So people can just crutch GOATS again? no point
AKJ won’t be happy until he can stand still with cree or hanzo shooting things pretending he’s playing aimlabs
Honestly I don’t even care what he or the devs have to say.
I have been listening to excuses for the past 7 years.
Mercy has always fit during 6v6 days
??? Overwatch has better movement than Val, never said it didn’t. The bigger hitboxes ruin the movement though. You might as well stand still now
What Valorant does better than Overwatch is balanced abilities/ ultimate’s, puts more value into aim
Yes, that’s what I just said. You won’t be happy until you can turn your brain off and just do nothing more complicated than aiming.
You seem to hate the core of OW, which is that it’s a team based, tactical game and not a pure FPS.
Pressing E and Q with broken abilities/ ultimate’s takes very little skill. Aiming takes way more brain function
Aiming takes little-no brain function lol it’s all muscle memory. Idk why so many people think aim is the end-all-be-all of skill expression in this game
Doing nothing but pointing and clicking somewhere on the screen takes the least amount of brain function of any playstyle. You can literally switch your brain off and react.
Many people want a more difficult game than that
You need to train your muscle memory, be consistent or you become washed. It’s the biggest form of skill in fps
There’s no difficulty in pressing broken abilities/ ultimate’s that aren’t balanced. Only Valorant, Apex has balanced abilities/ ultimate’s in a ability fps
Midway is right. Pointing and clicking on heads is not as much of a galaxy brained feat of mental fortitude as you seem to think lol
“OW devs are cool with movement techs!”
broke like 90% of doom’s movement techs that existed in the beta, perfectly fine, weren’t busted and still haven’t fixed them over a year later
An ability isn’t broken just because you have to think harder than ‘see someone on screen, click on them’ to counter it.
And those heroes you complain about need to aim and think through abilities, instead of turning their brains off and only aiming.
So glad the Devs FINALLY added Spilo to the content creator program. This man needs to be on the Balance team/Hero design team. He is genuinely one of the most intelligent people that I’ve ever listened to talk about OW and hero design.
You think immortalities, resurrect are balanced? Pretty much ultimate’s on cooldown. Or AOE ultimate’s giving overshield/ making you pretty much unkillable.
I don’t think immortality should be in the game outside of ults, but if you struggle with tracking when abilities like res are on/off cooldown, or struggle with camping a res, you might want to go back to an easier game.
Valorant has rez as Sage’s ultimate, Mercy has it on cooldown.
Supports are babied.
But when they’re on your team you’re probably thankful that you get saved by immortality abilities or when you get rezzed
They’re broken, I know Mercy’s pocket is broken and abuse it quite a bit