Turrets can add a ton more DPS, so the downside being 1HP in a necessary downside.

They have 1hp because you can deal upto 180dps + your Primary fire dealing 30/60/120.

So Turrets are a powerful DPS source, they are balanced by being paper thin.

In order to make Symmetra more powerful, all you need to do is make her Turrets faster Cast and low cooldown.

That way her Turrets don’t become OP, while still being powerful and counterable.

As for your suggestions as a Whole -
I think you are taking Symmetra to be a severely imbalanced hero and thus your suggestions go in the complete opposite direction of being completely broken AF.

That’s not the case though, Symmetra is very balanced hero and all of her kit has been designed that way for a reason.

Her Secondary Orb is balanced around being Dodged in mind, her Turrets are designed around being destroyed in mind, her Teleporter makes for a good Ultimate, etc etc

So you have to buff her according to that delicate balance.

I have never noticed that but they should fix that.

Well she is already viable on Offense so I don’t know how my suggestions will take her backwards.

If anything they’ll buff her on Offense, since faster Turret cast time and lower cooldown means she will be able to move her Turret Webs more often, e.g. on Payload maps, she can easily place a Web, then as the Payload moves, place another one quickly.

Out of all of Symmetra’s kit her Turrets are the only Defensive Tool, and by improving them, in the manner I listed, alone she will become better on Offense.

In addition, improved Shape of Barrier, Lower cooldown and more control over the Barrier means that she can be more aggressive with it on Offense, and use it better for pushes.

So these suggestions actually make her awesome on Offense.

Are you saying that mobility should not allow people to escape Turret range?

Should Turrets Cripple heroes and disable mobility?

I think you will love the following idea-

I actually asked for meaningful data points.

I am still waiting.

And while we are at it, I am also waiting for good arguments.

Please show me where I insulted you first.

“git gud kid.” and “nothing personnel” are memes and were intended to poke fun at you. They were not meant to be insults.

You sound like a salty Genji main…

Oh wait…

checks profile

You ARE a salty Genji main!

Git gud kid. Nothing personnel"

Not that I take it personally, but nothing about what you wrote screams “haha I’m only kidding!” It’s written like any other sarcastic, condescending post you’ll see on this forum.

I’m not sweating behind a monitor trying to hurt your feelings. We exchanged jabs on a stupid game forum. I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. Hopefully you don’t either.

I[quote=“JangBahadur-1968, post:115, topic:401”]
Well she is already viable on Offense so I don’t know how my suggestions will take her backwards.

If anything they’ll buff her on Offense, since faster Turret cast time and lower cooldown means she will be able to move her Turret Webs more often, e.g. on Payload maps, she can easily place a Web, then as the Payload moves, place another one quickly.

Make her entire offensive potential rely on her turrets seems like a great way to buff a hero that already has to rely too much on abilities that do the work for you. Also this will make her even easier to play on defense because she’ll have turrets available more often meaning you can throw them out carelessly without having to manage the cooldowns. I’ve been told this is where symmetra’s skill lies in managing turrets and turret placement. These changes would make her a lot better, but also even easier to play (which I didn’t know was possible, but of course a symmetra player came up with a way to make the easiest hero even easier lol)

Okay, its cool, but devs already stated that they think in different way. Sorry.

No, it is intended, if you doesnt get your beam to level up, switching target will reset the level, my ideas let her can charge it up at any time with just a little bit more damage, simply make it more consistent.
Her shield gen’s value is not that good as an ult since it doesnt make any impact at all when an enemy decide to use ult combo while other healers can make great impact with their ult, tele is a 10s delay res but she have to retreat the fight to put it on make her team take risk of 5v6 and lose the point, tele will help if your team is better than the enemy.
Her kit is balanced at design, not its stat, statically its too weak and can be countered with any other hero while sym herself suffer from penalties that shouldnt exist
I dont want to see a hog walking to the ult, kill the ult, kill the turrets, kill the sym, pick another one and then walk out like nothing happen.

I want sym to be a all time up time support that can take up a healer’s slot and people actually want her on her designed situations. and for a non heal support, her utility must be OP to stand with healing itself

Then your ‘but top 500’ point is invalid.

Sym fits into no meaningful comps. As proof - OWL.
Sym fills no need. As proof - OWL.
Sym is strong within a limited niche. As proof - Win % rates.

You can dance around the issue all you want, but saying Sym is not a bad hero, within the context of how games actually play out, is misleading to the community, provides the wrong feedback to development, and is objectively, when looking at the most effective way to play the game, wrong.

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only 2 changes will make symmetra a Beauty and a Beast:

  1. put a Beast skin/costum on her
  2. on top of that, put on a dress.


20 pointless character’s.

I have thought about this idea of adding Cripple effect to Turrets, a lot.

Ultimately I came to the conclusion that it shoudl not be done.

I think that restricting a character’s mobility with Turrets would be too frustrating for squishy heroes because it will deal an incredible amount of damage to them without giving them a chance to back out of it.

Your 6 turrets can deal 180 dps a second.

If you prevent a hero like Tracer from backing out of that, she’d be dead in a blink (pun intended).

And Tracer has no way of seeing how many Turrets are in any given room. So she cannot know what she is walking into.

So I would not add Cripple to Turrets.

Devs please buff Turrets and Photon Barrier while you are dressing her Up. :stuck_out_tongue:

How does that work? Do you have any video showing this?

It seems like a bug to me.

The only heroes that have Ults that give your team some chance against Ult combos, is Zen and Lucio, and even they are not that good against burst damage combos. They can do nothing against a Nano boosted Pharah for example.

And Mercy, Moira and Torbjorn Ults are garbage against Ult combos as well.

So saying that Shield Gen is bad because it doesn’t help against Ult Combos, is a poor argument.

Shield Gen’s value is there in the remaining 99% of the game that does not consist of Ult combos.

You are temporarily down 1 person BUT after Teleporter comes online it is increasingly in your favour against the dwindling enemy team numbers.

If the enemy team doesn’t take out the Tele, then you have won that fight.

No one can take out your team in 10 seconds and if they do then you would have lost that fight regardless of whether you left to place Tele or not.

On a side note-

If you are running so far away that your entire team dies while you are looking for the perfect spot to place Tele, then you are doing it wrong.

In clutch moments you have to place Tele right next to the team, even on point so that you can stay in the fight and keep it 6v6.

In those types of situations you should not be running off to place the perfect Teleporter.

In those moments getting even 1-2 Teleports is good enough.

Then you buff the numbers, you don’t completely redesign it into a new hero.

Where are these statistics? Please share them.

What penalties are you referring to?

This is not true in my experience.

Hog cannot walk into you and your Turrets without dying or retreating with take a breather.

30 x 6 = 180 dps + 30 -> 60 -> 120 dps is way too much dps for a single Hog to handle.

In my experience, this is always a losing battle for Hog.

Symmetra is powerful at holding her ground when she has her Turrets.

This is why I think reducing Turret cooldown and place time is a big buff to Symmetra.

We both want the same goal. But we disagree on what changes should be made.

I am of the opinion that Symmetra’s kit should be preserved and her abilities should be tweaked to be more versatile.


  1. By rework do you mean a rework like Sombra’s recent rework or a redesign of the hero?
  2. If complete redesign, then when and where did they state that?

Gatorpunch, this is incorrect. That’s like saying Tracer only relies on their abilities to do work.

There is never any “managing of Turret cooldowns” in Symmetra’s gameplay. You just place them down whenever you have less than 6.

Turret placement is part of her skill. I have never seen anyone, nor myself, over 300 hours, ever manage Turret cooldowns.

Turret cooldowns should be low enough so that you can always have Turrets up.

This is because Turrets have 1Hp and can easily be destroyed and you can only have 6 of them.

There is already 2 limiting factors on your Turret Uptime. The 3rd limiting factor is cooldowns and it is not necessary.

Making Turret cooldowns lower won’t make her easier to play, it will however make her less frustrating to play since your Turrets can get destroyed by some random flying debris.

So giving Symmetra Turrets more often allows her to recover from Turret-loss more quickly.

HAHA Symmetra is so easy to play HAHAHA.

You are hilarious. :roll_eyes:

The part with the memes - “Git gud kid. Nothing personnel” - screams that what I am saying should not be taken seriously.

Btw I too would be a “salty Symmetra main” if I went to a Winston buff ideas thread and whined about his buffs.

Good. Then all is clear in the world of Overwatch forums.

OWL is not proof of anything and neither is Top 500. Even you yourself admitted these are garbage stats.

Winrates when they are distorted are not proof of anything either. It is another garbage stat.

You can dance around the issue all you want, but saying Sym is a garbage hero, within the context of how games actually play out, is misleading to the community, provides the wrong feedback to development, and is objectively, when looking at the most effective way to play the game, wrong.

Btw still waiting for your good data and good arguments.

You are, just like in the majority of your posts, not being truthful. There is no ‘good data and good arguments’ in your view.

The reality of how the game is most effectively played? OWL. To suggest that Sym could meaningfully contribute, yet is not chosen for people who are literally paid to win, is asinine.

You are more than willing to throw out the Win Rate stat, because it does not speak to your narrative. It quite literally shows that based on % of use, she wins, more than she loses, at all levels of play, and (last I checked) she wins more than the vast majority of hero’s, top 3 % at all levels.

How is that anything but an indication that within specific parameters (aka niche) she does well?

While your word play is assuming to the audience, it is not a telling blow.

The burden of proof is on you, when I can look at Pro Level play, and from a map design perspective, and we can easily articulate why Dive is a Most Effective Tactic Available, a hero like Sym, is a burden.

She does not have mobility.
She does not project power.
She does not provide sustain (outside her Ult).

She WILL be broken down, and rebuilt, and yes many a Sym one trick, will hate the direction she does in, because it will NOT be what you have now, because the Sym of today, is a failed design, and the Dev’s know it.

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I’m not salty about Symmetra, I’m just pointing out that she is an easy hero who has no problems being one tricked in the highest rank in the game. GM/Top 500 is plagued with them. My original post was of the same meme nature that your reply was, hence the “tips fedora” part. I don’t care if they buff or nerf her, but IMO she doesn’t deserve it.

Please tell me I wasn’t the only one who started humming the song that played in the old Disney movie when Beauty and the Beast were dancing in the ballroom when I saw the title of the thread? LOL


She is not an easy hero.

I agree to an extent.

For the most part, she works well and can hold Top 500. However she has few issues that Devs need to sort out.

The Top 10 Symmetra One-Trick had this to say about what Symmetra needs -

as for buffs, i would like to see Symmetra to gain the ability to destroy her own ultimate (no refunded recharge given) in case you want to start building towards a new one.

also i would to see photon barrier getting less HP but with a shorter cooldown, the 1000 HP it has barely ever gets broken and i use it to block enemy abilities rather than to soak up damage.

then there’s smaller QoL buffs i would like to see, like the animation cast time on building turrets and such being drastically lowered.

So there are a few things that she could use.

Wow, dude… I didn’t think you’d stoop so low to start accusing your opponents of lying.

Did you run out of arguments that quickly?

  1. The game as it is played in OWL is not the same game 99.9% of the playerbase is playing.

  2. This does not prove that Symmetra does belong in the game.

  3. She was picked recently in South American Contenders so there goes your “good argument”.

I am willing to throw out stats that are distorted.

You show me a winrate for Symmetra that is not distorted and I’ll be happy to take a look.

But I am sure you will find it easier just to accuse people of lying.

That’s only because the losses are not counted.

Within the parameters of her niche that you defined, if Symmetra cannot hold first point then that should count as a loss.

However it does not. It is instead counted as a partial win.

So your stat is all wrong within the parameters you have defined.

Yea Mei does not have mobility nor sustain. Let’s redesign her.
Reinhardt does not project power over long range and does not sustain, let’s redesign him.

And lets also ignore all of the other utility in Symmetra’s kit. Just ignore all of it.

This is basically a summary of your argument.

Face it, you have no idea how Symmetra plays, you like to make things up, you like to ignore facts and you also like to accuse people of lying when you got nothing meaningful to add.

I did not realize that a Tank, working completely within his niche (and actually struggling if we are to be honest with eachother) needs a rework? Rein projects power by enabling his team. Mei, is getting a huge buff on the PTR, and within her niche, works quite well.

Does Sym do this?

Tell me about this ‘other utility’ in Sym’s kit.

What depth of play can be utilized skillfully in placing turrets?

What execution can be used to throw a shield out that then travels away from you and the team hoping to gain some sustain behind it?

Throwing slow orb’s down a choke. Sure. I’ll give you that.
Having a melee range beam that can be charged on a Shield? Sure. I’ll give you that.

Now lets look at the issues with these things.

Her primary use, considering she is completely pathetic at Sustaining without her ult, must be DPS yes?

Turrets are a gimmick.
The Shield is a gimmick.

Her power, again disregarding ult, is all tied up in her LMB and RMB.

Seem’s like a fair enough statement, but just so we understand eachother, tell me why, if you feel so, I am wrong. So we can continue with an understanding.

EDIT: And is it incorrect that one gain’s partial LOSS percent, as well as Win? I always thought that was the case.

No it’s not incorrect, symmetra relies almost completely on her abilities because they are strong abilities and her gun is a garbage design.

They are low enough that you can always have turrets up. Why should she be able to have all 6 turrets up all the time?

Also, the turret cooldown reduction is buffing a defensive ability to work in offense so she will be stronger on offense and op on defense with these changes.
If she isn’t easy, give me something that is difficult to be good at with symmetra?