SR clearly is meaningless stop acting like it means anything

Hogwash Ron, I’m sure you’ll climb. You seem like a reasonable guy, and that is important.
You’ll learn to dodge the ball kicks eventually


Transferred to PC a few days ago. I’ll let you know when i’m in bronze. :smiley:

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Naaaah, well, at least not the first part. If u really are better than ur rank mmr will enventually adapt and u’ll climb, better u are compared to the rest of ur rank faster mmr adapt. I reached master heal on a silver border account which was stuck plat for most of the time I played on and started in bronze (first FPS, first game on pc, hard beginning :joy:)
But ur right, even when u start getting better it take some time to « launch the machin » and rank up
Finally I got master with a 87%winrate on zen last season (seems like force loses are not true) and yes, on my main account
Also remember, u are not getting better if u just play the game, when « good » players are stuck it just mean they don’t look to improve, they just play, maybe they do only minor mistakes and that’s why u think they are better than their rank, but if they do enought minors mistake it’s end up they deserving they rank because the lake of foundamentals
In this case it often take just few vod review to correct mistakes and then they start climbing pretty fast
(I did some coaching, that’s my sources for last paragraphs)

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I agree with the forced loss part of your post. And if you think of what MMR does to your matches or match quality you’ll see that it makes it harder to climb, with an established account that is.
The matchmaker tries to keep your chances of winning at 50% no matter what. So in order to balance a game with an over performer or under performer in it at a given SR it has to balance this by either giving them stronger enemies or weaker enemies. OR by giving the stronger player weaker teammates, or the weaker stronger teammates. As you can see, this leads to garbage match quality for alot of the players in those games no matter what you do. Unless it puts stronger players on both teams and weaker on both teams, wich I think is unlikely - misplaced players are bound to be in minority- queues would be long.

I mean a strong teammate is great, I love a strong teammate. However, he probably hates having noobs like me in his team - maybe it triggers him. The enemy team also probably hates my strong teammate and have to play to counter this missplaced player instead of having an even game where people are mostly the same skill.
This happens alot in my own game - it’s a game of “whos the carry, and shut him down” now for me in a too large percentage of my games (not 50% or anything but 30ish maybe).

So you can see how some overperformer or underperformer can easily go 50/50 for, say, 20 games in a row just at random. All those games with potentially bad match quality for alot of people.

And this system makes SR a joke number that just means “hey, I’m a number you strive to increase but I dont gain any real meaning untill I’m about 3500. Soreeee!”

That said, getting better is the only way to climb reliably. That and finding a partner to climb with that is not an imbecile. Or i guess getting boosted by same partner to a level where you can ruin peoples games when you solo…

Unfortunately (or lucky) it is the only objective measure of skill we have. Without it is like saying that NHL league table means nothing => let’s only play friendlies or pre-season games.

MMR and other things I would just cast aside since we don’t even see them.

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This thread is true.

SR means nothing because every match is handicapped with MMR, which completely corrupts the win/lose result of players matches and distorts their competitive careers. More details in my thread on the subject:

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Have u not something else to do than spamming ur own thread in every single thread that appear ?


I wonder even if it’s allowed to post just for the reason to crosspost your own thread.

Idk, but I’m reporting every time he spam

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I’d get that, there are alot of posts from him like this.

Just only 3 other users posted his thread…

He seems to hate so much things about this game but he played it for at least 2years. At a point it is maso to do that

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Did my placements, 2150, I was the only one coordinating the team, 3 play of the games, 3 losses 2 wins. I guess I just belong here.

Honestly, anyone can reached diams, it is in fact pretty easy because the majority of player of this game have in fact no idea how to play the game in a « ok, not totally false… » way
So it’s relatively easy to climb to diamond if u really are thinking about how to improve and not just playing and hoping u’ll get better by accumulating hours in the game with brain off
U could also find a high elo player (master/gm) to teach u basics of the game (real purpose of each role, basic playstile of hero u play, cover, timing, ect.) or u cool on youtub, look at iostux vod review (don’t’ pass the taking part, there’s were u’ll get most of the game basics knowledge)
Also, look for « in depth guide » even if they are a bit old if they are « in depth » most advice on how u are supposed to play

Plat is really achievable, by just asking u « what can I do to « carry » and have a lot of value with (insert hero name) that does not involve me jumping in a unwinnable 1v6 hoping on my sick mechanics that are not evens achievable for an normal humain being to kill all the backline by myself all alone while my team is regrouping in spawn »

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do you really think you’re qualified to be judging how accurate the system is using the players with the least experience who are still in the process of learning the game?

also rein is terrible at carrying. your ability to carry at silver and gold is rein is going to be extremely low if you purposefully pick someone who requires support from his team and to be in close range to deal damage

my roadhog is 2750. i didn’t play on that account for a long time. over the course of 5 games, despite not being in placements, I was given a 2500 game that I should carry, a 3000 game where I got stomped, a 2600 game where I carried, and a 2800 game where I lost. the game gives you plenty of chances, though it hurts when you have throwers in an important game.

The real issue is that gold and below have very very low consistency so even though they give you the same range of games as I got above, you end up with throwers in half of them. So ultimately moving out of those ranks requires good performance or massive carry potential. Rein doesn’t get good performance when he isn’t healed or bubbled, so he is probably the worst tank for climbing out of the lower ranks.

I’ve done/still do all of the above! ha.

It’s strange how you described me completely xD, I DO have a GM friend who likes my tank play and I DO watch IoStux haha. My basics are fine I think, the problem is adapting to lower ranks I guess. Im hiding as Rein until I need to engage and everyone else is just getting shot moaning for a shield in the middle of the road.

If anything I think I have to dumb my play down and go full aggro Rein but then I don’t get the heals ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I’m going cover to cover, i’m doing short pins, i’m blocking shatters and McCree ults etc, yesterday I even firestriked a junkrat bomb out of the air!

Let me bloom Jeff. Let me bloom.

I disagree, rein is actualy pretty good at carrying in low ranks. Pretty much all tanks are. Its just sometimes little bit frustrating to play him, thats all. And he is practicaly meta up to plat :slight_smile:

well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I can carry myself out of < plat with every tank, but with dva, ball, and zarya I get about 85-90% win rate, while with rein I can’t even break 70% win rate. Maybe those gm players can get the ridiculous rein win rates, but every gm I watched playing in plat ends up swapping off rein for every hard match? can you guess where they go? zarya zarya zarya…

pretty much universal between the various streamers cause it’s the easiest most guaranteed way to carry the low ranks. in any case good luck. But don’t expect consistency from the low ranks when we still have 20% of games being complete throws due to massive underperformance by somone even in the higher ranks.

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Let me change my statement. I didnt mean that climbing on rein is faster that some other heroes, but i think that you can climb on rein well as he was recently buffed too.

yeah definitely agree with you there. I could climb with rein out of gold while one tricking him, someone who actually swaps when the enemy has 3 high grounds in a surround and his team has no zarya or lucio will find it even easier to get out of gold with rein. I Just really want to hit diamond while rein one tricking but I gave up.

instead I will just go roadhog / rein 2 tricking and sigma/winston 2 tricking. I find both rein and winston to have low carry potential compared to off tanks or ball. I have mixed feelings on the idea of pair tanks because good synergies make overwatch way more fun to watch, but are worse for the ladder experience and the carry potential of main tanks.

If they continue to make stuff in the vein of wrecking ball where you don’t require your off tank to actually help you in any way then main tanks will carry feeding off tanks easier, but there is something really fun about watching rein zarya interplay or a winston dva dive

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You can watch svb do it. It felt like you need a lot of team management in voice chat to do it which is not my cup of tea :slight_smile: