Sr Gain and Loss

Winning is much more important than statistical peformance in ranking up. Your profile doesn’t list by role, but it does say that your winning percentage is well less than 50%. See How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 18) for details.

Edit: I went though your profile by hero, and came up with a 44% win rate for the support role (may be off a bit due to rounding). Work on your win percentage, and your rating will take care of itself.

Hero Wins Win% Games
lucio 21 0.58 36.2068965517241
moira 15 0.46 32.6086956521739
mercy 6 0.26 23.0769230769231
zenyatta 2 0.57 3.50877192982456
baptiste 2 0.22 9.09090909090909
Total 46 0.440224261984582 104.492196301555