SR decay is one of the many problems with ranked

Plat has become the worse rank because your potentially fighting decay smurfs on top of players who are learning to climb.

The skill in plat is the most mixed because of this, you cant consistantly learn anything to improve because the team or enemy varie in play style and skill in a greater spectrum than any other rank.

This is why you may get smurfs who can climb through plat because they are familiar with the various play styles.
This is like retaking a test for them they know the questions to and most of the answers but for players climbing they only know half the questions and a few answers.

When people decay, they still get matched at their old MMR, not their visible SR.

See How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 13) → Rank Decay for more detail.


I let a masters account decay to 3k and queued in the morning. Everyone in the game was GM but I had a diamond icon. Best believe I got blamed for every single lost fight lol

But the guy above me is right. You keep MMR if you decay. If someone has a masters season high and they’re plat or low diamond in a 2800-3100 game claiming to have decayed they’re lying. They got boosted and fell or threw a lot of games.

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The only thing I gather from this post is that rank LITERALLY doesn’t matter because it pairs you by MMR, not SR.

So gold SR and master MMR fight gold SR and master MMR? What? So why even have decay if there’s the active ladder and then the decay ladder?

Whatever rank you’re trapped in is the hardest to climb out of as it’s the extent of your skills. You’d never guess it but Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Masters, GM, and Top 500 are ALL the hardest rank to climb out of depending on who you ask. You can do it. Learn and improve and you’ll get there for sure.

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Its literally impossible to have gold sr and masters mmr, so idrk what point you’re trying to prove

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Players can only decay down to 3000, not gold. But yes, MMR is the real rating. Having SR separate provides an incentive for higher rated players to earn their rank by having to play more.

Lol the whole ranking system is a joke as it’s based mostly now on those who are lucky enough to NOT get the worst team with throwers, leavers, etc. as well as cheaters on the enemy team with b.s. aimbots. Be nice if Blizzard actually did something about any of this, but they do not sadly enough.

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