Spilo's take on snipers

So rather than fix the sniper issue, we’re going to try and rebalance all of the maps in the game?

Who the hell is Spilo?

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Well, that’s what Spilo recommends too : “force” Widow to play more aggressively, reward risk taking. And imo, it’s a good solution. It’s either that or make her a “real” sniper with no mobility and only a sniper rifle, a bit like Ana.

Well, the sniper issue arises for 2 reasons : map design and hero design. It’s hard to address one and not the other if you want to really find a solution.

haven’t watch the video, but that’s the same take I have in widow in this game. The problem has always been map design, where it’s literally impossible to contest the widowmaker than having a sniper on your own. This is extremely frustration when the enemy widow is insane with headshots.

At least if all the map force widow to fight in mid range, every player have a better way to contest the widowmaker. She becomes dive-able and flank-able.

Balanced? You’re joking right? You don’t even need to fully draw the bow to get a kill.
His hyper mobilty makes him nearly impossible to kill when the sole strategy of a bozo noob is to stay as far away from the battle as possible.
His projectiles are small sure but they can be spammed at an high rate.
Dude can melt a tank alone with rapid arrow and Widow’s the problem?
And then there’s the no damage fall off, how is it that Hanzo’s arrow can one shot people from 10 meters and Mccree can’t?
It’s a revolver versus a common wooden bow.
People keep defending Hanzo for one single reason, low risk high reward.
You just dont want to lose your little advantage since you can’t aim with an actual skill based hero. “Widowmaker”.
Compared to him she has next to nothing and now? Even less but Widow mains will still annoy the living hell out of people like you and that just brings a huge smile to my face.
So there’s that.

Spilo is right, even in low ranks. I had recently to pick several times Sombra to counter Widow players. I had no other choice. Once WM is dead, you have done half your job. She’s really effective against Widows+Genji or Widows+Tracer comps but in the other cases it’s a lot harder.

I just find it crazy how fundamentally broken the game is with the removal of 1 tank.
2-2-2 ironically was the foundation that made the game balanced anything less absolutely tips the scales for worse.


this is debatable. not drawing the bow means the arrow’s arc is worse meaning you’d have too aim higher…meaning you’d have to train yourself to know exactly how to aim at each “percentage” of the arrow charge which is unlikely. but also widow can 1 tap people with less then 100% charge as well, she also does more dmg per hitscan crit at full charge then hanzo does.

he’s literally one of the easiest to kill in most ranks. unless your playing against a like top 5% player you can easily 1v1 a hanzo and win.

because its easier to land a hitscan shot then it is to land a headshot on hanzo without dying.

also you dont “stay away from the battle” on hanzo, hes a brawl dps. you play him with the team, if you are dying to a spamming hanzo thats at a widow’s range thats entirely on you for not reacting quick enough to the arrow.

yes because widow can do the exact same thing but is a hitscan and can be used at much further ranges more accurately.

its funny you say that because im a master’s widow player and i have been since 2017.

i speak from experience using the sniper lady, and no offense but i speak on the hero from a rank you likely have never even seen or even been close too.

the only people that think hanzo is stronger then widow are the metal rank players because the hanzo will get lucky and kill them while the widow will miss.

but as players improve they learn how to bait and dodge hanzo’s arrows while the widows aim improves significantly and now its easier to get kills on widow then it is on hanzo.

thats why there are so few hanzo mains in high elo while almost every dps player in top 500 play widow to some degree.

In a 5v5 I’m sure i’ll get the chance.

Thats bs and everybody knows it, most players use him to spam arrows from the safety of cover.

Again also bs. Widow can’t do it as efficiently and/or dish out as much damage as Hanzo.

That’s very conceited of you and by no means does it make you more or less right, or wrong.
You’re talking out of your Uranus. Hanzo needs nerfing. Mostly everyone agrees it’s just the few idiots that can’t see something wrong when it’s hitting them right in the face.

technically so does every ranged dps.

what that means is that he doesnt play at widow’s range, he plays corners like every other dps. thats called having good positioning.

you have macro positioning, which is your relation to an anchor like your tank then you have micro positioning which is your relation to the things directly around you. (things you’d use as cover)

wrong, because widow can deal 600 dmg in 2 headshots. shes technically a dps counter to zarya.

incorrect, it infact makes my points have weight yours doesnt have. because you lack the experience to actually speak on the subject.

thats because all of you are hard stuck in the metal ranks. bad players hate hanzo because they walk into his arrows

good players hate widow because she controls sightlines in ways that are typically uncontestable.

you can contest a hanzo, its just if the hanzo is better then you he will win the duel but if your better then him you’ll win. its a skill match up

dont get me wrong, hanzo is annoying to die too. no one likes being 1 tapped

but objectively widow is more powerful

you play hanzo in place of cassidy because you are bored, you play widow because she’s the best hero on that given point.

rarely do people pick hanzo because hes the “best” hero for anything. the last time he was that was in 2018 during the short lived grav-dragon meta.

a hero being annoying doesnt mean they are overpowered.

I read your whole debate with Valkyrie on Widow vs Hanzo, and I think a few things must be said :

  1. Widow does not have a “storm arrows” which deals 270 dps in 1.2 sec and can OS you.
  2. Widow does not have lunge (4 sec CD) or wall climb for mobility, she “only” has grappling hook every 12 sec.
  3. Widow is hitscan, Hanzo is projectile. Because of that, he has more leeway in aiming for headshots than Widow does, and therefore more chances to OS.
  4. Widow does not have a “sonic arrow” that reveals the position of the enemies up to 50% of the time (12 sec CD, 6 sec duration). She only has this ability (granted, a much better one) during her ultimate.
  5. Widow does not have an ultimate that deals up to almost 1000 damage on all enemies it hits.
  6. Widow cannot play mid range, behind cover, and send “peekaboo” shots than can OS if they’re roughly aimed at head level in the direction of the enemy team.

So I wouldn’t say, like you did, that “Widow is more powerful”. She’s weaker in most areas, stronger in only one : long range and long sightlines denial.
Hanzo is much more “hated” because of all I said.

And I also disagree with you when you say : “you play hanzo in place of cassidy because you are bored” : Cass is a hitscan, effective against certain targets that Hanzo has a harder time reaching (flying targets for example), is much less of a flanker because he lacks the mobility to do so. You don’t play Hanzo in place of Cass just because you’re bored. You play one for certain reasons, and the other for other reasons.


The widow is also significantly worse.

Thank you. I believe Hanzo needs nerfing and constantly bashing on Widowmaker when her kit is much weaker is just dumb.
But as usual this will go unnoticed because ActiBlizz is just running this game to the ground, just like “ChiyonOsake” in weird over the top letters and their lack of insight.
“Also funny how he has his profile set to private” It’s like he’s all talk and obviously below average.

this is true but widow can more reliably 1 tap you at range. hanzo is better at close range but easier to dodge cuz hes a projectile but widow is stronger at long range but harder to dodge because she’s hitscan.

lunge while helpful isnt so helpful that it actually saves his life. for instance if a ball goes after the hanzo the hanzo cant really do anything. where as the widow can sling shot herself which buys her enough time to be healed or peeled.

this is kinda true if you cant aim

but when you can aim a hitscan will always beat a projectile.

sonic is by far the best part of hanzo’s kit, balanced out by the fact his ult is a zoning ult. widow has his sonic arrow as a ult. this is one area that hanzo wins out

you have to get hit with it first and most teams have something that can completely nullify the ult. you’ll rarely see someone get a kill with hanzo’s ult in higher elo’s unless they combo (and even then its not consistent)

again this is only a problem for bad players

the widow doesnt need to peekaboo, they can just kill you.

thats because you are putting way to much value on the wrong things.

you think ppl just walk into hanzo arrows at every rank because you do but hanzo barely gets played the more you climb.

its not because he isnt good, its because cassidy and widow are better. hitscan will always beat out a projectile hero

no one in high elo says “oh wow we need a hanzo on this map or GG” but they will say that about widow.

if you dont openly walk into his arrows or peek an angle he has sonic up on you will rarely die to a hanzo in the metal ranks. and you can even dodge him in the high ranks just by watchin where he’s aiming.

you can beat a hanzo in a 1v1, because he’s fighting in a normal range he can be more easily contested. but a widow can play much longer sight lines and since she’s hitscan she can still get kills making it much more difficult to contest her, particularly on sniper maps.

this might come as a surprise to you but you dont fight alot of pharahs in even diamond+

hitscan is too popular diamond+ for people to play those heroes. (theres like 1 pharah main in top 500 across 2 regions) so you pick hanzo because you need pick potential but you either dont want to play cassidy/ashe or someone already took the hero.

hanzo is typically a 2nd or 3rd pick for cass/widow players

its funny you didnt respond to me and said that instead of saying it some random person lol

i can prove this account has played in masters :slight_smile:

these images were roughly taken in 2019 because i was arguing with someone that said i wasnt what i said i was. (then posted on the forums a few months ago for the same reason :])

the reason the account is set to private isnt to hide anything, its because i dont play on this one anymore so i dont log into in game (so its set to what i had it in 2018) i now use it exclusively to post on the forums.

i can prove that other accounts have been in and are in master’s but i dont out myself like some sort of idiot. one account is enough and ive kept the icon and the name the same for 5 years for this reason. (plus proving you were masters in ow1 is worth more then proving it now in ow2)

its funny to me that you were too afraid to say this to my face. you must of been afraid i could prove it :slight_smile:

Widow, Hanzo, sombra, tracer, genji, pocketed Ashe can do, because she does 195 hs damage via mercy boost and widow has only 175 hp. SJ can do the same as Ashe but even w/o the pocket, her hs damage is 195 on fully charged rail. As sombra it takes about 0.6 seconds to kill widow in the head even w/o the hack if you catch her hard scoped.

He gathered all escort maps and make them look like every single one is widow’s place when it is not. There are only 3 maps where there is no engagements against widow Havana 3rd and JT 1st - and those are only map parts even. Circuit royal is kinda meh, with heroes like sombra you can do ez vs widow even there

If we follow that logic that maps make a hero broken, then all the koth maps should lead to tank nerfs, and ball with tracer should have never existed in this game.


To be fair, Alec himself said last week on stream that they think the problem is certain maps, not necessarily Widow herself, and thus are gonna look at changing those maps, so they ARE actively looking to do it. But with how long theyve been taking to do stuff lately itll probs be in Season 8 or 9 lmao

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Oh, I didn’t hear about that. That’s interesting, but I hope you’ll forgive me for not holding out much hope after seeing the changes to Havana for OW2. :stuck_out_tongue:

It would be nice if they took a long, hard look at Corridor Royale. Even if the fates are kind and there’s no Widow, point A has such a boring, linear layout and point B is High Ground: The Movie: The Game.

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yeah this is the real fear.

there changes to the maps in ow2 was adding a little extra “natural” cover to certain parts of the map.

but sniper maps have such long sightlines that you’d need walls on walls thats you could use to rotate around the point, while still touching the cart, for it to effect widow being played on the map

its just easier to drop widow’s sniper range down to 40m

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My ego is kind of boosted right now cause I said this before and now a pro/coach is saying it