This is a common misconception. My goal is primary to give information about how the system works. If I have no problem with criticism if it is criticizing the system as it is actually implemented. I criticize the system as well. I get frustrated when people hallucinate how the system works and criticize that hallucination.
MMR is not an integer, and will move a small amount (approximately 0.03 for established players) with each game.
Regarding streaks: Win probability changes slowly with rank because there are so many random factors in each individual match. Unfortunately, it follows from this that frequent and long streaks will occur, and a player’s rank will oscillate widely. Essentially, a player will tend to bounce between the range of where he is nearly guaranteed to win and where he is nearly guaranteed to lose. Historically, the range varied from player to player, but +/- 250 SR was common and +/- 500 was possible. This problem can be analyzed in depth, mathematically (Overwatch Forums). With role queue, and several months of data, streaks should be reduced in frequency and duration, and total SR swing should be less. How much less will have to be seen.
It behaves exactly like expected from TrueSkill: Why Match Quality is Frequently Poor.
SR is not used in matchmaking. Only MMR is. There is no “you’re doing well, time to carry a sack of potatoes” in Overwatch. I don’t comment on HoTS because I’ve barely played it.