Spilo's take on snipers

I think widow maker will play a big part in blizzards future plans hence why they won’t touch her. It would seem like a strange hill to die on if not for monetary gain

Let’s just say, if they spent 6 months working on map design at their current pace of map design, I still don’t think they’d have it fixed.

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Widow is the ultimate form.of skill expression in the game, according to FPS purists, so I always find it rich when the same pros and t500 streamers who mald about “low skill” heroes in their games come up against high skill heroes and whine like Silvers.


He listed 4-5 heroes in dps roster that are able to deal with widow, And 3 heroes in Tank roster. So the issue is not the widow but players who don’t want or didn’t learn to play these heroes or specific comps. I think this is when the game should be able to punish you for your inappropriate preferences being such a bad teammate or a bunch of players who you can’t even call players. Because what is the point of the game if you are not trying to do what works? Why one hero should be responsible for multiple human factors which makes up for the game? Frustrating to play vs widow? I guess not frustrating enough to make you switch your otp trashcan heroes then… This was and is a main goal of the game – to be able to adapt and commit to something instead of waiting someone to carry your weight.


well she has been nerfed before and they can do it again. maybe its sorta tricky tho since all her power is in her primary. everything else in her kit is weak. i do like her ult since it works for her since you have walls for your primary and info for teammates but thats about it.

they could rework her to be more like ashe but then that wouldnt make sense either but will most likely become the outcome since if you nerf her primary they have to transfer her power to the rest of her kit

so yea she’ll be ashe 2.0 someday

It’s really not though. Cut off the more extreme power spikes, and if she needs more, then buff her back up to 200hp.

And if she needs more after that, then buff the grapple cooldown.


If they want to take the extreme route then by all means change all the aforementioned maps since she’s so essential to the game. Still think it would be easier to just rework or remove her.

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This is literally a year 1-2 opinion. “Maps are the problem, not the snipers”. Maps are never getting fixed, though. So what does it matter if the maps are the problem?


He said hanzo is a good 1v1 match up against widow. Who are the other 3 dps?

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genji and sombra are two of them but it also depends on skill level. probably at the highest levels widowmaker will counter her counters but still im not up in the top 500 so i dont know how much she counters people of that same skill level up there

i hate touting on owl but in owl right now its sombra/tracer for meta most of the time i see hanzo and of course widow is widow on the long site line maps. then they switch off until long site line again. depending on the map

He also said the flank option is inconsistent for widow unless you’re diving with a ball

But for hanzo genji was a better choice. All in all, he said what most of us know already and have experienced playing as or against the snipers.

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There’s a lot of space in between Moira getting kills because people can’t aim and the ability to quite literally dominate a lobby uncontested. That’s the space that we should aim for.

i just know what i hate when i play widow and thats anything in my face. i just have to hope grapple is on cooldown and my team helps me out. sometimes tho i get that moment i can counter my counter with a lucky headshot

You completely missed his point. He said a lot of maps did not allow for counter to snipers, or gave them too much of an advantage. It’s not just that people don’t wanna swap…

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It’s inappropriate definition. You can’t counter your counters. You talk about skill differences which is not the point. In top500 you just outvalue the widow in other aspects. When you play in top500 it is actually beneficial for you if enemy has a widow, because there would be no active pressure from the enemy team (lack of damage). That way, you just shut down their supports and tank while widow is afk hiding like Kephrii (I bet he still sits on some pixel for the content). And that way you force Widow to play differently in a more risky way where you can punish her with anything. However, in the video he mentioned some maps that are still very oppressive, such as havana 3rd, JT 1st and Circut Royal where you can’t do anything for real (but still able to flank and force 1v1 or reposition). On the other hand, that is not even bad to have these maps, because otherwise hero is unplayable at all. And when he says that they need to change her in a way for some more “dynamical gameplay” well, we all know this hero already existed and that was Ashe with oneshot via mercy damage boost before they completely destroy that hero and made her enemy support’s ult charger more than actual value bringer.
If they want to do anything with oneshots, like make them to disappear from the game, then the 1st thing they need to do is to make sustained damage heroes relevant. Because with all the healing and utility in the game that supports and Tanks provide, you can’t just sit there and shoot crap damage.

Just bring back off-tanks lol. I know so many ex-D.Va mains that are ready to jump back in and go eat Widows for breakfast.

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i would gladly welcome back 6v6 and make widow mid tier again. i do enjoy how she is good in 5v5 but people just want her to be nil and i dont blame them lol

another thing about 5v5 is all the push maps are pretty good widow maps. 6v6 had a 2 tanks and 2cp. two things widows hate

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if they want to target snipers then why not target zen as well and his abitlity to spam orb of discord

This is such a dumpster tier take that it’s hard to respond to it. How is “spend hours grinding characters you don’t enjoy playing or lose” not considered horrifyingly bad game design? For the most part it seems that thankfully, Blizzard agrees, because they’ve moved away from it other than Ball, Pharah and Widow for some reason.

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Completely different topic that deviates from the main thread