SR Gap shouldnt be higher then 300 in a comp match!

Why is this a thing? A gold player can pocket a diamond DPS in 2.7k SR match. This is literally boosting. The max SR gap shouldnt be higher then 300. Dont like it? wanna play with friends? Quickplay is all yours, or compete on tourneys, go on scrims, plenty of choice.

There shouldnt be gold player in a match with diamond player!!


Realistically it shouldnā€™t be higher or lower than 500. No reason to keep people in the same tier apart. That or just make it so people more than one tier apart (bronze and gold, silver and plat, gold and diamond) canā€™t group together, even if it means letting a 1600 silver duo with a 2400 gold, itā€™s still one tier apart. Solves your problem without being restrictive. No oneā€™s going to (or should) cry over a 1900 silver player duoing with a 2400 gold player.


i agree, the highest discrepancy i would want is 500. any higher i feel like thereā€™s more ā€œunbalancedā€ games in terms of SR range, and any lower, you make matchmaking a bit more miserable (hi dps players!)


For solo queue the matchmaker tried to match people within 300sr before 222. now it stays between 500ish (due to tank shortage) as long as there isnā€™t a stack, in which case it might balance a bit higher.

Blame this on people not wanting to play tanks.

[note:] I can point to my own research on the topic from before private profiles were a thing if you need evidence.


Itā€™s not just making matchmaking unbearable. If you make the limitations on grouping less than 500 (the spread of SR for the average ranks) you get to a situation where two friends who are both gold players or plat players are unable to play together because of a very arbitrary feeling limitation. At least 500 can be reasoned as the length of a normal tier.


But I kinda like it when my silver games on this account have a plat player that I stomp into the curbā€¦ And my team sure never complains about me doing it either.


Ye well, plat is hit or miss, so could go either side. After 2.8 - 2.9 u see an influx of more mechanical skilled players. So lets say the enemy runs AsheMercy, and the Ashe player peaked the season on 3.2k, its not exactly fair to expect your 2.6-2.7k avg joe plat player to keep up with that guy.

I know, this is my play drunk/tilted/after work/tired/etc account, have another one much higher ranked.

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Nah I donā€™t want masters tanks in 4.2

Wait till you see a 3k player in a 4K match

You guys like tanks donā€™t you?

*typically plays tank * :eyes:


In my high diamond game earlier there was a rank 400 Widowmaker with a low diamond mercy pocketing her the entire game. You can guess who won.

Yeah they really need to work on the matchmaking system. Thatā€™s one thing I think the majority of us can agree on.

yeah and a 500sr margin of diffrence as in the case of a 2400 player and a 1900 playerā€¦imagine that silver player is an anna and the 2400 player is a genji.

lets call it what it isā€¦a bad game.


Honestly the match making doesnā€™t matter anymore. There are so many smurfs in the game now itā€™s infested. I play dps and tank at diamond, and support in gold. There is literally no difference in my low gold games than my diamond games because of smurfs.

I might as well be diamond at gold because the feeling or difficulty is the same.


The matchmaker needs retooled for role queue. It clearly matches by average TEAM MMR, and it needs to match by average ROLE MMR. A team-wide average was sufficient for open queue games where switches could happen, but is completely inadequate for a role-locked match. Platinum tanks fighting Silver tanks will never be a fair fight, etc. If your team has a DPS SR average of 2500, the opposing team should have DPS with an average of 2500 SR. This doesnā€™t happen and is trivial to verify.

Doing this adjustment for the matchmaker could actually DECREASE queue times as well by opening up the total SR spread for a team while keeping it intact for each role. So for example you could (in theory, and if necessary for the matchmaker to create a game) have Diamond DPS, Silver Supports, and Gold Tanks in one matchā€¦ but the opposing team would have EXACTLY the same spread.

This gives the matchmaker more latitude to pull in players, without disadvantaging one side or the other with imbalanced roles.

It has some benefits and drawbacksā€¦

One benefit is that lower ranked players get to see how higher rank players work, which should bring match quality up over time as lower ranks are exposed to better gameplay and strategies.

A drawback may be that the match could be frustrating for a higher rank role to get paired with a much lower one (diamond tanks getting silver supports)ā€¦ BUT the opposing team would be working under the EXACT same conditionā€¦ so ultimately the match is fair.


I just read this after I posted a thread about the matchmaking system lmao.

you can lose 300 in a weekend easy though. i say 500 is better probably.

Ideally less discrepancy is better, but wait times are the compromise. The roles should be as close as possible when considering team averages. Role averages will hopefully become a thing if they plan to keep Role Queue.

How is that boosting?

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