SR lost for winning?

Placements wins/ loses or whatever dont guarantee that your sr will be higher/lower than in last season


But thats just extremely weird to me. We won 4/5 games.

I don’t understand how he literally lost 19sr for that. I’ve never seen this happen, esp with so many more games won than lost during placements (outside of 3900+ people placing 3900).

Edit: And he had gold medals, I was on Brig the whole time and he flexed Mercy/Bap. If I had gold medals he was close to yoinking it. Idkk

Best way to describe things is that your hidden matchmaking rating may have been out of alignment from the previous season to the current. This can happen if you don’t play Competitive frequently (and considering you just now completed this season’s placements a month late, that would not be playing Competitive frequently). Remember how you actually match up to other players is based on the hidden MMR, not the publicly displayed skill rating. The skill rating chases the MMR and is a more normalized number (1 to 5000) so its easy to read. It also always goes up when you win and go down when you lose, whereas the hidden MMR may not depending on many factors from each match.


Matchmaking is absolutely terrible in this game.


That is a bit of shallow statement with very little context. It is my observations that when I see statements like this, the player is more than likely complaining about either the match quality or how skill rating adjustments work. Which are very valid complaints but those problems have very little to do with the “matchmaking” itself but instead the nature of how Overwatch is played (snowball effect, ultimate economies) and how the player is reward at the end of each match.

Remember your hidden matchmaking rating is only a number which is caculated based on your past history of playing Competitive. Statistically matchmaking works within the known rules (the averages of both team MMR/SR must be within 40%-60% odds of winning or the match is not made). Now there are legitimate complaints of teams having wide spread ranges of skill ratings of 1000 SR or more, but I did confirm that will happen as long as the averages of the teams are relatively equal.

If you wish to elaborate what concerns or complaints you have, please share them, but again, I think more players shun the matchmaker when there are other problems that the game needs to address.


I’ve lost 4/5 placements and got 2722 SR. I’ve also gone 5/5 in placement matches only to get 2609 SR. The SR system is really complicated and works in a mysterious way I’ll never understand lol

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There is very little that is publicly known… if you want the textbook on it, check this post out:

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SR will slowly drop to 3000 overtime, so if it has been a while since you played last season and your new placements, that may be effecting the SR drop

i dont know at what rate it returns to 3000, or how long it takes to start kicking in

50% win rate says otherwise. It’s bad.

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That actually says you are at your optimum skill rating. Until you can find ways to carry more of your matches, that is how an elo system is technically suppose to work.


50% is where everyone would be if it was possible for a perfect matchmaker


Placements are the biggest waste of time for existing players. I would rather have an infinite season. Or just don’t make me do placements.


Exactly, you can win all games and not increase SR.

Placements take wins and losses very little into account. Your performance is what matters the most

I could lose all 5 games because I played sombra, but my sombra was doing decently good for my level, so I may place higher

If I would’ve won I would’ve placed even higher, but winning and losing is taken very little from my experience

I’ve had some weird placements that don’t make sense. One season I was about 2900, the next season after winning most of my games (about 8 of my matches as this was still during open queue before RQ even existed), I somehow placed 2500+. My stats were mostly the same across the board, and fights were pretty even.

I think at one point some people mentioned that Blizzard intentionally placed people lower to encourage them to climb but it backfired? Idk, it was a weird time back then and idk the legitimacy of that claim. Like, if I really did just suck that bad, I’d like to know, not be tricked by some scheme made to make me believe I can do better.

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If you’re referring to decay, I’m pretty sure this was removed with Role Queue. And even if not, I usually wait until the end of the season for my placements and I increase SR still, my duo usually does them before me at the beginning but they didnt this time and we ended up kinda meeting in the middle and doing them together mid-season, where I gained SR and they lost.

Another friend did come up with a theory… I onetrick Brig and he typically plays mostly Mercy, he has more hours on Bap than Mercy this season, so possibly his Bap stats lowered his placements? Idk. Game rewarding onetricks I guess LMFAO, someone call Samito.

They did fine tho, and I was on Brig the whole time so if its calculated by medals somehow, they had gold healing 90% of the time. And idk if this is true but probably less deaths than me too.

Edit: Actually the 1 loss couldve been completely prevented if I didnt make a big mistake, I was a big reason we didnt win… but not the reason we lost. Round 2 Busan i staggered with Rally at the end so we lost that round. Round 3 tho the tanks just fed the whole time. Buy anyways, the point is I’d say they did better than me.

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You’re the reason to draw smh

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in placements if you do really good or really bad you will gain/lose sr no matter if you win or lose.
for example this season I only one 2 placement games
but I gained sr
I popped off as tank for all 5 games I just lost 3 for whatever reason’s being me someone else or the enemy team was just better

Performance based adjustments to one’s rating should stop at 3000, and both the OP and their friend are in mid-diamond. What WM said, however:

I wonder if you’re right, and it’s only the visible SR that stops being padded by PB?

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They are also a “minor influence” in the overall SR adjustment calculation at those ranks, the strength of schedule, frequency of play, and ladder position will have stronger influences.

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